Chapter 178 Entering the Beast Bridge at Night to Get a New Head

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  Chapter 178 Entering the Beast Bridge at Night to Get a New Head

  "You're welcome. I originally wanted to participate in this month's Beast Bridge, and I'm just taking you along for the ride. There are a few things I must explain." "You

  tell me, I'll remember."

  "No. First, after entering the beast bridge, everyone will be replaced by animal heads. Try not to reveal your name unless you can trust it." "

  Second, try not to argue with the fortune teller. I don’t know if the kobold opposite is a great life magician." "

  Third, there is no need to conflict with the life magician for the sake of ordinary monks. We life magicians are the most valuable." "

  Fourth, life magicians are also human beings. You know best whether you should be friends with others, whether you are comfortable with them or not."


  Like a conscientious teacher, Guo Xiang talked about his detailed experience that cannot be found in books.

  Li Qingxian used his magic power to record everything in French and printed it into the spiritual platform.

  After Guo Xiang finished speaking, Li Qingxian thanked him and read it into the mourning platform again, reading it quickly to deepen his memory.

  "Can I decide my own animal head?" Li Qingxian opened his eyes and asked.

  Guo Xiangdao: "When you enter the Beast Bridge for the first time, the Beast Bridge will change according to the animals we are familiar with or impressed by, so you will see a large number of chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, dogs and sheep. Of course, the details of each animal head are different. There are also A few people, either because of their unique life skills or unique temperament, are not ordinary animals, but they are very few. Generally speaking, only the great life magicians have very strange animal heads." "For example?" "For example, there is a great


  magician It’s the three-eyed dragon head.” Guo Xiang said.

  "If my animal head is strange, maybe I will achieve extraordinary things in the future?" Li Qingxian asked.

  "It's very possible, and I'm curious too." Guo Xiang looked at Li Qingxian.

  Li Qingxian's eyes brightened slightly.

  "Next, let's talk about fate." Guo Xiang said.

  "The destiny play is a game-like non-game that combines many powers such as destiny. Each destiny play exists in the destiny play box. The ordinary destiny play box only has one destiny play, but the big destiny play box can store multiple lives. "Drama."

  "Mingxi was originally used to assist the students of Mingzong in their studies. Later, it evolved into an activity integrating learning, training, simulation, communication, confrontation, and testing." "Some Mingzong or Mingzong masters have disputes,

  but It’s not to the point of risking one’s life. Most people use fate drama to determine the winner.”

  “Ye Han’s information is quite good. This month, an unknown great fortune-teller will appear at the Beast Bridge to preside over the fate drama and test the younger generation. Reward lottery..."

  Guo Xiang said various precautions, and Li Qingxian remembered them as before.

  After a while, the carriage stopped.

  Guo Xiang opened the curtains, looked around, and said, "Get off the car."

  Li Qingxian followed Guo Xiang and got out of the car. He glanced around and found that this place should be near Jian'anfang in the West District of the inner city.

  Under the dim starry sky, the green jade river, which is about 10 feet wide, flows slowly, with green and black water plants floating gently under the water.

  An ordinary stone bridge spans the Qingyu River. It is old and slightly broken, with dark sides.

  Li Qingxian looked puzzled, Guo Xiang slightly put his fortune chart on his back and said with a smile: "There are many beast bridges in the world, and each beast bridge is independent of the world. There is only one beast bridge in the gods. If you want to enter, you can find any place in the gods. You can enter the living water bridge by using your life skills. This is just the gate."

  "I see." Li Qingxian said.

  "Put your right hand on my shoulder and walk with me. Entering the Beast Bridge is very simple. You only need to step on the Beast Bridge, silently recite 'Shendu Beast Bridge', trigger the resonance between the life weapon and the life palace, and then you can enter. This is the first time anyone has It's easier to carry, and you can do it by yourself in the future."

  Guo Xiang said and walked forward, and Li Qingxian put his right hand on his left shoulder.

