Chapter 316 Jinwa Jinluan Palace

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  Chapter 316 Jinwa Jinluan Dian

  Fangfang smiled and said: "It's okay to say it. The game is meant for everyone to play together."

  Li Qingxian was thoughtful, and then said to Meng Huaichuan: "We are candidates competing in the same field, but We are all the people of Daqi and the human race. We want to compete, and we should also preserve our strength for the human race. I agree with Brother Meng’s suggestion, but... what should we do? I don’t have the shell fog board from the Ministry of Industry here. , can't be shown to everyone."

  "It doesn't matter, I have a lot of shell mats in my hand, and I'll give them to you. You can explain them." Meng Huaichuan touched his wrench, and a palm-sized yellow-striped white-backed shell appeared in his hand, and he threw it To Li Qingxian.

  Everyone showed envy. The shell fog board combines various techniques and technologies from the Ministry of Industry and Taoism. The production is very small and rarely circulated in the market. You can't buy it even if you want to buy it. It is generally only used in the imperial court.

  "This...that would be disrespectful." Li Qingxian knew that Meng Huaichuan was trying to win people's hearts, but he just lacked this thing.

  As Meng Huaichuan spoke, he took out another necklace from his wrench, with a threaded red horn hanging at the end of the necklace.

  Meng Huaichuan touched the horn and coughed slightly, and the loud sound spread throughout the audience.

  Everyone is looking here.

  Meng Huaichuan bowed to all parties and said loudly: "All candidates, please wait for Meng Huaichuan in Xianan Township. If this Qingyun test is an ordinary Qingyun test, I will never disturb you. But this Qingyun test is different and has become an unprecedented strange Qingyun test." . In addition to competitors, there should be another relationship between us, that is, human monks who support and help each other. After discussing with Ye Han, I decided that in order to allow more human monks to pass the exam safely, we should share The games we encountered gave everyone a clear understanding of the game. In addition, whoever discovered some game rules can also publish them. Next, we asked Brother Ye Han to use the shell fog board to share The game they have experienced. If other people and other teams are willing to share, they can also ask Brother Ye Han to write it on the shell fog board." Some people saw

  this scene and thought that Meng Huaichuan was indeed a son of a real wealthy family, and he paid for it. Just don’t take risks and don’t contribute.

  If he does it well, Meng Huaichuan will impress others, but if he does it badly, it will be hard for others to say anything about him.

  Li Qingxian held the shell fog board in his hand and input mana.

  The shell opened and white smoke erupted, forming a huge wall of white mist three feet high.

  Li Qingxian held the shell fog board in his hand, and with a thought, lines of text appeared on the left side of the fog board.

  "A summary of the rules of the trick game: 1. Protect our children, they can guide us and help us. People who have lost their children will not be able to hear some of the children's songs in the game. 2. In the initial game of finding friends, if If it can be completed, there will be one more painting on the exam paper when Chen Zheng is up. 3. After completing a certain game, there will be one more stroke on the exam paper, and the most important person may have one extra painting. 4..." Li

  Qingxian After listing some of the rules that I know, I listed the nose-to-nose game process on the right side of the fog board.

  After finishing writing, Li Qingxian asked the Taixue team: "Dear Taixue brothers, are you willing to publish your game process on the fog board?" "For the sake of the human race, it is my duty to trouble Brother Ye

  Han!" Taixue The leader of the team reluctantly agreed.

  Li Qingxian continued to write the second game.

  The sharing spirit of Li Qingxian, Meng Huaichuan and others infected many teams. Many people came to share the game experience and wrote it on the fog board through Li Qingxian.

  Looking at the candidates who were in high spirits, Meng Huaichuan nodded slightly, patted the shoulder of the lucky student beside him, and said: "Brother Luck, it's rare for you to know the general situation. Without your reminder, it would be difficult for me to make a decision." The lucky student lowered his head

  . , secretly cursing these two people for not playing cards according to common sense. According to his own estimation, Meng Huaichuan would either do it himself in order to win over the candidates, or use Ye Han. The two people must have a grudge, but why are they willing to cooperate?
  Soon, the shell fog board was filled with the processes and rules of various games. Everyone wrote them down carefully and discussed them continuously.

