Chapter 144 Xiao Yewei’s dimension reduction attack

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  Chapter 144: The Little Night Guard's Dimensionality Reduction Attack

  Under the same starry sky, the Night Guard and the Monster Hunting Department.

  Ye Han stood alone in the small courtyard, glanced at the guard at the door, and hid the anger in his eyes.

  As he walked, he thought to himself.

  Zhao Mansion.

  "Sir, Tang Enxuan wants to harm Li Qingxian again."


  Street Patrol Room, Room A9.

  When the morning sun rose, Li Qingxian wanted to go home directly when he woke up, but Liu Muwa from the Ministry of Works personally came to the door and took Li Qingxian to the wine shop of the Prison Division.

  In the temporary meeting hall of the wine shop, people from the Night Guard, the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Works and the Neikufu gathered together.

  At this moment, there are more than fifty officials gathered, more than ten of them are middle-ranking officials in Fei Yi, and the rest are all low-ranking officials in green clothes.

  The distillery was basically finalized, and after the stills were replaced with fine steel, there were no major accidents.

  Next, the focus of the winery shifted from brewing to operation and expansion.

  Liu Muwa, Luo Jing, Jing Guan and others discussed expansion and management methods together.

  Li Qingxian listened humbly to people discussing business at first, but the more he listened, the more speechless he became. These bureaucrats were worse than ordinary businessmen, let alone himself, a self-media person who has been baptized by the flood of information.

  Unable to bear it after listening, Li Qingxian stood up and said: "Do you know what the well of death is? Do you know what the adoption life cycle of new things is? Do you know what innovators, tryers, and the masses are? Completely ignoring The actual situation, just open your mouth and be blindly confident, how can you make the winery bigger and stronger in the future!"

  Li Qingxian's mouthful of new terms shocked the entire audience.

  Li Qingxian said, "Liu Sizheng, please take out your magic fog board. I want to demonstrate in public what new things adopt the life cycle. This is what my grandfather, a fortune-teller, mentioned when chatting with my father. thing."

  Liu Sizheng waved his right hand, and a white-backed yellow-striped shell flew out of the lucky silverbait bag. The shell opened its mouth, and the black pearl in the center spit out a cloud of white mist, which condensed into a whiteboard of mist behind Li Qingxian.

  Liu Sizheng took out a pointed snail that stored magic ink and handed it to Li Qingxian.

  "When new things are accepted, they are basically divided into five stages, namely the period of innovators, the period of new adopters, the period of early masses, the period of late masses and the period of being outdated." Li Qingxian held a sharp conch and drew one horizontal and one vertical line on it

  . , said: "The horizontal axis is time, and the vertical axis is product sales."

  Then, Li Qingxian drew a slowly diagonal upward line from left to right from the vertical and horizontal intersections. After reaching the peak, he began to draw downward, as if A rugged mountain, and then draw vertical straight lines to divide the mountain pattern into five sections.

  "The first stage on the left is very rare. It is called the innovator period. It means that after an emerging thing appears, only a few innovators use it. There are only one or two people in a hundred people." "The second stage on the right

  , It’s called the period of newbies. These are people who like to try new things. Among a hundred people, there are only about ten.” “

  As time goes by, under the influence of innovators and newbies, it will enter the third stage, and the public will gradually To accept new things, the early mass period appears. At this time, these people are the main buyers of new things, accounting for more than 30 people out of 100 people. Our wine can only be considered stable until the early mass period! Because ..."

  Li Qingxian drew dark shadows between the second stage and the third stage, dividing the two stages.

  "Between the taster stage and the early majority stage, there is an invisible well of death! We cannot be sure that new things will be accepted by the public, and facts have proven that 99% of new things fall into the well of death for various reasons. There is no way to climb out of the well. The things that are really well known to the public are actually less than 1%."

  At this point, Li Qingxian looked at everyone seriously.

  "We have just entered the first stage now. Before we enter the second stage, some people are carrying out large-scale construction projects and opening up hundreds of shops. This is clearly going straight to the well of death! I ask you, is the wine-making process fully mature? No! Have you trained brewing master apprentices? No! Have you started to train innovators and new tasters? No! If you can't sell the wine, have you made a plan? No! If the wine sells too well and sells out, how should you deal with it? No! How do you ensure that the quality of the wine is consistent? No! I won’t say anything else. It doesn’t matter what you want. It’s so hyped. There wasn’t even a safe production process at the beginning. How many times has this winery been bombed? Who gave it to you? Do you have the courage to firmly believe that the wine shop will be a hit and continue to be a hit?" There was silence in the meeting hall, and everyone's faces were red.

  After a while, Luo Jing said cautiously: "Weren't you the one who blew it first?"

  Everyone nodded lightly.

  "I thought you all knew these basic things!" Li Qingxian said without mercy.

  There was a look of shame on everyone's faces.

  "My family background." Liu Muwa sighed.

  "Then what should we do?" Luo Jing asked.

  "Our strategy for spirits should be to focus on the niche first, then the mass; first on the special groups, then the general groups; first on hunger marketing, then on mass shipments; first on small iterations, then on big strides, to withstand uncertainty and find the right target. Pain points, choose the best way to play, and form a flywheel effect..." Li Qingxian waved his arms, quite like an Internet tycoon who kept his mouth shut.

  These people have never seen this kind of dimensionality reduction attack, and they nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

  " to do it specifically?" Liu Muwa asked.

  Li Qingxian said: "It's very simple."

  "The so-called first the niche and then the public means taking the powerful route and promoting it first among officials, wealthy businessmen, wealthy families and monks to create a high-end spirits brand. I ask you, do you dare? Get a big one."

  "What big one?" Liu Muwa asked.

  "If you want to make a royal wine, you can change the word 'roy' to the word 'yu' for jade."

  All the officials looked horrified.

  Eunuch Jing Guan said hurriedly: "You really don't care about your life for making money, but... jade seems to be fine."

  Li Qingxian thought for a while and said: "Master Jing, this will trouble your inner treasury. Donate this to the emperor." Wine. When we sell wine, we can secretly tell customers that this is the wine that the emperor drank. To be honest, this is always okay, right?"

  Jing Guan said helplessly: "It's okay, but don't say it in public. Ah."

  Li Qingxian secretly scolded these cowards and said: "You can figure it out yourself. The so-called first special groups and then general groups, for example, first promote it among soldiers and scholars, and spend a lot of money to find a few people who are addicted to alcohol and have literary names. Scholars, write a few poems about our wine, in short, just to build momentum..."

  Li Qingxian kept talking, and everyone present was confused.

  With Li Qingxian in control of the general direction and clear route, everyone worked together to slowly formulate various plans.

  Pay close attention to production, wine cellar storage, gradual expansion, wine bottle packaging, powerful route, marketing gimmicks, poetry promotion... a series of plans were formulated.

  Li Qingxian knew that he had no time to go home, so he had to stay here to check.

  In the next few days, Li Qingxian stayed at the Prison Division Wine Shop, sleeping less than two hours a day on average.

  What Li Qingxian didn't expect was that after his content reached the Ministry of Industry, Xiao Yuan, the left minister of the Ministry of Industry, actually came to the winery in person.

  He is the first person under the Minister of Industry and Liu Muwa's immediate boss.

  After listening to Li Qingxian's explanation, Xiao Yuan was very happy and decided to go to Luliang City to build a brewery in person in a few days.

  (End of chapter)

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