Chapter 198 Seeking revenge for subordinates

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  Chapter 198 Seeking revenge for his subordinates

  Han walked over, pointed to some parts and said: "There are traces of being captured and tied on his neck and hands. He must have been interrogated by people from the Criminal Department, and they must know that he is a night guard. . However, it is also possible that Mingshan or someone else is blaming the Punishment Department."

  "I'll try using life skills."

  Li Qingxian said, walking to the empty table on the side and taking out the life materials one by one.

  First pile the soil in the road into a line, then sprinkle it with cobweb silk from the tree, then take a donkey ear, a dandelion ball, and finally put a swallow feather on it and start casting the spell.

  After the spell was completed, all the life materials turned into shimmering light, condensed like water, and slowly condensed into a white thread.

  Li Qingxian took out the tweezers again, took out the deceased's hair, left eyeball, blood stains on the top of his head, skin with marks of strangulation, and soil under his shoes, and cut out a paper man with a spiritual talisman.

  After casting the spell for the second time, the life material turned into a stream of blood, which slowly flowed onto the paper man, forming a paper man with one eye and blood and tears.

  Li Qingxian took out another dead sparrow, a drop of mist dew, an eagle feather, a handful of grains, a piece of straw, and a piece of swallow's nest mud, and cast the spell three times.

  As soon as the light flashed, a white-eyed sparrow fluttered its wings, slowly walked to the white silk thread, and held it in its mouth.

  The white silk thread was like a living snake, slithering into the sparrow's mouth.

  The paper man with blood and tears bowed to Li Qingxian three times.

  Li Qingxian also bowed in return.

  The paper man of blood and tears jumped lightly on the sparrow's back.

  The sparrow chirped, carrying the little man with tears of blood, and flew into the air, circling around the corpse.

  At first, the sparrow screamed, and the scream became louder and more urgent. After a long time, the scream slowly weakened.

  Finally, the sparrow stumbled down and landed in the left eye socket of the corpse. It turned into a stream of blood and slowly flowed into the eye socket.

  An identical eye appeared in the corpse's eye socket.

  Li Qingxian took out eight bronze incense burners with tortoise patterns carved on the hexagrams, placed them according to the directions of the acquired hexagrams, inserted three incense sticks in each, and lit a candle next to each incense burner.

  The fourth cast.

  The candle flame jumped out two inches high and turned into a little flame man. He jumped off the candle and walked around the copper incense burner.

  There is no fire on the candle wick, but it slowly turns black and decreases.

  The smoke from the twenty-four incense sticks condensed on it and turned into a cloud of white smoke.

  Li Qingxian recited the incantation: "The sky and rivers are shining, the earth and rivers are shining, people die seeking revenge, animals die seeking hatred..."

  After the curse, the art of seeking hatred and pursuing revenge was completed.

  A strong wind hit, causing the cloth in the morgue to fly. Everyone's clothes rustled and their hair was messy.

  The wind blew at the body from all directions.

  The eight little flame figures ran quickly and turned into rings of fire, blocking the wind from all directions.

  The clouds in the air turned into whirlpools and penetrated into the left eye socket.

  A faint light flashed from the left eye socket, and a moment later, a hazy mist erupted from the eye socket, the size of a human head, and it was squirming endlessly.

  Li Qingxian made a quick gesture with his right hand, muttered something in his mouth, opened his spiritual eyes, and saw that the mist in front of him turned into a clear picture.

  A night guard was kneeling on the ground, suppressed by two people on the left and right, looking up and trembling slightly in front of him.

  A handsome young man wearing the uniform of a seventh-grade military attache from the Criminal Department came over and said with a smile: "The Criminal Department finally got a clue. How can we allow you Night Guard to steal the credit?" After saying that,

  the man's big hand fell on the Night Guard's head. The image fades.

  A cold light flashed in Li Qingxian's eyes.

  I've heard this person's voice.

  I’ve seen this person’s figure and profile before.

  The direct descendant of Hua Mo Shan who destroyed Zheng Hui and Yu Ping Dantian in front of Fengxiang.

