Chapter 295 Everyone becomes one

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  Chapter 295 Everyone Becomes One

  Li Qingxian was looking at the two huge children at the city gate when he heard someone calling his name.

  "Ye Han!" Song Baige, who was not far away, stretched out his hand to say hello to Li Qingxian and walked over quickly.

  "Why did you come in?" Wang Buyu looked at Li Qingxian sympathetically.

  Behind them, the eyes of Luo Jing, Jin Yuan, Lu Gaoming, Qiu Ye and others showed sympathy mixed with a little expectation.

  Li Qingxian went up to meet him and said helplessly: "Uncle Zhou signed up for me. He originally had good intentions and let me choose whether to participate in the Seventh Rank. Who knew that these gangsters would bring me in." "Don't mess around

  . Speak!" Song Baige said seriously.

  Li Qingxian shrugged and said: "I've been tricked before. Speaking of tricking at this time doesn't affect anything anymore. It doesn't matter. The key now is, is this a trick place or a map of everything? If it's just a trick place, what else? It's better, but if the two are superimposed on the Wanxiang Diagram, the Wanxiang Qingyun Trial, then the trouble will be big." "

  This is the Wanxiang Diagram," Wang Buku pointed to the city wall and said, "The surface of those city walls is made of steel. , stained with rust. We do not have such walls in Qi or other places. Instead, they are symbols of the Vientiane Map and the Realm of Death." "That's

  it. In other words, this time the Qingyun Trial is combined with the Trickery, we are cheating. Try, double happiness?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Everyone nodded helplessly.

  "You are a life magician. This time, we have to rely on you." Jin Yuan said with a smile.

  The others also managed to smile.

  "Yes, Ye Han, this time, we really can only rely on you. Look at us, we have all identities and can do anything, but we barely know anything about trickery and fortune-telling." Song Baige looked sincere.

  Li Qingxian nodded and said: "I am not interested in being your leader, but it is about our lives, so I will do my part. Those who are willing to cooperate with me, stay here, but they must obey my orders. Remember, it is an order. You can question, you can discuss, you can discuss, but if you disobey, you will be expelled from the team, and at worst, it will be solved. Anyone who disagrees can leave."

  Standing here, in addition to Song Baige, Wang Buku, Luo Jing, Qiu Ye, Jin Yuan and Lu Gaoming, who are familiar to Li Qingxian, there are also seventeen of their friends, a total of twenty-four people.

  Everyone shook their heads.

  Qiu Ye said: "We all know that you are a life magician, and we are also very aware of your strength. We can't kill an eighth-level demon cultivator with one move. Some people here may dissatisfy me, but no one disapproves of you. Eighth-level demon cultivator Aoshou is already better than the ordinary seventh-grade ones. Ask us, who can get the third-level super-a in the eighth-grade Qingyun test now?"

  Everyone shook their heads helplessly again.

  "Okay, everyone, come closer." After Li Qingxian finished speaking, he threw his right hand and an isolation note separated the inside and outside. From a distance, it formed a light mist, preventing others from reading lips.

  Everyone gathered around, and everyone had to hold an oil bottle in their left hand.

  The trolls were smiling, chatting and discussing what games were fun, as if they didn't care about the crowd at all.

  Li Qingxian said: "There are many types of tricks. Most of the tricks I have encountered before are small tricks that need to be strictly followed. But the core of this trick is probably just playing games. Of course, these games must Changes will occur, and it is very dangerous. To be more specific, it is to abide by the rules of the game and survive. Do you understand?"

  Everyone nodded lightly.

  "However, while we are surviving, we must also pay attention to what is being tested in the Qingyun Exam here? After all, we are also here to participate in the Wanxiang Qingyun Exam, right?" Everyone nodded lightly


  Li Qingxian sneered and said: "That's right! You guys really climbed up just by touching the pole. If it were an ordinary Wanxiang Qingyun test, we would each rely on our abilities and survive without any problem. But this is a strange place. In a strange place, The earth has one and only one goal, to live! Don't do any behavior that affects your survival, such as considering the Qingyun test, such as searching for treasures, such as being better than others, unless it can help us get out of here alive." Everyone smiled

  awkwardly , but I also think it makes sense.

  Wang Buku nodded and said: "Ye Han is right. From now on, we must completely forget about the Qingyun Trial and treat this place as a pure treacherous place, just trying to survive." Li Qingxian said: "At this time, we must

  say It is impossible for us to be completely selfless, but since we want to be a team, we must at least not harm or plot against others. Therefore, I want to make a big contract that includes all twenty-four people. If you don’t want to , you can leave now."

  No one left. "Okay, I will make a contract now."

  Li Qingxian flicked his right hand, and a table, the Four Treasures of the Study, and talismans and other miscellaneous items immediately appeared in front of him.

  "Good guy..." Song Baige murmured in a low voice, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Li Qingxian was definitely safer than being alone or with other people.

  Li Qingxian picked up the pen, thought for a few seconds, handed it to Song Baige, and said, "I said, you write." Song

  Baige couldn't help but smile, then coughed slightly to hide his smile, and took the pen.

  The contract was completed, Li Qingxian cast a spell, and then everyone input their inner energy into the talisman paper to press their fingerprints and seals. Finally, the contract was burned and the contract was established.

  Li Qingxian lowered his head and asked the little girl: "Fangfang, can you go to the city later?"

  Fangfang looked up at her baby-fat round face and said with a smile: "It's okay to go to the city before Chenzheng. Going to the city early has the advantage of going to the city early. , entering the city late also has the advantage of entering the city late." "

  Thank you Fangfang." Li Qingxian smiled and pinched Fangfang's face. It was eight o'clock in the morning.

  "You're welcome, Brother Ye Han." Fangfang's face turned slightly red.

  The others were thoughtful.

  Li Qingxian looked at the crowd and said, "The first thing is to treat the people around you as friends. Which of you has finished the game of finding friends?" Everyone shook their heads in unison


  Song Baige defended: "It was the first time I was tricked. I panicked. My mind and body were stiff, let alone playing games."

  Li Qingxian sneered again: "When they were chatting about games just now, did any of you listen carefully?"

  Everyone looked embarrassed, but Wang

  Buku said, "I listened to most of it." "Let's talk to them first to make up for it." Li Qingxian said.

  Everyone hurriedly chatted with the children around them.

  While Li Qingxian was chatting with Fangfang, he was listening to the chats of other people, all of which were recorded in the spiritual platform.

  These children said nothing except that their names were related to the game and just played the game.

  Even so, everyone can hear some important information about the game.

  Fangfang is slightly different from other children. She is more attached to Li Qingxian and really regards Li Qingxian as her brother. The others are very surprised.

  Li Qingxian added: "One person's abilities are limited. Even if you don't understand Weird Land, you must have heard some legends. Therefore, I suggest you remember all your thoughts, all the relevant things, and speak them out. Then, I will summarize and make a basic judgment here."

  Everyone was talking about various things and ideas.

  Li Qingxian recorded everything in French on the mourning platform.

  Finally, Li Qingxian concluded.

  "Everything is possible in the land. I can only say that based on my own experience, the fortune teller's knowledge and your opinions, I have concluded some things that are more likely, but it does not mean that it is absolutely correct. Even if it is correct at the beginning, it does not mean that It won’t change in the future..."

  (End of this chapter)

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