Chapter 250 The finite and infinite fall into the human race

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  Chapter 250 The Finite and Infinite Trap the Human Race

  "Those who cause avalanches and cause great disasters will definitely avoid responsibility and frame others. This is their instinct. There is an extremely sinister intention hidden in this sentence, which is difficult for ordinary people to detect. Because everyone is kind."

  "Oh? I didn't see it either." Zhou Chunfeng asked curiously.

  "Another meaning of this sentence is that when there is an avalanche, no matter who you are, you are just an ordinary snowflake. It doesn't matter that we ordinary people are just a snowflake, but those who usually occupy power and embezzle wealth are actually like this at this time. Become an ordinary snowflake? This sentence is vicious in that it deliberately washes away the sins of those people, makes everyone ignore the cause of the avalanche, makes everyone give up on holding the culprit accountable, and makes everyone not care about the avalanche, instead blaming the innocent and forcing the innocent. Take the blame." Li Qingxian sneered.

  " are not rude in your words. Then what did your grandpa say?" Zhou Chunfeng said with a smile.

  Li Qingxian frowned and thought for a while, then said: "What my grandfather said is very mysterious. My father admires it very much, but he doesn't particularly agree. My grandfather said that the so-called 'encountering an invincible enemy' is just a superficial phenomenon. The underlying reason is that mastering this People with national power believe too much in 'limited existence', and then they stagnate. The difficulties they encounter will inevitably exceed the limitations they believe in and cannot be solved, so the country collapses. If you pursue the infinite, the country will keep moving forward. , will not collapse. The reason why I remember this is because I couldn’t understand it and felt that grandpa was talking nonsense. But as I kept thinking about it over the years, I became more and more aware that grandpa had insight." "Tell me how you understand it

  . Zhou Chunfeng said.

  Li Qingxian thought for a while and said: "For example, if a general believes in his own power, it is limited. If a scholar believes that the scriptures of the saints can govern the country, it is limited. If the emperor believes in his own power, it is limited. The people believe in the wise king, and the wise king also People, people are also limited. My grandfather said that limitation itself is nothing. For example, in ancient times, the world would not change much for hundreds of years. If you live well and believe in farming for food, you will be fine. But the problem is that the world is always changing. , the human race will always encounter existences that 'transcend the finite'."

  "Give me an example." Zhou Chunfeng said.

  "For example, Qi State thought that its power was very powerful, but the demon clan surpassed Qi State's power, causing Qi State to be defeated. For example, the emperor of the old dynasty was actually limited, but he thought he could control the world. As a result, the world Uprising, foreign tribes invade. For example, force is limited, super powers are also limited, and even the gods that humans believe in are also limited." Li Qingxian said.

  "Those evil sects praise the gods as being omnipotent." Zhou Chunfeng said.

  "Whether the gods are finite or infinite, we cannot demonstrate. The key is, are the power and benefits I get from the gods limited or infinite? Is the help the gods give us limited or infinite? Is the power attributed to ourselves limited? Or infinite? Obviously, it is limited. Therefore, all those who believe in gods believe in limitation. It is because they believe too much in their own limitations and do not believe in themselves that they place their hope on gods." Li Qingxian thought about it

  . Thinking, he continued: "It can even be said that most of us believe in limitations. Let me give you the simplest example. Almost all old people miss the past, belittle the present, and resist new things. Even many young people, They are always opposed to new things. This is typical of believing in the 'limited past' and not believing in the 'relatively infinite future.'" "That's a

  good statement." Zhou Chunfeng pondered for a long time and then asked, "Then what is the real thing? What about infinity?"

  Li Qingxian thought for a moment and said, "My grandpa didn't explain it in detail, and I didn't understand it at the time. But because I've been thinking about it since I was a child, and after thinking about it for more than ten years, I dare not say that I have figured out 'infinity'. All I can say is that it is close to infinity."

  "Tell me about it." Zhou Chunfeng looked at Li Qingxian with a smile.

  "One is the great road, and the greater road behind the great road. The constant pursuit of the greater road is actually the pursuit of infinity. The great road here refers to the fundamental law of all things. The other is the future, and this future is not a future of nothingness. , but, in the future of the human race, as long as the human race continues to reproduce, grow, and pursue the great road, and as long as it is not extinct, human beings will have an infinity." "This is a good statement." Zhou Chunfeng fell into deep thought again


  After a full quarter of an hour, Zhou Chunfeng asked: "Why does Gang Feng disagree?" Li Qingxian hesitated for a moment and said: "Father said that if everyone pursues infinity and is not down-to-earth, the country will perish. There is an island country to the west. It's just that the most outstanding people pursue some kind of utopian city-state, and are eventually destroyed by the horse demon further west." "

  That's true. How did your grandpa refute it?" "

  My grandpa said he was tired and fell asleep."

  Zhou Chunfeng laughed dumbly . , asked: "You have been thinking about it for more than ten years, have you come up with any results?"

  Li Qingxian said: "I want to explode my head about this matter, but I can't figure out who is right and who is wrong. Finally, I suddenly thought, is Not that both of them are right, but neither of them is completely right? Do you think there is a possibility that the reason for the decline of the human race and the country is neither the pursuit of finitude nor the pursuit of infinity, but the failure to balance finitude and infinity? Infinity? Is it possible that humans can pursue both finiteness and infinity, and balance the two and become invincible? Look, in this world, in addition to white and black, there are also There are countless colors, but why do we humans always feel that what we believe is right and what others believe is wrong? Could it be that, in fact, everyone is right, but not all of them are right? It’s like, everyone has the grasp A piece of the puzzle, but no one can master the whole puzzle?"

  Zhou Chunfeng pondered silently.

  Li Qingxian said: "Tell me, should we allow different people to do different things? For example, if you like limitations, just have your wife and children on the kang, or farm and work to earn money to support yourself. If you like unlimited, just fantasize and think, Go out and take risks, find a more powerful road, and change the world and the future. It also allows one person to do two things at the same time. These things do not conflict in themselves, but we humans forcefully believe that they are in conflict and there is right and wrong. , which has led to countless internal strife, pain, contradictions, tragedies and disasters in the world."

  Zhou Chunfeng looked at Li Qingxian quietly, as if looking at a stranger.

  Zhou Hen was silent.

  Zhou Chunfeng asked: "Did you really come up with it yourself?"

  Li Qingxian shook his head and said: "Half of it was written down by my father, grandfather, books and fortune tellers, and the other half was slowly understood after I experienced a life and death crisis. The last ones, Not the result, just my guess.”

  "Do you want to pursue the finite or the infinite?"

  "Of course adults want it. But... it would be great if you, Zhao Yishan, and people with great wisdom can pursue infinity. As for me, I want to find a safe place. , my wife and children are content on the hot bed."

  "Where is peace in this world?"

  Li Qingxian was stunned for a moment.

  "Yeah, where is the peace?" Li Qingxian looked out the window in confusion, his eyes reflecting the early autumn.

  (End of chapter)

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