Chapter 305: Driving the demon into the frying pan

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  Chapter 305: Driving the demon out of the frying pan

  "Oh, my nose is gone, hahahaha..." Fangfang laughed heartlessly, touching her empty nose alternately with her two little hands.

  Only the white face remains.

  The other twenty-two children gathered around, smiling and singing children's songs.

  "You can't eat well without a nose, you can't smell without a nose..." "

  Unless you put on a nose, the charcoal face will not disappear. As long as the charcoal face is there, everyone has to play games." A noseless person The child looked at Li Qingxian and the other twenty-four candidates with a smile.

  The twenty-four people looked at each other, some with expressions unchanged, some with beating hearts, and some with fear on their faces.

  "What if..." Guan Zhou was interrupted by Song Baige mid-sentence.

  "This is our own choice. There is no such thing as a contingency. Now that we are here, we have to play. Who has experience?" "Let

  me tell you..." Wang Buku sighed, "You know my identity. , I have been raised outside the palace. From Xiaoye to adulthood, I have played almost all the games here. The game of sticking to the nose seems simple, but it is actually very difficult. In my memory, so many children have played it hundreds of times. , only one or two hits can be posted. One is that the blindfolded eyes cannot see, the other is the laughter of the crowd, the third is the inability to control the body, and the most important thing is that it is difficult for us to stay calm during this process. This is The reason why most people can't stick it."

  "But we are monks." "

  But this is a tricky place," Wang Buku said, "Will a game that can make you lose your nose as easy as an ordinary game?" "Yes

  . Ah, if sandbags from the rope come flying along the way, or the game suddenly changes, even the middle-grade monks, not to mention us, may be left with noses."

  Everyone sighed again and again.

  Wang Buku continued: "However, that child said that as long as the nose is pressed, the game will be over. This is the key. Therefore, choosing the person is the key." Everyone looked at

  Li Qingxian, but did not speak.

  Guan Zhou hesitated for a moment and said: "Ye Han, I have no intention of targeting you, but this time, we really can only rely on you. Please think about whether there is a way to solve the problem with fate. For everyone's sake, I'm sorry to trouble you." Everyone looked

  at Looking at Guan Zhou, he was really scared after knowing that he had lost his child.

  Li Qingxian thought for a while and said: "My life skills cannot directly interfere with the game, but if there are changes, we will definitely be allowed to mobilize other forces. The problem now is that we don't know what changes will happen next. Let's imagine , what is the difference between me playing first and playing behind?"

  Song Baige said quickly: "I understand. If Ye Han is the first to play, the possibility of failure will be greatly increased because he is not familiar with the rules of the game. But if the second Or play later, because you have seen the twists and turns, you can prepare in advance, and the possibility of success is greatly increased. If Ye Han is the first one, he fails, and we may lose the only chance to stick to the nose. But if he is the second one or From now on, we have a greater chance of connecting noses."

  Everyone quickly understood Song Baige's intention and bowed their heads in silence.

  Song Baige and Guan Zhou had known each other for a long time, and knew that although this person was not a villain, he was also of a mediocre nature, and said: "Guan Zhou, since you want Ye Han's help, why don't you be the first one, for the sake of everyone, I'm sorry to trouble you."

  Everyone's eyes focused on Guan Zhou's nose.

  Guan Zhou blushed and said, "I'll think about it again."

  At this time, a child without a nose said with a smile, "As long as you play the game, even if you don't have a nose, when you put it on, you will get a small prize!"

  "Do I have one too?" Fangfang asked loudly.

  "Of course."

  The noseless child said with a smile: "You can choose either nose or prize."

  Fangfang wrinkled her face and said, "I'd better choose the nose."

  Li Qingxian looked at the crowd, and more than half of the people looked at him. Shiny.

  "Kids, what are the prizes?" Guan Zhou asked with a smile.

  The noseless child smiled and said: "There are many, many, many, many, many. Put them in the grid and cover them with brown paper. Whichever grid you choose, you will get what you want. Some are good and some are ordinary. It all depends on your luck." Everyone's heart dropped

  . Half done.

  Song Baige smiled and said, "The fortune-teller must be good at choosing this one." Everyone looked at Li Qingxian expectantly.

  Li Qingxian nodded and said: "As long as there is no external force to obstruct it, it's not difficult."

  Guan Zhou's eyes lit up and he asked the noseless child again: "Can you still live without a nose?" "

  Of course you can. Without a nose, just use your mouth. Breathe, look at us, aren't we all fine?" The noseless child pointed to his mouth and breathed hard.

  Fangfang curled her lips and said: "I don't want a prize, I just want my nose back."

  Guan Zhou pondered for a moment and said: "You have also seen the punishment of this game, it is just losing your nose. Even in Guicheng, I can only Breathe through your mouth, but there must be a way to recover after you go out. In other words, as long as we can pass the Qingyun test, all the strange things will disappear. Unlike you, I have children and I have no protection. I have to get something I don’t know. What kind of prizes are there? This time, I will be the first to participate and explore the way for you!"

  After he finished speaking, he looked at Li Qingxian.

  Li Qingxian nodded and said: "As long as you complete this game, I will try my best to help you choose. However, this is a strange place after all. If I want to choose a prize suitable for you, I will probably pay a huge price, including luck. So, If the prize is useful to the whole team, we hope you can use it when we need you."

  "Okay!" Guan Zhou said.

  "Let's start." Wang Buku said.

  Guan Zhou took a deep breath, walked to the horizontal line, looked at the black face three feet away and said, "Come on."

  As soon as he finished speaking, two children's nursery rhymes suddenly came from the street outside.

  "Smoke the demon, drive the demon away, drive the demon into the frying pan."

  Everyone followed the call, but Guanzhou remained motionless.

  I saw two six or seven-year-old children in white clothes, one holding a top and the other holding a whip, jumping in.

  Everyone stared at the top, thinking about it, showing strange expressions.

  "No way..." Song Baige said.

  "They can do it..." Li Qingxian thought to himself that these tricksters are too young to be able to do this.

  When Guan Zhou heard the conversation and looked back, he glanced at the top and whip, and his cheeks jumped three times.

  "You won't treat me like a top, will you?"

  "Yes." Several people said in unison.

  "Here is the nose!" A noseless child handed Guan Zhou a pinched red nose.

  "Cover your eyes." The noseless child walked up to Guanzhou. He was no taller than his waist, but when he stretched out his hands, his arms lengthened like dough, and covered Guanzhou with a white cloth.

  Li Qingxian and Wang Buku looked at each other.

  Is this long-armed, weird racial talent?

  "If something happens to me, please visit my mother. Thank you!" Guan Zhou shouted, and the people of Zhou watched as the clothes on his back gradually became wet with sweat.

  As soon as Guan Zhou finished speaking, the kid with the whip whipped him.

  The whip did not hit Guan Zhou, but Guan Zhou's whole body was like a top, spinning rapidly into an afterimage, his mouth screamed in a changed tone, and the wind whistled around him.

  Everyone looked panicked, fearing that Guan Zhou would suddenly crawl into the ground.

  It took ten breaths before he stopped, and Guan Zhou's screams turned into muffled grunts.

  (End of chapter)

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