Chapter 252 Five soils lead astray

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  Chapter 252: Five Soils Divert the Road

  Li Qingxian thought for a while and said: "My cultivation has been consolidated, so it's time to take action. Let's go to Chunfeng Residence."

  After entering Chunfeng Residence, Li Qingxian discussed the matter with Zhou Chunfeng and quickly decided, What we did before, we do now.

  Tooth for tooth.

  Li Qingxian found He Lei's personal accomplice, Fatty Yang, and entered the independent courtyard where He Lei worked.

  It's a very ordinary study room. There are many documents in the big room. There are two small rooms, one for living and one for storing case files.

  Li Qingxian entered the living room, found He Lei's old shoes, hair, coats and other items, and then set up array devices in the room.

  Bagua Mirror, Blood Pattern Flag, Yin-Yang Sword, Seven-Star Ruler...

  these ordinary magic weapons themselves are no different from ordinary items and cannot be used alone. They can only be connected as a whole and play a role when forming a formation to cast spells.

  After setting up the array, Li Qingxian frowned slightly and remembered something.

  The Demon Sect also hired a life magician.

  "The other party knows that the patrol department has a life magician. If I were the opponent's life magician, I would definitely not be unprepared."

  Li Qingxian thought for a while, took out the real magic weapon, used it as an array weapon, and set up the second magic circle.

  After the installation was completed, the magic weapon emitted divine light and sprayed out dense tadpole characters, which connected into lines and climbed around the room, finally filling the room like a black spider web.

  Li Qingxian took out eight spiritual talismans, drew eight talismans, and arranged them in eight directions.

  Then eight items that He Lei had come into contact with were placed in each direction.

  Finally, place the round bronze mirror in the room in the center of the eight-square talisman.

  After casting the spell step by step, Li Qingxian stretched out his hand and pointed at the mirror. The black spider webs in the whole room quickly retracted like living creatures, surrounding the mirror, forming twelve black circles, slowly rotating.

  "Jing Tian Zhao Ming, Ji!"

  With a command, a faint white mist appeared in the mirror, and then slowly faded away.

  Just as the white mist was about to dissipate, there was a click, and the middle of the bronze mirror cracked from top to bottom, neatly, smooth and straight.

  Li Qingxian's expression changed slightly and he quickly retreated. A measuring ruler and a destiny scale appeared above his head.

  Then, the mirror split horizontally, perpendicular to the vertical split, and intersected to form a giant cross.

  From the cross cracks, faint black smoke emerged.

  The black smoke condensed into an old man about a foot tall, with pale skin all over his body, and clearly visible blood vessels and veins on his skin.

  Other parts of the body were exposed, only a black cloth was wrapped around the waist, the body was bent, the head was lowered to the knees, the whole body seemed to be twisted into the armrest of a cane, and the arms were almost hanging to the ground.

  His back was bulging high, like an ordinary person carrying a huge round bun.


  the old man's back cracked, and black blood splattered, revealing an eye with blood-bottomed black pupils, which kept turning and bleeding out black blood.

  The old man's bare, rotting feet, with rotten flesh and white bones, stepped on the mirror, making a squeaking sound as he walked towards Li Qingxian, leaving two lines of dirty blood behind him.

  "I found you..."

  The man behind the back made a purring sound from his abdomen and walked straight towards Li Qingxian.

  Li Qingxian turned his head slightly, not looking into the eyes of the person with the back eyes, and then made a hand seal, and saw that the twelve circles of black tadpole lines that originally surrounded the bronze mirror suddenly shrank, like twelve black rings, surrounding the person with the back eyes. .

  "I found you..."

  The man with the back eyes was ventriloquising while continuing to move forward. The speed was much slower than before, but he kept moving forward and was not completely restrained.

  Li Qingxian didn't expect that his first fate comparison would happen under such sudden circumstances.

  As soon as the opponent comes up, he will use this evil fate technique.

  Li Qingxian was calm and recited the Mingming Sect mantra.

  "Measuring the sky and the earth, where is the destiny..."

  After reciting the incantation, Li Qingxian stretched out his hand and saw a huge transparent shadow falling from the sky and the earth. The sky and the earth were lonely, thousands of miles in radius, and the man with his back eyes fell into the sky and the earth. The shadow dissipated, and the person with his eyes turned away stepped forward step by step, but he seemed to be standing still, unable to move forward.