  More and more people are discovering some common patterns.

  Li Qingxian and others also gained a lot from it, and learned the full story of the game of the living dead and the living dead. The movable wooden sign can directly revive people declared "dead" by the game, provided that the body is intact .

  Everyone benefited and thanked Meng Huaichuan and Li Qingxian one after another.

  During this period, many teams sent people to invite Li Qingxian, but Li Qingxian declined them all.

  Suddenly, someone started making a noise not far away.

  "We martial cultivators, Taoist cultivators, literary cultivators, puppet cultivators, etc. all share it, and even some evil cultivators share it. Why don't any of you demon cultivators speak up? Aren't you afraid that if you hold the fart in your stomach for a long time, it will explode into a pile of excrement? "

  These demon cultivators are really interesting. They are watching from the sidelines without saying a word." "

  I see, if something goes wrong this time in the Qingyun Trial, it will be the demon cultivators' fault!"

  All forces mocked the demon cultivators.

  The demon cultivators were extremely angry, but they found that there were many people on the other side, some bowed their heads and remained silent, and some left silently.

  The monks from all sides looked at the demon cultivator coldly. "Brother Ye, thank you. Let's go in first this time!" Meng Huaichuan said goodbye to Li Qingxian and others.

  Shen Xiaoyi looked at Li Qingxian, and the two looked at each other and nodded gently as a farewell.

  The team members looked at Li Qingxian.

  Li Qingxian nodded and said, "Let's go in too."

  The other candidates also entered the city gate one after another.

  After a while, all the candidates disappeared into the square.

  After entering the city gate and passing through the fog, everyone looked around in shock and found that they were in a courtyard.

  A henhouse without chickens and ducks, a well without water, and an empty house without people.

  The sky in the inner city is also filled with light mist, and the sky and earth are gray, weighing on people's hearts.

  The outline of a giant child is faintly visible in the distance.

  Suddenly, all the children clapped their hands and started singing.

  "The Jinluan Palace with golden tiles cannot be seen by the emperor. Loyal ministers died in hundreds of battles, and traitorous ministers were promoted. Let's be loyal ministers together. Expose traitors and serve the country! Expose traitors and serve! Country! Family!" In the yard, Li Qingxian and everyone looked at each other, confused

  . I don't know what kind of game this is.

  The next moment, everyone's expressions changed. They saw a word popping up on the foreheads of the others.


  "Me too?" More than half of the people asked the others.

  Everyone nodded slightly.

  Everyone looked livid.

  "What happened? Why are there words on your heads? What happened?" Guan Zhou looked confused and reached out to touch his forehead.

  Everyone repeated the new children's song.

  "How could this happen? How did I become a traitor? If found out, will I be killed?" Guan Zhou said in a panic.

  "Let's wait first. Maybe we will talk about the rules next." Li Qingxian said.

  Everyone waited quietly, but there was no sound.

  Li Qingxian lowered his head and asked Fangfang: "Sister, have you ever played the game of catching traitorous ministers?" "

  Yes. It is to choose an emperor. The emperor chooses some people to be traitorous ministers, and then selects others to be loyal ministers, and then lets the loyal ministers catch them. Traitor. If caught, the traitor loses. If not caught, the traitor becomes loyal, loyal minister becomes traitor, and new loyal ministers catch new traitors." "

  Then the emperor has any rules for choosing traitors and loyal ministers?"

  Fangfang Shake his head.

  Wang Buku sighed and said: "I guess it was just a random choice, and we are unlucky."

  Guan Zhou suddenly said: "I understand, is it to punish us..." He quickly changed his words mid-sentence.

  "I guessed wrong, just say it casually." Guan Zhou quickly shut up.

  Song Baige glared at Guan Zhou fiercely.

  (End of chapter)

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