Chapter 218 The street is full of dead flowers and you look north

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  Chapter 218: The street is full of dead flowers, looking north.

  "Fei Jianjun should have said that you can leave, right?" Li Qingxian asked.

  "Yes. But we want to wait for you to come out. Now that you are safe, let's continue prospecting. See you later!"

  Shen Xiaoyi handed over to Li Qingxian and left with Xiao Hua.

  Qiu Ye cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Thank you, Brother Li, for your help. When I get back to my senses, I will be the host and treat Brother Li to a casual meal to express my gratitude." Li Qingxian was about to refuse, but remembered that this man knew Zhou Hen

  . , and being of the royal family, he smiled and said, "Okay."

  Shen Xiaoyi and Qiu Ye left first, and Li Qingxian looked at Shen Xiaoyi's back and thought for a long time.

  Not long after, Fei Yan's sharp voice sounded not far away: "Master Xiao Li, are you out? I'm so lucky! I'm so happy to see you!" Fei Yan walked over quickly


  Li Qingxian turned around and saw that his hair was unkempt, his body was covered with dust, and his legs were covered with mud.

  Li Qingxian said: "Master Fei went to dig the soil himself. When Governor Lu sees you, he will definitely praise you for your diligence."

  Fei Yan smiled awkwardly and said: "You are fooling people. People don't say this. I knew you were fine. Originally I don't want to trouble you, but we are all factory guards. If you can save one more, you have to use your life skills." "

  It is obligatory!" Li Qingxian said.

  Li Qingxian followed Fei Yan to climb the mountain, using life skills to find the best path. Taoist cultivators and puppet cultivators were responsible for clearing away the rocks.

  After three days of busy work, we dug out one person after another.

  None of the mid-level experts died, and at most they were injured.

  Some low-level masters died, while most of the people who were not high-level died.

  For three days, the imperial court did not send any high-grade Taoist cultivators or high-grade puppet cultivators, causing the rescue to be very slow.

  After digging out the living factory guards, all Taoist and puppet cultivators who participated in the digging were evacuated. Next, they will be handed over to civilians to dig slowly like mining.

  Li Qingxian was on the mountain and gradually learned about the situation in Shendu City through Zhou Hen.

  Emperor Taining was furious because of the Tianlao escape, and officials from all major forces took the opportunity to besiege the Punishment Department.

  In the end, all the ministers on the left and right were replaced, and most of the officials in the Department of Punishment and Prison Department were dismissed.

  The prison department in charge of the Tianlao has a new supervisor appointed by the inner factory.

  The Night Guard suffered heavy casualties, but no one cared about it. It seemed that in the eyes of the court and ministers, attacking the Ministry of Punishment and the emperor's birthday were more important.

  Li Qingxian did not evacuate, but relied on fortune-telling to first determine the locations of the bodies of all our dead, then deduced a safe excavation route, and finally drew a detailed map to determine the excavation route.

  The inner factory successively issued orders asking Li Qingxian to bring people back to Shendu to ensure the safety of Shendu during Shengshou.

  Li Qingxian delayed for three days.

  In the past three days, the miners were digging according to the planned route, and there was no landslide or danger before Li Qingxian left.

  Li Qingxian and the Jiake troops went on the road alone, passing through Beichang County, and took Yu Ping and others away.

  When we arrived, there were more than 100 people in Jia Ke. There were no casualties in the battle, but half of them were killed by the Punishment Department.

  The procession came on horseback and returned on horseback.

  At the rear of the team, the horses' backs were empty.

  All the way back to Beijing, dark clouds gathered and the sky became darker.

  When the Jiake team arrived at Yewei Street, they saw people standing on both sides of the street.

  The anxious and gray faces stood like dry sunflowers.

  They swarmed up.

  The people in Team A hurriedly dismounted and acknowledged their families, but many other family members stretched their necks and looked toward the end of the road, through the city wall, and toward Changshan Mountain.

  "Sir, why didn't my Li Wa come back? They said you were the last ones to come back. Is Li Wa recuperating in Beichang County?" "Who saw that

  our family has grown stronger? The one who is tall and has particularly black eyebrows. .”

