Chapter 170 Wang Bu smiled bitterly and bid farewell to old friends

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  Chapter 170 Wang Bu smiled bitterly and said goodbye to his old friend.
  "I don't understand those literate things, but the more plainly you speak, the more it comes from the heart." "

  The first step is to learn from Jin Shang's words and deeds."

  "I have just what I have on hand. Today's calligraphy treasure reads, 'Young fortune-teller, first-class poet master'. Although this sentence was casually used by this emperor, it reflects his sincere teachings." "Why is the young man first and the first-class poet later? It's because the emperor is

  in He told me that only by taking one step at a time and studying steadily can young people be gradually promoted to the pillars of the country and first-class officials..." "Why should I be a

  fortune-teller first and then a poet? The emperor knows that I major in fortune-telling, so he ordered It reminds me what is primary and what is secondary, what is important and what is light. By extension, this article is teaching me that I need to distinguish between priorities and priorities. As I write this, I am sweating from behind, secretly sighing that I am doing this. I was too confused when I was young, and then the blood surged in my chest. I am indeed the Holy Son of Heaven. Just one sentence woke me up..." "

  I regret it so much now! When I first saw this calligraphy painting, I only felt shocked, but I couldn't feel it. The connotation. Only after I calm down and read it carefully can I understand what a sage I am! I have deeply imprinted the habits of priority and down-to-earth into my body. Therefore, even a random word contains the meaning of it. The great principle of being a human being."

  "After learning the last two sentences, I suddenly became enlightened. From now on, I must understand that being loyal to the king and the country is the most important, being a fortune teller is the most important, and being a human being is the most important..." "Kowtow to thank God!


  After Li Qingxian finished writing, he stood up respectfully, bent ninety degrees, and bowed three times.

  Da Qi and previous dynasties did not kneel to the king.

  Han Anbo and Yu Ping were shocked when they were in the same room.

  "Is there... someone in front of you?" Han Anbo asked.

  Li Qingxian carefully put away the "Notes of Listening to the Holy Interpretation" and said: "These are the notes that I learned from the emperor's words and deeds. You must not touch them!" With a smile, Li Qingxian put the notes in the closet and picked up the

  Qiankun Bracelet. I took some Bible books and put them together.

  "How can I, a sixteen-year-old child, have any evil intentions?" Li Qingxian patted the book with satisfaction.

  Han Anbo and Yu Ping were just curious when someone rushed in from the door.

  "Captain Li, we can't delay it any longer! If we delay it any longer, my mother will beat me to death!" A man rushed into the room and shouted.

  Li Qingxian saw that it was the coach Dong Ying. The two parties had originally agreed to attend his thank you banquet when his mother recovered from her illness.

  As a result, things continued to happen along the way, and I kept putting it off again and again. It took more than a month to make it happen.

  "I've been really busy lately." Li Qingxian said helplessly.

  Dong Yingwu's temperament grabbed Li Qingxian's sleeve and said: "Captain Li, let's make an appointment to stay in the countryside tonight! If you don't go, I will stay with you for the whole day. Wherever you go, I will go." I don't believe it. , you are busier than Mr. Ge, and you don't even have time to eat at night."

  Li Qingxian couldn't laugh or cry.

  Han Anbo smiled and said: "Team Li, Dong Ying is sincere, I think it's just for today. Anyway, our A9 team is off these days, and your original birthday party with the neighbors has also been postponed." Li Qingxian thought for a while

  . , I first experienced Gui Village, and then was forced to go to Beichen City. I came back last night and did it again. When I have no time, I really should take a rest.

  "Okay! As long as there are no accidents, I will go with you in the evening."

  "It's less than two hours since I left Xiahei. I'll book a private room and I'll stay under the locust tree in the courtyard!" Dong Ying said and left.

  Li Qingxian shook his head helplessly, opened the book of Xu Yuanhai's fortune-telling notes, and started flipping through it carefully.

  Xu Yuanhai is a famous great destiny magician, as famous as the master of the Tianming Sect at the same time.

  Li Qingxian used the in-depth reading method taught by Jiang Youfei. Every time he read an important knowledge point, he thought about it over and over again until he understood it thoroughly. Go through the knowledge points one by one and never skimp on them.

