Chapter 240 The warden meets the evil devil

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  Chapter 240 The warden saw the evil demon son

  : "This..." Fu Mingcheng and the people in the team looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

  Song Baige gritted his teeth and said: "Whatever, since we have started the attack, there is no turning back. Whether you like the punishment department's explanation or not, I just see that the punishment department of the Demon Sect is unhappy, so I took the opportunity to vent my anger!" Everyone waited quietly, but the punishment department was late

  . No one showed up.

  Li Qingxian took out the communication charm plate.

  "Uncle Zhou, something is not right. I originally thought that the Ministry of Punishment was following my uncle as a simple revenge against me. Now it seems that it was not against me, but maybe against important people or important events related to me." "That's true.

  But The delay in making a decision by the Punishment Department also shows that unity within the Punishment Department cannot be reached. The more this is the case, the bigger the matter is. Even most people in the Punishment Department don't know why they sent spies to follow your uncle." "Maybe it's the head of the Demon Sect

  . The sect-level bosses take action, which leads to the fact that the various factions in the Ministry of Justice are unwilling to take responsibility, but they cannot offend the sect-level bosses, so they can only delay." "

  You can rest assured, this matter is not aimed at you."

  " Please stop comforting me. This matter is not about me in the short term, but what about the long term?"

  "Relax, as long as I am here, no one can touch you."

  Zhou Chunfeng's voice was firm.

  "Thank you, Uncle Zhou. So I'll quit?"

  "You can quit, but I want to go one step further."

  "What do you want to do?"

  Zhou Chunfeng didn't reply.

  Not long after, groups of members of the Patrol Division left the attack team.

  The others looked at the retreating patrolman Si Yewei in bewilderment.

  Everyone, come help the Patrol Department to help Li Qingxian. Your people from the Patrol Department will evacuate first?

  Everyone inquired about it, but to no avail, and morale quickly dropped to freezing point.

  Originally, everyone was still full of fighting spirit, and some even clamored to break the Sixth Hall and break the record of small attacks, but now, the belligerent people have shut up.

  Some people looked at Li Qingxian in a very subtle way.

  The attack team, which was relatively neat at first, slowly began to disperse, sitting on the ruins of the ruins, chatting together.

  Some people were drowsy.

  Time passed slowly, and various gossips spread from the attacking team.

  "The Inspector is so cool, he actually went to arrest people from the Criminal Department!"

  "Really or not?" "

  There are many officials from the Criminal Department living next to the Criminal Department Street. My friend just saw with his own eyes that the Patrol Division took away someone who shouted that he was an official from the Criminal Department. People."

  "The patrol officer is better than the night guard. You won't give an explanation, right? Then just arrest the person!" "

  This is called a real attack!"

  Everyone who was originally drowsy quickly woke up.

  After a while, Li Qingxian asked again.

  "Uncle Zhou, how many people have been arrested?"

  "Involved in the suspected chaos of the party, there are hundreds of low-grade people, 64 low-grade people, 24 medium-grade people, and a third-grade partial minister." "


  Li Qingxian did not expect that, Zhou Chunfeng is so cruel.

  Officials with the word "bia" are equivalent to enshrined or external protection personnel. They are not full-time officials in the court, but they enjoy the treatment of a minister after all. The official uniforms and accessories they wear are no different from those of a minister. To arrest a partial minister is almost equivalent to arresting a minister. The fourth in command of the Criminal Department.

  After a while, the news spread throughout the attack team, and everyone was excited.

  "Mei Tanhua is awesome! Arrest the Minister of Justice directly!" "Really or not?" "

  Just three streets away, the home of Mr. Fu, the elder of the Ministry of Justice's Hua Mo Mountain, was surrounded by the patrol department! Mr. Fu cursed a few times and didn't dare He resisted and went to the patrol department in a carriage."

  "Shilang Fu? I think his name is Fu Jianqi, right? I heard that he was the one who smashed the Mingshan branch and buried many people of the night guard alive. I didn't expect that he would be waiting for him here."

