Chapter 176 The night guards draw their swords and horses

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  Chapter 176 Night Guards draw their swords and soldiers.

  Si Li Qingxian discussed with He Lei and separated a team of twenty people. They asked Zheng Hui for the name and address of the witnesses and left under the leadership of Han Anbo.

  Within two quarters of an hour, the brigade arrived outside the gate of the Military and Horse Division.

  The Bingma Division is a sixth-grade yamen with short walls and low door lintels. The guard at the door panicked when he saw the night guard coming in force.

  The Soldiers and Horses Division are similar to ordinary government officials. They are mainly responsible for public security, anti-theft, fire prevention, dredging and other miscellaneous tasks. Most of them are ordinary policemen, but there are more people than night guards.

  The guard picked up the bamboo whistle and blew it, then hurriedly rushed into the Yamen to report.

  Li Qingxian and He Lei were in front, followed closely by seventy or eighty top-grade night guards in brocade robes, their momentum was like a rainbow.

  As soon as he stepped into the main gate, He Lei shouted: "Follow me, I know the prison of the Military and Horse Division! The night guards are doing things, and if you don't retreat, you will be the enemy." "The night guards are doing things, if you don't retreat, you will be the enemy


  More than 300 people gathered together. Qi roared angrily, and someone used his true energy, which made the entire Bingmasi Yamen tremble heavily.

  At this time, a middle-aged military attache wearing a tenth-grade white horse patch came out of the side door with two guards.

  Li Qingxian took a look and saw that it was Zhong Baishan, the commander of the Military and Horse Division who was eating mutton soup this morning.

  He Lei pointed to the side door and said, "Go this way."

  Li Qingxian and the dark night guard behind him strode to the ground, and the scabbards of their swords collided, scaring Zhong Baishan out of his wits.

  Zhong Baishan's legs went weak, and he looked at Li Qingxian with a face full of grief and anger. He supported the door wall and shouted: "You night guards are so bullying! I just ate a few more pieces of mutton for cheap, why did I come to arrest people! I You've admitted your mistake, what else can you do! You can't kill without a nod! My brother-in-law is a sixth-grade official of the Ministry of Industry, you can't arrest people randomly!" "

  I'm crazy." Li Qingxian rolled his eyes at Zhong Baishan.

  "Know?" He Lei asked.

  "Don't worry about it." With that said, Li Qingxian crossed Zhong Baishan and entered the side door with He Lei and others.

  "Huh?" Zhong Baishan supported his body with weak legs and silently watched the people passing by.

  After more than three hundred people walked over, Zhong Baishan wiped the sweat from his forehead and his back was soaked.

  "Captain Zhong, what's going on? It's so scary."

  "I almost peeed in fear."

  Zhong Baishan came back to his senses, took his hands off the wall, and said, "I admitted my mistake." He

  said this, but he felt scared in his heart. He was only a teenager and only held a ninth-grade official position. How could he be with seventh-grade He Lei? What were they doing with so many people?

  That direction... is not good, cell!

  Just as Zhong Baishan was about to leave, he saw a huge black shadow following him. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw the scar slanting across his face, and his heart skipped a beat.

  Zhong Baishan supported the wall again.

  When Zhou Hen walked over, a soldier from the Military and Horse Division whispered: "That seems to be the legendary Madman Zhou. The five commanders of our Five Cities Military and Horse Division together are not enough for him to fight with one hand." "Oh, no

  . Knowing which maid has provoked such evil stars, Commander Tan is going to scold her. Go, watch from a distance, don't get close." Zhong Baishan moved forward slowly.

  Li Qingxian and his party went on a rampage, but when someone from the military division tried to stop them, the night guards raised their scabbards and smashed them down on their heads and faces.

  Rushing straight to the front door of the Soldiers and Horses Division cell, they saw dozens of guards at the cell door holding bright spears, their backs slightly hunched, pointing at everyone.

  The first one, a ninth-grade civil servant wearing a green-bottomed quail patchwork robe, shouted: "I am the Prisoner of the Military and Horse Division of the Western District! It is a serious crime to trespass on the important territory of the Military and Horse Division! If you have anything to do, it doesn't matter. I am Lu. People must act impartially."

