Chapter 156 The Demon King Arrives at Beichen City

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  Chapter 156 The Demon King arrived at Beichen City

  and arrived at the North City Wall. He dismounted and Li Qingxian and others climbed onto the city wall.

  The shouts of killing grew louder outside the city, the sounds of swords and guns clashing could be clearly heard, and the smell of blood suddenly became thick.

  Li Qingxian bowed first and said: "Nephew Li Qingxian, I have met Uncle Song and Uncle Zhou."

  Song Yunjing nodded with a smile and said: "I have heard everything about you from Chunfeng. Okay, you are promising!"

  Zhou Chunfeng looked at Li Qingxian and smiled. "How do you feel about being trapped this time?"

  "I don't want to feel it," Li Qingxian said.

  Everyone smiled.

  After exchanging pleasantries, everyone turned to face the north outside the city.

  Under the clear sky at dusk, demon clan camps formed a cluster outside the city, trampling crops and covering grain fields.

  Between the city wall and the monster camp, the monsters howled and attacked the city.

  On the broad city wall, heavy crossbows and archers fired in an orderly manner, and the trebuchets behind the city wall continued to throw big stones one after another.

  The literary cultivators, Taoist cultivators, and puppet cultivators in the middle fought together, while the martial arts cultivators and non-cultivation cultivators were at the front.

  Boulders, rolling logs, oil and fire and other objects took turns falling on the demon clan.

  Li Qingxian took out the fragment of the great scholar, handed it to Zhou Chunfeng, and said, "Uncle Zhou, your book."

  Zhou Chunfeng took it.

  At this moment, the demon tribe is not in a hurry to attack. Everyone is standing on the wall, discussing the war, analyzing the situation, and discussing tactics.

  The garrison generals of Beichen City complained that nothing else mattered but the lack of supplies. Even Song Yunjing and Zhou Chunfeng could only drink a bowl of thin porridge and water for each meal. The reason why everyone did not starve to death was all thanks to the demon. Clan meat to satisfy hunger.

  It's okay for monks to eat monster meat, but ordinary people can't bear too much.

  Xiong Zhenghao laughed, pointed at Li Qingxian and said: "Before coming here, Li Qingxian said that he had a bracelet of heaven and earth in his hand, so we took some grain and grass at Zhenbeiguan. The bracelet of heaven and earth was terrifyingly big, and contained a large warehouse of grain and grass. , enough for you to eat for a long time.”

  "Really?" All the soldiers in Beichen City were overjoyed.

  Li Qingxian waved his hand and a large bag of brown rice fell on the ground. He waved it again and the bag of rice disappeared.

  "Good! Good! Good! Li family Qilin'er!" Song Yunjing praised repeatedly.

  "This is a great achievement! Even if it is not the first achievement, the second achievement will definitely not escape!" Zhou Chunfeng said.

  A garrison general said: "Grain and fodder has always been a major issue in the army. With a warehouse of grain and fodder, it will not be difficult for us to survive for another month."

  Li Qingxian looked at Song Baige and smiled.

  Song Baige couldn't help but ask: "Uncle Zhou, I have been fighting hard for many days, can I get a second place?"

  Song Yunjing said, "It's still a little bit worse."

  Song Baige sighed.

  Zhou Chunfeng said to a general beside him: "General Liu, take Li Qingxian to the granary to load and unload grain." "

  General, I will obey your order!"

  Li Qingxian followed General Liu and left. Several large granaries were quickly filled, and all the soldiers laughed. Mouth from ear to ear.

  After unloading the grain and grass, Li Qingxian climbed onto the city wall again. Before he could reach Zhou Chunfeng, he heard a sudden storm surge in the sky in front of him, and black clouds gathered over the demon clan's camp.

  "It's a vision of the arrival of the Demon King!" said one person.

  Everyone held their breath and looked forward.

  Zhou Chunfeng and Song Yunjing looked solemn.

  General Liu said: "The reason why we can hold on to Beichen City is mainly because the demon clan here is gathered from all directions. They are no more than fourth and fifth grades at most. They do not belong to each other. They are a loose mass of sand. One side often attacks the other side of the city. We are watching the excitement. If the Demon King comes and unites the entire army, our pressure will increase ten times."

  "Thirty times," Song Yunjing said.