  Li Qingxian still remembers his action of throwing the crime banknote, as well as the arc drawn by the ball of banknotes.

  Li Qingxian waved his hand to put away the remaining life materials, then took out a handful of yellow sand, a ball of catkins, and a bowl of river water, used the "Erasing Technique", and turned around to leave.

  Back in the room, Jing Guan asked with a dark face, "Is it really the Ministry of Punishment that did it?"

  "The direct descendant of the seventh grade of Hua Mo Mountain," Li Qingxian said.

  Jing Guan was stunned for a moment, smacked the tooth flower seed, and said: "We don't pay attention to other demon sects. This Hua Mo Mountain is a direct descendant of the emperor... Uh, no, I mean Hua Mo Shan is the first Depend on the imperial court."

  Li Qingxian waved his hand to ward off the others, and released his magic talisman to isolate the inside and outside.

  "Don't mess with Hua Mo Mountain? What's going on with the direct lineage?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Jing Guan hesitated for a while and said: "Actually, there is nothing that cannot be said. All high-level people know it. Various clues show that Hua Mo Mountain was instigated by the emperor many years ago. When the Tian Mo Sect was destroyed and the Demon Sect entered the Punishment Department, Hua Mo Mountain has suddenly become the largest force in the Demon Sect, and there is obviously the shadow of the Emperor behind it. The Emperor is worthy of being the Lord of ZTE, and he can actually control the largest sect in the Demon Sect, which is admirable." Li Qingxian clearly heard Jing Guan's words

  . The voice trembled.

  "But the Demon Sect is still..." Li Qingxian changed the topic, "Still does not regard himself as a member of the imperial court, and does not take our Night Guard and Inner Factory seriously. This Night Guard has clearly said that he is an Inner Factory And the people of the Night Guard, the direct descendant of Hua Mo Shan killed him."

  Jing Guan said helplessly: "Hua Mo Shan is so domineering. Deliberately displaying magic skills and throwing corpses on the street is to warn us not to try to follow the Ministry of Punishment Take the credit, otherwise the next corpse will be us."

  "What should we do?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Jing Guan sneered: "Since the Punishment Department wants to take credit, let them go. Anyway, Beichang County is in chaos. The more people the Punishment Department offends, the better it will be for us." "The dead night guard..."


  You You are still young, and you will understand after seeing more. This kind of thing is extremely common. You really have to pity this man and give his family a few more taels of silver. Night Guard can kill a thousand people a year, and he can't take care of it." Li

  Qingxian A sigh.

  "Eunuch Jing, who is the most powerful person in Beichang County?" Li Qingxian asked.

  Jing Guan smiled and said: "I have met a lot of people in the past two days, and also checked the documents sent by the inner factory. There are many fish and dragons in Beichang County, but there are only a few big dragons. One of them is naturally the emperor and the court, and the official mine is the most powerful. .One is the forces headed by King Qing. You must know that when the emperor first ascended the throne, the treasury was emptied by the kings, and even food and salary could not be paid. In the end, King Qing sold almost all his family property, and then he helped the emperor tide over the crisis. Since then, King Qing has been deeply relied on by the emperor. He is in charge of the official department and can even intervene in the household department."

  Li Qingxian nodded and said: "King Qing is the number one among the kings and a master of making money. He can take the majority here. Normal."

  "In addition, the demon sect, evil sect, martial arts family and some high-ranking officials also bought some mines here. Except for the Wenxiu family headed by Zhao Shoufu, the other sects are not good-looking." "Zhao Shoufu

  also Did you get involved here?" Li Qingxian asked in surprise.

  "Do you think that Zhao Shoufu is an immortal in heaven who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world? He has a family to support and disciples and old friends to take care of. How can the imperial salary be enough? However, Zhao Shoufu is a legal business, which is different from those people." "Legal business can make money

  . "

  Of course, if it doesn't make money, why should Zhao Fu get involved?" "

  In other words, even if you operate it legally, you can make money, but those people have to dig private mines to make illegal money?" Li Qingxian asked.

  "This is the way the world is. Those who follow the rules will suffer." Jing Guan said.

  (End of chapter)

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