Chapter 211 A small game of sunshine drives away evil spirits

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  Chapter 211 Little Game Sunshine Drives Evil Evils
  Li Qingxian spread out his left hand, shining divine light from the center of his eyebrows. The divine light intertwined with his left hand to create a translucent birth chart that everyone could see.

  It was the first time for Li Qingxian to use the horoscope, but he had memorized the spells very well, and he was reading more and more about horoscopes, so he mastered it in a short time.

  "Next, please ask all Taoist cultivators for help. It will consume more mana."

  Several middle-grade Taoist cultivators lined up behind Li Qingxian.

  Li Qingxian silently recited a spell and cast a spell, and saw that his life chart was divided into thirty-six white lines that only he could see, connecting thirty-six phases respectively, and wisps of blue light flowing among the white lines.

  The breeze came slowly, and everyone felt the inexplicable momentum coming from Li Qingxian's body, causing the nearby sand and grass blades to tremble.

  Everyone looked around and sighed in their hearts. It is difficult for people who are not life magicians to see life magic.

  Shen Xiaoyi and Shen Xiaohua used their magic power to watch their fate and breath.

  Fate is invisible, situation is invisible, but destiny skills are tangible.

  Li Qingxian flicked his right hand on his birth chart as if he were playing a harp, causing the six life magic lines to vibrate slightly.

  In the distance, a stone cow burrows into the earth, two fish dive into the water, an eagle flies high into the sky, a seven-color flower walks between the trees, a big grasshopper jumps on the weeds, and a flower breaks out of its cocoon. butterflies fluttering.

  Six aspects seek fate.

  Shen Xiaoyi frowned slightly, but Xiao Hua laughed in a low voice: "These must be six false appearances. The life magician in Mingshan is going to be in trouble."

  A look of helplessness flashed across Shen Xiaoyi's face.

  As soon as Xiao Hua finished speaking, a large black flag with gold characters appeared in the sky, ten feet high, with the Big Dipper embedded on it, and each star was a skull.

  When Shen Xiaoyi saw the seven stars, his face darkened.

  Xiao Hua said: "It seems that the life magician opposite is not a good person. He kills people to refine his life. Evil people must be punished by evil people. Hmm..." Xiao Hua felt that he said something wrong, but he felt that he was right.

  The big flag was rolled up in the air, and the six phases flew towards the big flag uncontrollably.

  At the moment when the six phases were involved in the banner, Li Qingxian flicked the lifeline with his right hand, and another six phases flew out. The lifeline was connected to the previous six phases, and they instantly overlapped.

  The twelve phases went straight into the chaos flag and disappeared together with the chaos flag.

  The monk who had previously assisted Li Qingxian swayed and frowned.

  They didn't see anything, but they all felt something was happening.

  Li Qingxian and the other three fortune masters clearly felt a strange wind forming in front of them, and then disappeared.

  Li Qingxian looked ahead. All twelve life lines were broken. The broken life lines were like headless flies flying around in the air, as if the six phases had failed in seeking fate.

  Xiao Hua couldn't help but laugh and said: "The opponent's life magician is in bad luck. The twelve false images entered the chaos of life flag together and detonated them all the moment he took it back. Not only did he hurt the chaos of life flag, but he was also afraid of being hurt. The spiritual platform. This Li Yangguang, no, this Li Qingxian must have seen the other party using the chaos flag many times, so he targeted it like this."

  Li Qingxian chanted the curse again.

  "Ask for the destiny of heaven. The destiny of heaven is above. The light of heaven is brought up, and the sun is strong. The fate of people is determined. The destiny of people is below. Sweep away the filth below, and everyone is in order..." Everyone only felt that the sun was a little brighter, but in the eyes of the life magician, the

  sky Suddenly a big hole was opened, and strong sunlight erupted from the hole, instantly turning into a sea of ​​light, covering the mountainous area for dozens of miles.

  Wisps of filth turned into black smoke, rising upwards.

  Li Qingxian secretly wrote down every place where black smoke appeared.

  Afterwards, Li Qingxian covered up the whereabouts of the Immortal Seeking Bee. Shen Xiaoyi and Shen Xiaohua only saw a ball of golden light above Li Qingxian's head, and then hundreds of small golden lights flew out and scattered all over the sky.

  Shen Xiaoyi hummed softly and recognized it as the Immortal Seeking Bee at a glance.