  "Daddy..." "My son, my son, my son..." A blind old woman muttered repeatedly, grabbed the person who was approaching, touched her face, then walked to the next one, touched her face again, and then walked to the next person. Next...

  The blind woman walked up to Li Qingxian, first grabbed her sleeves, and then skillfully touched her face upwards.

  Li Qingxian bent down and let the blind woman's rough hands rub his face.

  "Son..." The blind woman left Li Qingxian's hand, raised her head, and touched Han Anbo.

  Han Anbo bent down.

  He touched Zhou Hen again, and Zhou Hen bent over.

  Touching Yu Ping again, Yu Ping hurriedly bent down.

  "This child has such a happy face, so good..." The blind woman whispered, her hands left Yu Ping's face and touched the next person.

  Yu Ping gritted his teeth, and two lines of tears silently flowed down his cheeks.

  Li Qingxian walked forward slowly, walked to the door of Ye Wei, and turned to look at the Ye Wei family members on both sides of the street. They were still densely packed like two rows of dry but raised sunflowers, looking to the north.

  Li Qingxian clenched his fists and walked into Yewei Yamen and Chunfeng Residence.

  Zhou Chunfeng sat behind the table and wrote furiously.

  Li Qingxian stepped into the threshold and asked: "Didn't the censors impeach the Ministry of Justice for the burial in Changshan?"

  Zhou Chunfeng raised his head, his originally fair face was covered with a light gray, and his eyes were filled with thin bloodshot eyes.

  Zhou Hendao: "Master Zhou has not slept for many days."

  Li Qingxian nodded and said: "Uncle Zhou, take care of yourself."

  "Ahem..." Zhou Chunfeng suppressed his cough and said in a hoarse voice than usual, "I'm copying List of fallen soldiers."

  After saying that, he continued to write with his head down.

  The spring breeze is quiet here.

  After a long time, Zhou Chunfeng put down his pen and looked up.

  "The Holy Father's birthday is approaching, and all unlucky memorials have been suppressed." After Zhou Chunfeng finished speaking, he picked up the porcelain cup and took a sip of water.

  Li Qingxian was stunned for a moment, his eyes darkened, and he said expressionlessly: "Yes, it's too unlucky, and we can't let the emperor be tainted with any unlucky things. The emperor and the adults are the most kind-hearted, and they don't want to see dirty things." "Tell me about it

  . What happened." Zhou Chunfeng leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes.

  Li Qingxian nodded and elaborated on what happened.

  After saying that, Zhou Chunfeng was seen breathing heavily and snoring slightly from his nose.

  Li Qingxian and Zhou Hen looked at each other and waited quietly.

  After a long time, Zhou Chunfeng's eyes moved slightly under his eyelids, and then he opened his eyes, and half of the bloodshot eyes dissipated.

  "Did you just fall asleep?" Zhou Chunfeng said apologetically on his face.

  "What do you think of this matter?" Zhou Chunfeng asked again.

  "The Demon Sect harms my Night Guard, and we will never give up." Li Qingxian's words were resounding.

  "Do you have any idea?"

  Li Qingxian took out a blue-covered account book from the Qiankun Bracelet and brought it to Zhou Chunfeng's desk.

  Zhou Chunfeng seemed to have remembered something, and while looking through the accounts, he said, "No one will know what happened in the cave. You handle it properly."

  Li Qingxian nodded.

  Zhou Chunfeng flipped through the pages for a while, sighed, and continued flipping while saying, "I didn't expect that the Demon Sect of the Punishment Department would be so penetrated by the Ming Mountain, especially the Demon Transformation Mountain. However, you have also seen the methods of the Demon Sect. I can take action on this kind of thing, but you can't show up. But don't worry, with the military exploits of Beichen City and Beichang County, I can give you a seventh-level luck body." "I'll go with you to the Ministry of Punishment to get someone, okay

  ? ?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Zhou Chunfeng lowered his eyebrows slightly and said, "I will discuss it with Mr. Yan. When everything is settled, the two of us will go to the Criminal Department to pick up the person in person. You just need to follow the crowd and don't stand out." (End of Chapter


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