Chapter 184 Li Qingxian’s first career promotion

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  Chapter 184: Li Qingxian's first step towards promotion.
  Li Qingxian smiled slightly if he had some realization.

  With mana surging in his hand, he used the most basic fortune-taking technique and threw down the dice in his hand.

  Measure this to be six.

  The dice hit the ground, with six o'clock pointing towards the sky.

  The stone man jumped up slightly and landed on the martial arts hall.

  The remaining nine houses have all disappeared.

  The fog further ahead dissipated, revealing ten new grids.

  On each grid, a life star appears.

  The second step is to choose the destiny star.

  The destiny star was originally blurry, but with Li Qingxian's spiritual eyes, everything was clear.

  The corner of Li Qingxian's mouth curled up slightly. If he didn't have a powerful spiritual eye or a special destiny weapon, he would have to consume mana to deduce the destiny stars one by one. Once the mana is consumed too much, the three difficulties in the later stage will become catastrophic.

  The ten horoscopes from near to far are: fine iron forged sword, deep roots and luxuriant leaves, micro-scale hidden grass, roaring fire, mountains across the country, rusty swords sharpened, tall trees reaching the sky, big rivers and floods, true fire in the cauldron, ten The peaks are tall and beautiful.

  Li Qingxian looked at the ten destiny stars one by one, and based on their characteristics, he kept thinking about what effect they would have if they were placed in the destiny gentleman's destiny mansion.

  "Two gold stars are enough. No matter how many gold stars there are, it will be easy to break if they are too strong." "

  Metal overcomes wood, and wood cannot be chosen. Although fire overcomes metal, small fire refines gold..." "

  Although metal generates water, this person's metal life is Lord, water life is the supplement. Choosing water is putting the cart before the horse..." "

  On the whole, it is best to choose earth life and small fire life, but other factors such as life pillar and life palace must also be considered."

  Li Qingxian stared at it . The ten peaks stood tall and beautiful for a long time, so I gave up using the universal jade pendant and chose to cross the mountains.

  The fortune teller says: Mountains block the flow of water, and mountains, trees, and fish are nourished.

  Throwing the dice again, the man of destiny jumped up and landed on the grid where the mountains crossed. The star of destiny went straight into the destiny mansion and landed on the moon pillar.

  Li Qingxian felt that a new connection was formed between the cornucopia of destiny gentlemen and the mountains.

  The mountains cut across to block external disasters, and the defects of the cornucopia completely disappeared.

  When earth generates gold, the cornucopia and the iron pestle grinding needles will increase the fortune star by at least 50%.

  After selecting the fate grid, ten grids appear in front of you again, with a person standing on each grid.

  The third step is to choose a master.

  There are also signs next to the ten people. They are Jiangdong Pirate King, Northern Powerful, Martial Arts Master, Martial Arts Master, Down-and-out Marquis, Hidden Old Man, General of the Beijing Camp, Governor of the Frontier Army, Secretary of the Ministry of War, and Leader of the Martial Arts Alliance.

  Li Qingxian looked at the next four and skipped them. They were typical traps.

  A gentleman born in a martial arts school cannot withstand the tossing of the four big figures. If he is born with water and is submissive, or if he is born with earth, he still has a chance. If he is born with metal, he will enter those four big forces. If he is not careful, he will be full of troubles. All lose.

  "Forget it, the King of Thieves. There is no need for the master of the martial arts hall to repeat himself. Wait, King of Thieves..."

  Li Qingxian thought of his cornucopia, which matched his identity as a disciple of the King of Thieves, but unfortunately, turning into a bandit was always the last option.

  Li Qingxian looked at the downcast prince and the reclusive old man.

  "The martial arts master looks good, but after all, the master is the master of the family, and he must give more resources to his family. This down-and-out prince and the reclusive old man are similar to the king of thieves. In addition to martial arts, the two must have rich experience, and they must be similar to the king of thieves. All kinds of adventures are inextricably linked..."

  So, Li Qingxian watched his fate and deduced the fate of the down-and-out prince and the reclusive old man.


  Li Qingxian didn't expect that the fallen prince was hiding his rise, and that the reclusive old man had a lot of martial arts power behind him.

