Chapter 122 Good luck is a taboo in life

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  Chapter 122 Good Luck is a Big Taboo in Life
  "You also peel the eggs and put them in the basket after peeling." Wang said honestly.

  Under the early morning sunshine, ten night guards silently peeled pig blood-red eggs and put them in the basket one after another.


  The lucky man handed over the egg and lowered his head with a look of shock. His hands were cut open by a sharp blade at some point, and there were dozens of wounds crisscrossed, but there was no trace of blood on the wound, which was white, like Soaked in water.

  The others also lowered their heads to observe, their hands cracked.

  Everyone immediately understood why the eggs turned red.

  Wang Laoshi picked up the basket, put it inside the threshold, and said with a smile: "Little master, this is your red blessed egg. Eat it together and bless you with immortality." The sunshine boy turned and asked: "Mom, can you share

  this egg with me? " Others will eat it."

  "My silly son, this is a great tonic. It's all prepared for you. Even if my mother is greedy, she won't be able to bear to eat it." The

  sunshine boy picked out the egg that Lucky Boy had peeled, held it in both hands and put it away. In the big hand of Mother Wei, she said: "This is just the best. Give it to mother. I will only eat ten. Mother, please don't refuse. This is the child's filial piety." The lucky man clenched his fists


  Mother Wei began to sob softly, and said in a tearful tone: "My dear son, you love my mother the most. You are really my great son. Okay, mother, just eat this good red egg, and you must eat the others." Finished."

  The sunshine boy first stuffed the egg-breaking wormwood into his clothes, smiled coldly at the lucky man, picked up a red egg and stuffed it into his mouth.

  The red egg turned into gray-yellow airflow when it reached the mouth, and went into the throat.

  The sunshine boy ate ten blood eggs one at a time.

  Every time you eat one, your body will grow taller.


  Everyone frowned at the strong smell of egg yolk.

  But the sunshine boy only felt the taste of rust in his mouth.

  Sunshine Boy first went to the mourning platform and found that his spiritual eye dragon had absorbed part of the air flow transformed from the egg.

  When I looked back at the Shouming Mansion, I saw a bait star floating on the Mingxing Mountain turning from transparent to grayish yellow.

  The sunshine boy shook his head helplessly and looked up at the sky.

  The white light above the void finally showed its outline, like a giant sitting cross-legged, similar to the outline of the figure sitting cross-legged behind the black curtain.

  The light chain between the giant and Mingfu became even thicker.

  "Take your time, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry..."

  Sunshine Boy exited the Ming Mansion.

  Ten night guards stood motionless outside the door.

  The lucky student's face looked gloomier than ever.

  The sunshine boy glanced at the others. Even the listener and the captain had dark circles under their eyes and blue cheeks. The others looked even more ugly.

  Wang said honestly: "Mother, we still need chickens, sheep, and cows for sacrifice. Can we start killing them?" "

  You can arrange it." The soft voice of the Mistress echoed in the house.


  Sunshine Boy said, "I think Lucky Guy is good at catching chickens. I'll leave it to Lucky Guy to catch the chicken."

  Wang Laoshi smiled and raised his head, pointing at Lucky Guy.

  Lucky Chang sighed, with an expressionless face, seemingly numb. He took out a pink fragrant embroidered mandarin duck handkerchief from the Qiankun Ring with his right hand and covered his face. His face immediately turned into one of the night guards.

  Wang Laoshi's right arm raised midway turned and pointed at the night guard.

  Then David smiled coldly and said: "Good luck, my Cao Ni mother, I will not live long in this life, I will definitely find a chance to kill you in the next life! Just wait! All night guards brothers, when you meet my family in the future Please help take care of these two useless children!" David Zhong said, clasping his fists and standing quietly.

  The mandarin duck handkerchief on the lucky man's face melted and dripped.

  The sunshine boy added: "I think lucky students are also suitable for catching sheep."

  Wang Laoshi slowly raised his arm.

  The lucky man was so desperate that he had to take out a six-star carved black mahogany sword from the Qiankun Ring. He glanced at the sunshine boy and plunged the sword into his head. His eyes rolled back, his body went limp and he fell to the ground. .