  Zhou Chunfeng nodded.

  "Xue Tanhua, we meet again! Today, give me back the ears you owe me!" A strange voice came from the front.

  They saw a giant one-eared elephant walking out of the demon clan's camp with its trunk swinging. The two sides were obviously far apart, but they saw a giant black-skinned elephant with gilt patterns that was taller than the city wall. Everyone's eyes trembled slightly.

  It moved forward, the ground cracking, dust flying, and roaring.

  One ear of the golden-patterned black elephant flapped gently, and two ivory tusks as white as jade were raised high. The huge eyes were covered with blood and fierce light flickered.

  Zhou Hen asked in astonishment: "This White Fang was promoted to the third rank?"

  Zhou Chunfeng said in a clear voice, "Just in time, I cut off your other ear to serve with wine and food today, and chopped two ivory tusks as ornaments." "Xue Tan Hua

  " , you can't leave today!" Another strange voice sounded.

  I saw a giant snake with red and black stripes on a green background that was enough for two people to hug, swimming out of the camp. It was more than ten feet long and walked on the ground like a long ship.

  Black holes opened on its back, and green poisonous mist spewed out, covering its entire body.

  "The demon king's black pattern is also the third grade."

  Everyone on the city wall was stunned. How could two third-grade demon kings suddenly appear?
  The sky in Beichen City became overcast.

  Before everyone could digest the news about the two demon kings, another voice came from the demon camp.

  "Xue Tanhua, when you crossed the river, I was still young and had never faced you directly. Today, I will meet you."

  The new demon clan walked between the two demon kings.

  His lower body is like a deer, with yellow skin and white spots, and a deerskin body standing on the deer's neck. His eight-pack abdominal muscles are clearly visible, his chest muscles are thick, but he has no arms.

  There is a deer's head on the human shoulder. On top of the deer's head, white shimmering antlers branch out and bloom, densely packed like a tree crown.

  This half-human deer is three feet tall in total, and its antlers account for only one foot.

  In the eyes of this giant human-headed deer, the golden pupils exude a strange light.

  Li Qingxian's heart skipped a beat.

  There are two kinds of humanoid demons in the demon clan.

  One is a hybrid of human and demon, half-demon, but basically has a human face and a human body with demon characteristics, and the height is not much different from that of humans.

  The other type has a human body, but the head must be a demon, with golden eyes and a large body. This kind of demon is an imperial demon.

  Only the descendants of the fifth generation of super-grade demon saints can look like this, just like the emperor of the demon clan.

  Every imperial demon has abilities beyond its own level.

  "It's the Tree Horn King." Zhou Chunfeng whispered.

  Even if the emperor demon is a titled king, even if he is a third-grade monster, he still has the strength to rival an ordinary second-grade monster.

  Everyone's expressions changed, even Zhou Hen frowned tightly.

  "How strong is this Tree Horn King?" Li Qingxian asked in a low voice.

  Song Baige sighed: "Three months ago, King Shujiao, as a third-grade man, was undefeated in front of the second-grade general of the River Guard Army, King Chen Tianwang, and escaped with minor injuries. Of course, King Chen Tianwang was seriously injured at that time. If he was not injured, This tree-horned king can't survive ten moves."

  "King Chen..."

  Those who can be called heavenly kings in the human race must participate in killing the first-level demon king. Generally, only one level can be called heavenly king.

  "Ask for help." Song Yunjing said.

  Zhou Chunfeng nodded, took out the messenger plate, and sent out a signal for help.

  "The River Guard Army is currently facing a full-scale attack by the demon clan. Once a third-level master leaves, they will inevitably encounter obstacles, so don't hold out hope. As for the third-level masters from behind to arrive here, they need to be convened, discussed and prepared, which will take at least two hours. We have to last for two hours or more..."

  Everyone was silent.

  Everyone could hear what Zhou Chunfeng had not finished saying.

  What if the imperial court abandons Beichen City?

  The Elephant Demon White Fang shook his nose and laughed: "Zhou Chunfeng, ever since I learned that you were in Beichen City, I have made preparations and even invited the Tree Horn King. Today, you and I will have a good fight. ! If you dare to run away, I will slaughter the city all the way! Beat the drums! Blow the trumpets! "




  The fourth update will continue tomorrow.

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  (End of chapter)

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