  "Both of them are good, but they say they choose a master, but in reality they choose life. Is this destined gentleman suitable for military killing or the martial arts? Personally, I prefer the carefree martial arts, but the world is different. . Today's general trend is that martial arts are seizing military power and rising on the dragon. This is the general trend. I or this destiny gentleman can follow the path of the free martial arts, but as a destiny magician, life must be the most important thing!" Li Qingxian made a decisive choice The downtrodden prince.

  The fog ahead splits again, revealing ten grids again.

  The fourth step is to take the path forward.

  In each grid, different locations appear, including the Shendu martial arts hall, the front line of the two armies, the long dart walk, the flying sand in the desert, the vast ocean, the small border town, the Yamen of the Ministry of War, the capital of the capital, the Ouchi Imperial Palace, and the martial arts dojo.

  "According to the rules of the promotion map, the next three difficulties and three joys will basically occur in one of these ten locations. The martial arts dojo is actually the best, but if you choose to follow the general trend, you must give up." "The front lines of the two armies are the most training,

  but The risk is too great. As for the Ouchi Palace, whoever thinks it has a long life will choose it..."

  In the end, Li Qingxian chose a small border town based on factors such as destiny, general trends and common sense.

  Then, behind the fateful gentleman, a light screen appeared that only Li Qingxian could see, and the writing on the light screen flashed.

  Born, the son of the martial arts master.

  The destiny star, the cornucopia, the mountains, the iron pestle grinding the needle.

  Master: The down-and-out prince.

  Go to: small border town.

  This person has been taught by his father since he was a child, and his family is wealthy. He also accidentally obtained the precious medicine for bone and body training. He has a solid foundation in basic martial arts and has achieved a small level of martial arts, far beyond his peers.

  One day, I met a drunken old man on the road and was beaten by gangsters. I came to help him, and the old man actually gave him the top-grade exercise "Tianxuan Gong". He returned home to practice and reached the ninth level.

  Later, the two met by chance on the street, and found out that the drunken old man was actually a down-and-out prince. Seeing that the man was successful in his martial arts, the other party accepted him as his disciple and taught him carefully.

  The down-and-out prince discovered that this son had practiced hard and had a deep foundation, so he passed on the high-grade sword technique "Great Destruction Star Sword" and presented the middle-grade sword "Huanyue" as a gift.

  After achieving success in his studies, the son was awarded the title of Jiupin County Lieutenant and went to Beisha County, a small border town.

  Li Qingxian smiled slightly. The Star-Destroying Sword and the Moon were obviously unexpected gains.

  The cornucopia of fate makes it easier to get treasures, and the iron pestle grinding needle allows him to practice hard and get the appreciation of the marquis. The two are superimposed, which upgrades the harvest.

  "So it turns out that some fates seem to only enhance one's own cultivation, but if the opportunity is right, they will be helped by noble people, which is better than many so-called fortunes. It seems that I have to re-understand the so-called fortunes, and Re-recognize Qinxue Dingjin’s destiny star..."

  Li Qingxian concentrated on thinking in the destiny play box, and there was a lot of discussion on the beast bridge.

  People inside can only see their own small path to promotion, but people outside can clearly see the thirty-four paths to promotion.

  "That bull-headed man is really reckless. He spent three jade pendants at the beginning and chose the best birth, destiny star and master. He didn't consider whether the destiny gentleman can bear it. This person can't pass the second difficulty." "That panda-headed man is really stupid.

  " It's amazing. After a little deduction and random throwing of dice, it all matches the destiny of the gentleman." "

  Who knows the white deer head? The fortune-telling skills are really exquisite. Of course, the main reason is that there are many life weapons." "

  I actually like the dog-headed one with squinting eyes. In life, play steadily, be both offensive and defensive, and have no shortcomings."

  "Having no shortcomings often means that it is difficult to have strengths."

  "It's a big mistake. If we are in the game, being too cautious will naturally waste many opportunities, but A fortune-teller can see the overall situation, and moving forward steadily is the right way." "

  Since a fortune-teller can see the overall situation, advancing bravely and quickly is the right way..."

  People with different ideas began to debate.

  The amount of money bet on the squinting dog's head gradually increased.

  "This newcomer is as stable as an old dog." A spotted dog's head was placed on Li Qingxian's body, and a thousand taels of silver were pledged.

  Liu Laohu hurriedly clapped his hands and said: "Complete the first four steps with the cross-eyed dog head, the bet is over!"

  (End of this chapter)

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