  "Hahaha, you are worthy of being the blood detective of the year, a hero who can kill monsters. I really can't get used to the evil gang of the Demon Sect!" "The

  patrol department is really better than the night guard! The emperor's sage!"

  "Relieve your qi! Compete in attack. Fa Sandian relieves his anger!"

  "You don't want to give me an explanation? Then I'll give you an explanation! Haha..."

  The night wind blew, the war was no longer going on, everyone was excited and not sleepy at all.

  After hearing the cause and effect, Song Baige sighed: "The people who guarded the river are still ruthless. Ordinary officials don't have such courage." "

  Where's Uncle Song?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Song Baige coughed lightly and said: "My father has been staying in Beichen City honestly and has not gone anywhere."

  Li Qingxian curled his lips. He said before that Song Yunjing secretly returned to the capital to join the attack team. If the prediction is true, Song Yunjing also Many times he secretly went to the front line of the river guard army to fight against the demon clan.

  The developing paper vibrated, and Li Qingxian looked down.

  The words of squadron leader Lu Yunyan appear above.

  "Li Qingxian, what do you think we should do next?"

  Li Qingxian thought for a while and slowly wrote a sentence with his fingers instead of his mind.

  "Lu Sizheng, do you want to include this sentence in the history books that record you: It was night, and the nine halls of the Ministry of Punishment were destroyed."

  Lu Yunyan did not reply for a long time.

  Li Qingxian waited quietly.

  At this time, I can no longer play a decisive role.

  At this moment, a young man walked out of the prison department, with an unsewed gold thread embroidered on his chest. He was a seventh-rank official.

  Under the faint moonlight, this man's eyes were green, his complexion was like jade, his skin was crystal clear and full, he had no hair or beard, no eyebrows or eyelashes, and there were many slender white bone needles on the top of his head, which were several inches long and covered the top of his head.

  This man's feet were bare, and the fingernails on his hands and feet seemed to have been pulled out, and thin fleshy membranes grew in the places where the fingernails were. Under the fleshy membrane, something squirmed slightly.

  His lips were sunken, like chrysanthemums, with dark wrinkles.

  Many people's expressions changed slightly.

  Li Qingxian's heart skipped a beat, and he asked in a low voice: "Toothless?"

  Several people nearby nodded lightly.

  "Xie Mozi?"

  Song Baige and Fu Mingcheng nodded lightly.

  "I've heard of it, but I don't know much about it," Li Qingxian said.

  Song Baige sighed and said: "Among the evil sects, some most sincere people will be selected to serve the evil god and spread the filth of the evil god. To become a most sincere person, you need to pass many tests. The lowest is the test of the unfaithful. After entering the ninth level, When participating in the hairless person ceremony, you are not allowed to use any power. In front of the statue, the hair on your body is pulled out one by one by the priest. During this process, you can only maintain a smile and piety. As long as you shout a little pain, you will be considered a failure and you will never become a sincere person. After passing, you will receive a gift from the evil god. Like this person, the bone needle on his head is a gift from the god." "

  Once you become a hairless person, you will have to endure new tests as long as you are promoted to a higher level. If you fail the test, you will die. The test of the eighth-grade sincerity is to slowly pull out the nails of the hands and feet one by one, and the test of the seventh-grade sincerity is to pull out the teeth one by one. No external force can be used, and no pain can be expressed." "As for the evil devil, it

  's The product of the peace between the evil sect and the demon sect. Both sides send outstanding disciples to each other to cultivate the power of both sides at the same time. Although most people will die because they are unable to cultivate the power of the evil sect at the same time, as long as they survive, every evil sect is extremely powerful. .This Xie Mozi should be the Xie Mozi who went to the evil sect from the Demon Sect, and he is the most sincere Xie Mozi. He should be the one who was rumored a while ago, who has the strength to compete for the top spot this year, and is titled 'Gu Erzi'."

  " Is this person famous?" Li Qingxian asked.

  "How can Xie Mozi, the only sincere person born in the past five years, not be famous?"

  (End of this chapter)

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