Chapter 136: A man who is cautious in his words and deeds and discusses matters as they arise

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  Chapter 136: A man who is careful in his words and deeds and talks about things as they are.
  Ye Han's mind was filled with confusion, his eyes passed over the unfamiliar room, and he sat stiffly on the bed, motionless.

  Slowly, the image of Fangyuan Village flashed in his mind.

  After a long silence, Ye Han lowered his voice and said, "Aren't you afraid of the backlash on my fate?"

  "Backlash? Have you forgotten your oath? As long as I don't harm you, you won't hold me accountable even if I do something to hurt you. I took the Qiankun Ring, but I didn't hurt you. This oath is over.

  Ye Han felt chills all over his body when he thought of his previous oath. Unexpectedly, Li Qingxian was plotting against his own Qiankun Ring at that time.

  He felt a slight pain in his wrist and lowered his head. After taking a look, Yin Hong's scar was like a red rope embedded in it.

  "Did you do it? "Ye Han glared at Li Qingxian.

  "In order to clear up the mystery, I will spare you some blood. "Li Qingxian said seriously.

  Ye Han's face turned pale and he said, "What else did you do to me when I was in a coma? Li

  Qingxian smiled and patted Ye Han on the shoulder, but did not answer. He just said: "From now on, the road is facing the sky, and everyone goes to one side, okay?" "

  Ye Han thought of the scenes in the strange village, and a chill rose in his heart. He became more and more convinced that there was a mysterious old man behind Li Qingxian.

  "Yes! "Ye Han gritted his teeth and said.

  "Okay. "

  Ye Han regretted it the next moment and begged in a low voice: "There is a page of golden book inside, which is of no use to you, why not..." "

  I will use it. "Li Qingxian looked calm.

  "You..." Ye Han was stunned.

  Li Qingxian said earnestly: "The one who took the Qiankun Ring was not me, but the Mother. I got it from the hand of the Deception Mother, so it naturally belongs to me. You, Ye Hanzhai, have a kind heart, and you must also understand that this thing has changed owners. If you forcefully ask for it, it will be ugly for you and me to bump into each other again. Don't worry, although I am disappointed in you, I still regard you as a friend in my heart, and I will not betray you in front of the Black Lantern Division. I am leaving. "

  Li Qingxian turned around and left.

  Ye Han stretched out his hand to grab Li Qingxian's sleeve and whispered: "There is a treasure map inside. I won't argue with you, but I worked hard for many days to decipher it and got some clues. I will only take one thing and give the rest to you. "

  Li Qingxian shook off Ye Han and said with a smile: "You have crossed the line."

  After saying that, Li Qingxian turned and left the room.

  Ye Han looked at Li Qingxian's back with bleak eyes.

  Ye Han lowered his head and stared at the white mark on the middle finger of his left hand, his heart dripping with blood, and secretly swore: "I underestimated the enemy! From now on, I will hide my strength and bide my time, like the prince of Yuan Dynasty, the son of a rich man, who cannot sit in the throne, and is not fully sure. , I will never go into battle in person! It seems that a good life is not enough, you also need to have a brain, and you also need to be as vicious as Li Qingxian! I, Ye Han, got up from where I fell..."

  Li Qingxian just returned to the room, Zhou Hen walked in, didn't speak, and transmitted the message secretly.

  "Master Zhou sent me a message, saying that he promised that if the other party takes action again, he will tell you who is behind it. The person who harmed you is Tang Enxuan, the former Crown Prince of Yuan and now the general of the auxiliary country." "It's him

  ... "

  Li Qingxian suddenly realized that among the royal family members he had guessed before, including King Yuan, he did not expect it to be his son Tang Enxuan.

  Tang Enxuan was the nephew of Emperor Taining, the son of Prince Yuan, and the crowned prince. He was the first heir to Prince Yuan. As long as nothing unexpected happened, even if he was demoted, Tang Enxuan could inherit the title of Duke or Duke.