  Li Qingxian raised the gold-letter and said: "According to the order of Zhou Chunfeng from the Night Guard God, we are here to rescue the Night Guard Zheng Gaojue who was framed by the Army and Horses Division!"

  Lu Sijiu showed a bitter look on his face and said hurriedly: "Dear fellow night guards, Zheng Gaojue was escorted here under the order of the superior officer. We cannot release him without the superior officer's warrant. The inferior officer is only a ninth-rank official. I dare not offend the superior officials, but I The officer kindly advises me, if our night guards and soldiers fight in the street, even if their bones are broken and their legs are broken, it is nothing. But breaking into prison is a big deal. Once it happens, it will be heard by heaven. Please think twice." The originally excited person said

  . The Night Guards calmed down.

  Li Qingxian and He Lei looked at each other, and He Lei frowned slightly.

  "No matter what, it's not a good idea to forcefully break into the Soldiers and Horses Prison..." He Lei whispered. Zheng Hui also whispered: "Captain Li, I think I will scare them. When the rightful master comes and sees this battle, he will definitely let them go."

  Li Qingxian thought for a while and said: "We night guards, how long have we not followed? Is there a conflict in the Military and Horse Division?"

  "Small conflicts have always existed, but the major conflicts have disappeared since half a year ago." He Lei said.

  Li Qingxian turned to look at Ye Wei and found that most of them looked helpless.

  Lu Siyu struck while the iron was hot: "Everyone, why don't you wait a moment, I'll go find someone to ensure that the night guards are safe."

  Li Qingxian glanced at Zheng Hui, who had gray hair, and remembered the past scenes, facing the night guards, He stretched out his hand to lift the patch on his chest and said loudly: "Brother Night Guard, who among you dares to say that you can wear this leather for the rest of your life?" The

  Night Guards shook their heads slightly.

  "Without the Night Guard Yamen, who will treat you as a person?"

  The Night Guards glanced at the gray-haired Zheng Hui and shook their heads again.

  "One day, like Zheng Hui, you quit the Night Guard Yamen. At that time, who will protect you, your wives, children, parents and family?"

  All the Night Guards were silent.

  Li Qingxian pointed back at his chest and said: "It's us, it's us now! What we're protecting now is not Zheng Hei's son, it's not Zheng Hei we're protecting, it's us tomorrow, our family tomorrow!" Night

  Guards Stunned in place.

  Li Qingxian asked loudly: "Do you dare to protect you and your family tomorrow?"

  "Dare!" Wei Wei shouted in the middle of the night, breathing rapidly.

  "Do you dare to interrupt the dog's paws that will reach out to your wives, children, and parents tomorrow?"

  "Dare!" Almost all the night guards roared, their faces flushed.

  "You guys, do you dare to let the people from the Military and Horse Division know that we Night Guards are all good men, and these little bastards are not worthy of provoking us!" "Dare!"


  Qingxian suddenly pulled out his long knife. , pointing diagonally at the sky.

  "The night guard is doing business. If you don't retreat, you will be the enemy!" Li Qingxian shouted.

  "The night guards are doing their job. If you don't retreat, you will be the enemy!" All the night guards roared.

  Swish, swish, swish... The

  sound of drawing swords filled the ears, and the white sword light bloomed in the courtyard of the Bingma Division cell.

  Li Qingxian turned around, held up the Yan Fei Dao, glanced at the soldiers holding spears, stepped forward, and said: "Put down your weapons! Anyone who blocks my night guard, die!" "Whoever

  blocks my night guard, die!" All night guards united. call out.


  A soldier was so frightened that he loosened his hands and dropped his spear.

  Li Qingxian took another step forward, and the clanging sounds continued.

  All soldiers and horse commanders dropped their spears bravely.

  Li Qingxian said coldly: "Go to the wall and squat with your head in your hands. Anyone who dares to attack will be killed!"

  The soldiers walked to the corner with their heads lowered and squatted with their heads in their hands.

  Lu Siyu's face was green and white, and he stood there, spreading his arms and five fingers, motionless.

  (End of chapter)

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