  "Why did such a good person suddenly disappear?" Wang said honestly, pointing to another young night guard, "Go catch the sheep."

  The young night guard suddenly rushed up and punched and kicked the lucky student who fell on the ground. Wang Laoshi didn't care, he just watched.

  When David saw it, he rushed forward and punched and kicked the lucky boy.

  The foodie grasped the stick tightly and aimed it at the lucky boy's head.

  The lucky boy rolled around and escaped, stood up with his arms protecting his head, and shouted loudly: "Colonel, you don't care about them?"

  Then the captain stretched out his hand and said: "We are all our own people, don't fight among ourselves."

  The others Standing on the left side of the door, glaring at the lucky student and the captain on the right.

  Inside the door, the sunshine boy spoke again.

  "Wang Laoshi, the lucky man is strong and strong, suitable for catching cattle."

  "Not bad."

  The lucky man trembled, and a gray-yellow blood-striped white silk appeared in his hand. He tied it around his neck. He threw it with his right hand and the white silk was hanging in the air. Rising, lifting good luck students.

  The lucky person lifts his feet off the ground, tilts his head, and sticks out his tongue, as if he is breathless.

  Wang Laoshi raised his arm and pointed at the other night guard.

  The night guard glared at the lucky man fiercely, raised his fist to the listener, and said: "Brother, please give the money I have to my wife and children. The things owed by others will be written off in one stroke. One of the coins inside The golden beads are my reward." He handed the purse to the listener.

  The man who listened to the book sighed, stretched out his hand to take it and said, "I will definitely hand it over without any reward."

  "You must." That night guard clutched his purse tightly.

  "Okay, I want it." The listener nodded heavily.

  The night guard took out the mugwort from his body, bent down and put it into the threshold. He looked at the sunshine boy   with a steady gaze and said: "Justice is in the heart of the people. Take the mugwort. I can only hope to bring the remaining brothers to liberation." People and sheep catchers are like cattle catchers, giving money to the listener and wormwood to the sunshine boy.

  "You can go at ease. I will take care of your family." The sunshine boy stepped on his tiger-head shoes and solemnly picked up three sticks of mugwort.

  The cow catcher smiled sadly, looked at the good luck student and said: "You are lucky, we can't do anything to you. Don't worry, we are watching you in the underworld! Waiting for you! Looking forward to you!" The white silk with gray and yellow edges with blood stripes broke

  . , the lucky student fell to the ground, slowly stood up, and gently patted the dust on his body.

  The sunshine boy suddenly took out a stick of mugwort, handed it to Wang Laoshi, and said slowly: "Look, can you change the cow catcher to the lucky one?"

  Wang Laoshi glanced at the black curtain, with a look of hesitation on his face.

  The lucky boy looked at the sunshine boy angrily.

  Sunshine Boy added one and handed over two.

  Wang Laoshi took it with a smile, took one and put it in his arms, wrapped the other one around his finger and pointed it at the lucky boy.

  "You go catch the cow."

  The mugwort wrapped around the fingers turned yellow, shattered, and dissipated.

  The lucky student was shocked and angry and said: "Sunshine boy, you know that my destiny is strong, why do you still hurt me? Aren't you afraid that my destiny will block you?" As he spoke, he took out a black pointed hat

  , It is like a cone, about two feet high, and is worn on the head.

  But Sunshine Boy sneered: "You originally wanted to kill us one by one..."

  Sunshine Boy's words were interrupted by Wei Mu.

  "This lucky boy is really annoying." Mother Wei's voice was sharper than ever before, as if she had met an enemy.

  Everyone was stunned, only Wang Laoshi pointed his finger at the cow catcher again and said: "You go." The

  black hat on the head of the lucky man turned into dense crows, croaking and flying in all directions.

  The lucky student stayed where he was, looking at the dark curtain, with unconcealable fear on his face.

  He was actually targeted by the Mother of Evil.

  The note clearly stated that this was a big taboo!

  The road to survival is in danger!

  What exactly caused the mother-in-law to be angry?
  The sunshine boy and the listener looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

  (End of chapter)

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