  "It seems that he was the one who released the Immortal Seeking Bees in the city. The Xunming Sect is really willing to do it." Xiao Hua said in a low voice.

  At the same time, Li Qingxian once again pulled the lifeline. One end of the twelve lifelines was connected to the false image, and the other end was connected to the twelve fairy-seeking bees.

  Suddenly, a celadon vase with a painting of winter snow and plum blossoms appeared in the sky. The celadon vase slowly tilted, and a stream of white water gushed out. After falling, it divided into hundreds of water lines and rushed towards the Zi Xun Fairy Bee.

  Li Qingxian moved his right finger, and a luck fish jumped into the destiny scale. The destiny scale whizzed away, like a fierce general, rushing towards the porcelain vase. The weight whizzed around and hit the celadon bottle with a loud bang.

  Everyone heard a clear sound of breaking porcelain.

  The porcelain bottle exploded, and the water that poured out fell to the ground. Then the fragments converged, gathered into a cracked porcelain bottle, and disappeared.

  Xiao Hua opened his mouth wide.

  "The most powerful thing about the destiny scale is the weight? Isn't that thing used to weigh destiny?" Xiao Hua looked at Shen Xiaoyi.

  Shen Xiaoyi looked confused.

  "I don't know either..." Shen Xiaoyi's voice was softer than usual.

  Both of them knew that the collision or shattering of life weapons was just an appearance. In fact, it was a competition between the power of numerology in life weapons. Li Qingxian's numerology was so strong that he directly defeated the numerology contained in the opponent's life weapon.

  Shen Xiaoyi whispered: "That's a fortune bottle. I have one too. It's a pity..." "The

  fortune-telling rupture will not heal in three years. In the future, the power of the related fortune-telling skills will also be greatly reduced. This Li Qingxian, deep Are you hiding it?" Xiao Hua said.

  Swarms of bees were flying all over the sky. After a while, there was no movement from the other party. Li Qingxian thought for a while and still did not send out the true six phases and sent the false six phases to search.

  The power of False Six Phases is slightly weaker, but it is still good in combination with the Immortal Seeking Bee.

  Slowly, in Li Qingxian's eyes, the mountains began to glow with white light, like dandelions floating in the distance.

  Those are the traces of numerology, but they are too broken to form a lifeline.

  After a long time, Fei Yan whispered: "Master Li, what's going on?"

  "Wait a minute, the other party is a big force like Mingshan after all, and they have already used life skills to clean up the traces in advance. I am slowly searching... "

  As soon as Li Qingxian finished speaking, he saw a flash of mirror light in the sky. An ancient silver mirror about a foot long was suspended in the sky, and the light from the mirror flashed past where Li Qingxian and others were.

  Li Qingxian just frowned.

  However, Shen Xiaoyi took half a step back, his face darkened, he held his sleeve tightly with his right hand, and then sighed softly.

  "What's wrong, young master?" Xiao Hua stepped forward to support Shen Xiaoyi.

  Shen Xiaoyi shook his head and lowered his head.

  Suddenly, the ancient silver mirror had a cold aura, and then, a golden shield with a dragon's head and a purple rope with a snake's head rose at the same time, and the three magic weapons flew towards Li Qingxian.

  "Why did that person suddenly become so angry?" Xiao Hua exclaimed.

  Shen Xiaoyi's eyes dimmed.

  Li Qingxian didn't understand why Bai Mingzi was so crazy, and didn't think much about it. Three luck fishes jumped out and entered into the measuring ruler, destiny scale and destiny fishing rod respectively. The three destiny tools rose into the sky in the white air. .

  The measuring ruler hit the golden shield opposite, the weight of the destiny scale hit the purple rope snake's head, and the fishhook of the destiny fishing rod landed straight in the center of the mirror.

  Three different shattering sounds sounded one after another, and all three of the opponent's life weapons exploded, and brilliant colorful lights burst out.

  Li Qingxian stretched out his arms to cover his eyes and took a few steps back.

  After removing his arm, the broken life weapon dissipated. Li Qingxian's life weapon was unscathed and easily recovered.

  Li Qingxian shook his head and said: "You are still too young..."

  This time, everyone saw a strong wind rising out of thin air between the sky and the earth, blowing branches dozens of miles around and shaking wildly, and weeds falling.

  Everyone looked at Li Qingxian with something inexplicable in their eyes.

  (End of chapter)

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