  The two stepped onto the stone bridge one after another and walked a few steps. Suddenly, fog gathered in front of their eyes, blocking their sight. After an instant, the fog quickly dissipated.

  A huge arched white marble bridge appeared in front of it, surrounded by a sea of ​​clouds and white mist, with an air of fairyland floating in the air.

  The white marble bridge is five to six feet wide and about thirty to forty feet long, like a small square. Railings are erected on both sides of the bridge, and various pillars with animal heads and bird heads stand on top of the bridge railings.

  The ground is paved with cloud patterns, the slope is gentle, and there are no steps.

  In front of Li Qingxian, a man with a zebra head with white stripes on a black background turned his head and the zebra head grinned.

  "Your animal head is very interesting."

  Li Qingxian shook his head from side to side. He couldn't see his face, but his face was slightly yellow. He took out the mirror from the Qiankun bracelet and took a look at it.

  A squinting yellow-haired dog head stared at him with clear black and white eyes.

  Li Qingxian was messy in the wind, and his face was full of melancholy.

  "Have you ever raised this dog at home?"

  "So you have..."

  The squinting dog's eyes became more and more melancholy, turning from the Shiba Inu to the melancholy of the Husky.

  The more Guo Xiang looked at it, the more he couldn't stop laughing and said: "This dog head is very different from ordinary people. It is very strange. You must have the qualifications of a great fortune-teller. Today, you will be the center of attention." "I didn't know Master Guo had such a mouth before

  . Broken." Li Qingxian said.

  "I didn't know there was such a funny animal head before." The corner of Zebra's mouth was slightly raised, and he tilted his head slightly, as if imitating the squinting dog head, and then said, "You and I are not allowed to be mentioned. Please change the appearance of your Qiankun bracelet. Pretend to be a lucky fish bag around your waist. Although everyone's superficial features are hidden by the fog and cannot be seen by others, you can still distinguish between taking things from the wrist and taking things from the waist." "Okay." Li Qingxian put the Qiankun

  Bracelet Transform it into a jade pendant and wear it around your waist.

  When he looked down, he saw that his clothes and skin were covered in mist and slightly changed.

  Li Qingxian raised his head, his melancholy temperament became more intense, and asked: "Is there any way to change the form?" "

  When you become a great destiny magician, you can change it a little bit, but not much. This iconic little look, don't I want to change." The zebra's head showed its big, white and neat teeth.

  "Forget it..."

  Guo Xiang patted Li Qingxian on the shoulder and said, "Don't be discouraged. It depends on your heart... No, it's your beast-headed celebration. Everyone will let you go in the Beast Bridge from now on." "I believe it." Li

  Qingxian road.

  "Let's go, don't you want fortune books? They are available here basically every month. However, most fortune masters do not charge money. When you have a rich family, or become a middle-grade person, you can make a single star, or you have the opportunity, Of course, you can come directly to the Black Lantern Division." Guo Xiang said.

  "Single star..."

  Some destiny stars, under special circumstances, will exist independently.

  The most common thing is to buy someone else's life star first, and then use the "life-stealing technique" over many years to turn it into an independent life star that is not affected by the original owner.

  However, most life magicians only waste their time here when they age and cannot make progress.

  There are also some people whose destiny stars are so special and their encounters are so bizarre that even after death, their destiny stars still exist. Even if they walk alone, they belong to the lone star.

  The Lone Star has a wide range of uses and is the most sought-after hard currency in the fortune-telling world.

  Li Qingxian thought to himself that he seems to be quite good at this, and the lives he catches are considered to be single stars.

  The two of them moved forward slowly.

  On both sides of the beast bridge, many people were sitting on the ground, covered with blue cloth and bamboo curtains, with various things placed on them, as well as papers with items to be traded or items they wanted to purchase written on them.

  Everyone has the heads of birds and animals on their heads. Chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, dogs, cattle, horses and sheep are the most common ones. Some people also have the heads of snakes, cicadas and even centipedes.

  Li Qingxian felt balanced.

  (End of chapter)

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