Chapter 188: The Art of Happy Appearance When Too Hard to Come

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  Chapter 188 After a rare Xixiangjutsu,

  Ming Junzi fell to the ground and swallowed the Ten Death Life-Sustaining Pills. His injuries healed and his true energy recovered. Taking advantage of the seventh-level demon clan master's unpreparedness, he counterattacked and killed the seventh-level demon clan master, and took out the opponent's body. Obtain the rare 'Emperor Demon Blood' and give it to the alchemist to make elixirs.

  The demon clan is pressing forward step by step, and seeing that Beisha City is about to fall, a man riding a black dragon-scaled horse is coming from the southeast like a black whirlwind.

  The third-level master jumped into the air, walked in the air, and slashed down with a knife. Thousands of knife lights fell like snow, tearing the earth apart and kicking up dust that filled the sky and rolled endlessly.

  With only a dozen swords, more than 100,000 monster clans were slaughtered.

  The gentleman burst into tears and shouted to the sky.

  "Disciple pays homage to his mentor!"

  The destitute Marquis smiled. Master and disciple recognized each other, and the whole city congratulated him.

  Li Qingxian smiled and looked at the white deer head.

  The same goes for Bai Lutou. Although he was ordered to kill too many people, his reputation was far-reaching and his character was extraordinary. He offended one group of people and was appreciated by another group of people.

  A great scholar heard that Bai Lutou ordered the gentleman to be trapped in a border city, so he personally took action, killed all the demon clan, saved the whole city, and then drifted away.

  Li Qingxian recalled the various choices between the white deer head and the panda head, and became more and more aware of the difference in the fortune-telling of Master Xunhuawen Liu.

  The third difficulty is the end.

  The two turned to look at each other.

  "The strength is good." Bai Lutou said.

  "Good taste." Li Qingxian said.

  Bai Lutou rolled his eyes, turned his head, and looked ahead quietly.

  Outside the Beast Bridge, the panda head and the black lion head were surrounded by people asking questions.

  Finally, Panda Tou scratched his head and asked: "Masters, why did I lose to Bai Lu Tou? I think I have a good chance of winning." The low-level life

  magicians didn't understand, but the middle-level life magicians smiled one after another.

  "Can't you understand this? You are too opportunistic and ignore the tempering of your destiny gentleman. This way you can survive minor disasters, but in the face of a major catastrophe that overturns the world, how can your destiny gentleman survive?" "We will see you later

  ? Reviewing the fate play will let you know how the squinty-eyed dog-head moves. That is called playing steadily and step by step." "The squinted-eyed dog-head is not strong

  enough, but his vision is definitely not inferior to that of a middle-grade fortune-teller. He must be our disciple. Either a first-class sect. Family, or at least a wealthy family in the state."

  "It may also be a descendant of martial arts or the military." "

  In the third game, I think the squinting dog head has a better chance of winning." "

  It's hard to say. The squinting dog head is right, and the white deer head may not be the right one. Wrong. The destined gentleman with the white deer head may have been tempered in the last battle. Next, we have to watch the last joy and the third game." "Don't forget, the slant-eyed dog-head wears four pieces of jade on his waist.


  Everyone hurriedly looked inside and discovered that the slant-eyed dog head had not used any of the all-purpose jade pendants so far, but the white deer head had been used up.

  "This son..." Everyone was speechless.

  In the screen, the voice of the leader of the stone man sounded: "The second round is over. Those who pass will be rewarded with the "Xiang Bureau Technique"."

  Liu Laohu laughed and said: "It seems that Master Xunhua Wen Liu valued the two of them very much, and even taught him the Phase Plan Technique early on. I But after being promoted to the seventh level, it took several years and a huge price to learn the art of fortune-telling." The

  middle-level life magicians nodded.

  Li Qingxian watched the golden pages in French descending on the coffin platform, took a look at them, and felt happy.

  The three basic abilities of a life magician, namely the art of fortune-telling, the art of fortune-telling, and the art of fortune-telling, are finally complete.

  With the Xiangju Technique, when two armies confront each other, you will not be afraid to watch. You can completely use the Xiangju Technique to observe the general situation of both sides.

  The fog is billowing ahead, blocking the third happy grid.

  Li Qingxian opened his spiritual eyes, and used his life tool on the white deer head to look at the grid.

  Li Qingxian glanced across the first few grids and looked at the last four grids.