  If you encounter something that you still don't understand after watching it over and over again, just start reading it again from the first sentence on the first page. If you still don't understand it, continue to the beginning and start reading it again, and so on.

  It took half an hour for Li Qingxian to read two pages of the book. His head was spinning. He asked for a piece of peach cake from Yu Ping to eat. He walked around the Yewei Yamen to exercise and stimulate his blood circulation. He chatted with the Yewei he met for a while. , go back to the house and continue studying.

  After reading for half an hour again, Li Qingxian was reluctant to close the book, but Dong Ying was already urging him outside, so he reluctantly got up. Li Qingxian was curious in his heart, but he didn't expect that he would actually learn it. After learning something, he felt energetic, just like taking a shot of chicken blood. He was tired, but he felt very refreshed.

  "Sure enough, people are forced out..."

  Li Qingxian took a brief look at the attire. Even the casual clothes of the high-ranking officials were made up of clothes. Sometimes they felt ostentatious. Many officials wore brocade casual clothes when going out in private or wore wild clothes worn by farmers and fishermen. Clothes.

  Li Qingxian changed into a plain silver brocade robe, similar to what he wore back home, and walked out.

  Han Anbo and Yu Ping were not good enough, and they wore blue and brocade clothes wherever they went.

  The group of people walked out of the yard and before going out, they met Wang Buku walking towards them carrying a red lacquer food box.

  Li Qingxian and Wang Buku nodded lightly and passed by.

  Wang Buku took a detour through the door and entered the Demon Hunting Department. He walked to the door of Ye Han's courtyard, greeted the guard at the door, and stepped in.

  "Brother Ye, I brought you the wine and food from Xinghualou, which are all your usual favorites. I've been really busy lately, so I'm late." Wang Buku recently left the

  Black Light Division, encountered troubles one after another, and had too much time to take care of himself.

  Before Wang Buku could enter the main room door, a soft sigh came from inside.

  "But do you have time to give Li Qingxian a birthday gift?" Ye Han slowly walked to the door, stood on the threshold, and looked at Wang Buku under the stairs.

  Wang Buku froze on the spot, holding the food box and staring blankly at Ye Han behind the door frame.

  The wooden door blocked the sun, and the shadow cut between Ye Han's chest and abdomen.

  "I, Ye Han, am down and out, but my ears are good. There are quite a few Taoist priests in the Black Deng Division with crooked mouths." Ye Han looked at Wang Buku expressionlessly.

  Wang Buku sighed softly, knowing that Ye Han was suffering in his heart. He put down the food box and said, "I'll come see you when I have time." "I appreciate Brother Wang

  's kindness. Mr. Song asked me to cultivate my moral character. It's not convenient for me to see outsiders in the future." Mr. Wang, please don’t come." Ye Han said.

  Wang Buku was silent for a few breaths, hugged Ye Han with a fist, turned and left.

  After walking a dozen steps out of the gate, I heard a clang and a cracking disk in the yard.

  Wang BuKu knew that he was extremely depressed so he went to an acquaintance to show off. He understood in his heart and was not angry, so he slowly walked out.

  Li Qingxian left the Yewei Yamen and met her mother first with Dong Ying. After being thanked by her mother, she entered Zuixiang Residence with He Lei and a few of her friends from the street patrol.

  In the elegant room of Mingxuan, a red round table is placed in the middle, surrounded by rosewood chairs. The walls are covered with paintings and calligraphy, and are decorated with green plants.

  The night outside the window shines on the canal, and the river water moves gently.

  Li Qingxian couldn't refuse and took the main seat. He Lei was on the left and Dong Ying was on the right. The eight of them ordered a dish each. While chatting about everything, He Lei picked up a piece of crystal
  elbow and put it on the plate, saying: " Do you think the abolition of the street patrol house is true or false?"

  Everyone was silent.

  "Brother Han, you are well-informed. Do you have any new news?" He Lei asked.

  Han Anbo said with a smile: "If you ask me about rumors in the market and rumors in the market, I have a good reputation, but I really don't understand the officialdom." "Oh, I am so worried now.

  " He Lei said.

  (End of chapter)

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