  Because of his numerous crimes, Tang Enxuan was taken away from the title of Crown Prince by Li Gangfeng, demoted to the rank of general of the auxiliary country, and completely lost his right to inheritance.

  Li Qingxian heard that Tang Enxuan had been imprisoned for a long time, and was beaten to pieces before being imprisoned.

  "Tang Enxuan..." Li Qingxian thought quietly.

  After a long time, the door opened and Wang Buku walked in followed by two Taoists. A Taoist holds a copper bowl in his left hand. In the copper bowl stands a thumb-thick colorless crystal column.

  Another Taoist was carrying a bamboo cricket cage. A green grasshopper-like insect could be seen in the gap. It was several inches long and had a trembling beard.

  Li Qingxian stood up and said, "Everyone, please sit down."

  Wang Buku glanced at the Qiankun bracelet on Li Qingxian's wrist and sat on a chair nearby.

  The Taoist holding the copper sound bowl flicked the crystal column, and the crystal column flashed, and the light mist was seen billowing in the copper bowl, like a sea of ​​clouds.

  Li Qingxian looked at Wang Buku calmly.

  Wang Buku said: "Li Duizheng, you are a life magician and the main person to solve puzzles. You should have more memories than others." "Indeed,"

  Li Qingxian said.

  "Okay, then tell me about your specific experience." Wang Buku said, taking out a white glass board about a foot square and floating a brush on it.

  Li Qingxian looked out the window, following the night breeze, and slowly told the process while hiding some details.

  "I will always remember that noon, when the brothers were playing in the bright white river..." "It wasn't

  until the cattle herders and the water herders disappeared that we suddenly woke up..." "We have

  experienced a lot, looking at the lanterns... Eat pork...touch autumn to get melons...clip the word "Fu"...touch Baifu Cang...see the strange mother...become a strange baby...enter the melons and split melons...bringers of good news...separate eggs...plant trees...catch Zhou... In the end, I used my life skills, combined with Ye Han's powerful destiny, to drive away the Mother of Evil..."

  As Li Qingxian was telling the story, the brush on the white glass board kept recording the key points automatically.

  Wang Buku and the two Taoists' eyes widened from time to time, and their expressions changed from time to time.

  When Li Qingxian finished speaking, the three of them breathed a long sigh of relief.

  The Taoist holding the sound bowl sighed: "I heard that you half solved the mystery in the west courtyard of the Prison Division before. We didn't believe it, but we believe it this time. The details of the mystery you told about this time are really rare. The role of Deng Si and Qi State is unimaginable. We will report to Si Zheng to express our merits for you."

  Another Taoist looked at the motionless Liar Insect, nodded and said: "Those people together are not as good as you say. The details. In the future, if the brothers of Black Lantern Division encounter the mother of ghosts or similar ghosts again, the possibility of survival will be greatly increased. I would like to thank you first on behalf of brother Black Lantern Division."

  Wang Buku nodded and said, "Yes, what you said today will save the lives of the brothers in the Black Deng Division." "

  I just said everything that needs to be said." Li Qingxian said.

  "Is there anything else?" Wang Buyu stared into Li Qingxian's eyes.

  Li Qingxian said calmly: "Yes. Some of them I think are useless, so I don't need to say them. There are some others. I'm afraid I'm wrong, so I might as well not say them." "

  What else do you want to say? For example, other night guards."

  Li Qingxian thought for a while. , carefully weighing his words: "We are all ordinary people. When we suddenly encounter something strange, in order to protect ourselves, we will inevitably make various actions. I don't want to judge others. I can only say that I have tried my best. Those of us who survived , we may have said the wrong words or done the wrong things, but we all have the ability to solve the mystery." "

  I have a few questions to ask you." Wang Buku said.


  "Why did you choose to be a ghost baby?"

  "I made it very clear before that this was not a choice of my own initiative, but a forced one. Of course, I also made an exchange with Ye Han privately in exchange for his full support. I am involved in the oath and cannot be leaked."

  "Why did you bleed Ye Han a lot in the end?"

  (End of this chapter)

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