  The attention of the general king, the adventure of martial arts, the sixth level promotion, the middle level magic weapon Shenjun chess.

  "This..." Li Qingxian didn't expect the reward to be so good. "The general's attention is uncertain. The reward for being promoted to the sixth level is too high. It is unstable for an eighth-level martial artist to become a sixth-level official." "The

  martial arts adventure is excellent. Since it is a blessing, after getting it, the strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds. ."

  "The Shenjun chess is a famous battlefield magic weapon. The Shenjun chess is similar to a life-playing box. You can practice military skills in peacetime. At critical moments, you can release the puppets inside and use them as soldiers. The middle-grade Shenjun chess has at least a thousand reserves in it. Human soldiers, and each one is made of metal, which is equivalent to a thousand tenth-level martial arts cultivators." "

  However... the disadvantage of Shenjun chess is that it is invincible against ordinary enemies. It cannot be said to be useless against high-level enemies. It can only be said to be useless. Chickens, tiles, dogs."

  Li Qingxian thought briefly for a while and decided to implement the previous direction, using the universal jade pendant for the first time and choosing the martial arts adventure grid.

  Order the gentleman to jump over and land on the martial arts adventure grid.

  A picture appeared above my head.

  In the Beisha City surrounded by wind and sand, before leaving, the down-and-out Marquis handed over a letter saying that his senior brother was in the Tianshan Cave not far away and asked the gentleman to study for a month.

  The ordered gentleman did not go immediately.

  When the alchemist succeeds in refining the medicine, he is given an "Emperor's Blood Pill". After eating it, all the Qi veins are condensed and formed, and the Qi and blood are strengthened accordingly, reaching the seventh level.

  Seventh level realm, through true blood.

  Move the Qi meridians, wrap all the blood vessels in the human body, unite Qi and blood, and finally the Qi meridians wrap around the heart and brain, and you will reach the peak.

  He ordered the gentleman to say goodbye to everyone, and arrived at Tianshan Cave more than ten days later.

  After entering, it was discovered that the entire cave was occupied by demons and the escape route was blocked. Ming Junzi had to fight and flee in the maze-like cave.

  He fought for five days, exhausted all the medicine, and finally died.

  After the death, Ming Junzi opened his eyes and found an old man with a white beard looking at him with a smile. He immediately realized that it was just a trial, so he turned over and bowed.

  The uncle was very satisfied with his nephew, taught him carefully, and allowed him to practice on his own around the cave.

  A month later, Ming Junzi accidentally entered a cave while practicing and found a pair of yin and yang apricots. After eating them, his skill greatly increased for twenty years, reaching the peak of the seventh level.

  The uncle was even more happy and forced him to keep him for another month to teach him the Tianxuan Kung Fu and the Great Destruction Star Sword in person.

  A month later, Master Ming was very satisfied with Ming Junzi's efforts and results. Before leaving, Master Uncle presented him with a set of medium-grade magic weapon Crocodile God Armor made from the skin of the third-grade Crocodile King demon.

  Seeing this scene, Li Qingxian was satisfied.

  "The martial arts adventure should just be the yin and yang apricots, the crocodile armor is the cornucopia and the mountains. The extra month of guidance from the master is the feedback accumulated from long-term practice." Li Qingxian was thinking, when a figure suddenly appeared in the sky

  . The ball of light landed in Mingjunzi Mingfu.

  Li Qingxian took a look and saw that there were new life stars on the life pillar of the Youth Life Mansion.

  Thousands forged into steel, auspicious.

  There is one more line in the life record: This boy has been taught by two top-level martial arts practitioners and has become a second-rate master of the same level.

  An unexpected surprise.

  Li Qingxian smiled and looked at the white deer head.

  Bai Lutou changed his previous rashness and chose to study in the Hanlin Academy.

  Make friends and get guidance from great scholars, and you can also break through the eighth level and be promoted to the seventh level.

  The adventures of Bai Lutou are basically the same, but only slightly worse than Li Qingxian's The Fate Gentleman.

  There is no life-condensing star.

  Bai Lutou glanced at Li Qingxian's destiny gentleman and said for a long time: "You have a good vision." The

  leader of the stone men said: "The third game is to choose your destiny. Each person will receive three universal jade pendants."

  Li Qingxian's waist Six are hung, and three are hung on the head and body of the white deer.

  The two looked at each other, nodded slightly, and then looked forward.

  (End of chapter)

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