  If you look carefully, you will find that the man with the back eyes is actually walking, but it seems that he is thousands of miles away and it takes a long time to walk.

  "I found you..."

  The man with the back eyes exploded in his left arm, and a puff of white smoke came out from his body. He actually started to move forward again, but his body began to shake.

  Li Qingxian stretched out his hand again.

  "The mountain is a weight, the sun is a star, how many pounds does one live in..."

  An invisible mountain fell, and the man stood motionless, and the skin on his body slowly cracked.

  The head of the man with the back eyes suddenly split open from the middle, blood splashed everywhere, and the white brain slowly squirmed.

  If you look carefully, you can see that there is no brain matter anywhere in the head, but fat white maggots stacked and churning.

  Li Qingxian turned his head away again, and out of the corner of his eye he could only see the feet of the person facing away.

  "I found you..."

  The man with the back sight walked forward again, panting.

  Li Qingxian judged in his heart that anyone who could use evil destiny magic must be a middle-grade destiny magician. However, the power of this "fate maggot" was ordinary, which showed that the destiny magician was definitely not a descendant of a major sect.

  I was well prepared, and the strongest Great Zanli Sword had not yet been released, so I could compare my fortunes and gain experience.

  Therefore, Li Qingxian tried to use several life spells, but they were all resolved by the opponent. However, the life maggots moved slower and slower, and more and more blood, water, and pus flowed from his body.

  When the time came, Li Qingxian was about to use the Great Zhanli Sword, but stopped his hand and turned to look out the window.

  "Don't you like to be cowardly? Then be cowardly!"

  After Li Qingxian finished speaking, he took out the life material soil.

  They are the soil on the street outside the Night Guard Yamen, the soil on the patrol department, the soil outside the Night Guard Hall, the soil on the internal roads of the Night Guard, and the soil outside the courtyard of the Chief Guard.

  While chanting the mantra, scatter soil.

  "One piece of soil leads to the road, one piece of soil makes the door, one piece of soil builds the road, one piece of soil opens the court, one piece of soil enters the house..."

  After the five pieces of soil lead the way, a door, a road, a courtyard and a house appear in front of the person with his back turned. , all are translucent.

  The man with his eyes turned back slowly walked toward the door, but he hesitated to take a step forward.

  Li Qingxian placed Zhou Chunfeng's waist card and his own waist card at the head of the house on both sides of the door, and chanted sincerely.

  "There is evil and filth outside the door, and they deceive me into joining the night guard. I have a low official position, so I ask for the authority of an official. One is to borrow the main hall, the other is to borrow the official road, and the third is to borrow the official seal of the Lord, and we will work together with you to destroy the evil and filth!" Two waist badges were issued

  . In the clear light, the person with his eyes turned away took a wrong step, stepped into the gate, followed the road, entered the yard, and involuntarily stepped into the house.

  A brilliant golden official seal flew out of the room, like a huge mountain, and hit the person with a bang, and a scream came from the abdomen of the person with the back eye.

  " are so vicious..."

  The back-eyed man exploded, and the ground was filled with blood and blood, exploding twelve tadpoles with black stripes, and was finally blocked by the array.

  The golden official seal circled in mid-air, and was about to go out of the Five Earth Gate Courtyard, but the two waist badges emitted a faint green light, and it shook and retracted into the room.


  Li Qingxian took out a spiritual talisman, shaped it into a cup, pointed his finger at the blood on the ground, and his magic power surged.

  "Collect it."

  The blood on the ground flowed upstream and fell into the cup, turning into thick ink, reflecting Li Qingxian's figure.

  Li Qingxian tilted his head, not looking at the blood.

  "Evil destiny magic cannot be considered taboo, but it is also considered a street rat in the destiny magic world. The magic sect can only cooperate with this kind of destiny magician. I was just looking for He Lei, but the other party sent out life maggots. Obviously, the other party is very likely to be here this time. It came for me. Once I was... No, although life maggots are vicious, life magicians have many ways to resolve them, and they are rarely used against life magicians. This life maggot probably used me as a springboard to attach itself to Someone else’s destiny. Otherwise, the Five Soil Guiding Technique would not be so smooth."

  (End of chapter)

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