Chapter 110 The golden land of Ming Mansion, the golden dragon holding the pillar, can it scrape the ground three feet?

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  Chapter 110 The golden land of Ming Mansion, the golden dragon holding the pillar, can it scrape the ground three feet?

  The captain took a deep breath and said, "That's enough! Sunshine Boy can swear, but he can only swear not to actively harm the lucky boy. Lucky boy, you must agree to let him watch his fate and swear!

  " ..." The lucky student looked at the captain, but the captain turned his head and looked in another direction.

  The lucky man gritted his teeth and said: "I agree! I swear to my destiny. As long as Sunshine Boy is willing to be a ghost baby and does not take the initiative to harm me, I will allow him to watch my fate, deduce my destiny, and Hurry me up and fight against the evil mother!"

  Sunshine Boy said: "I swear to my fate, as long as the lucky guy doesn't take the initiative to harm me and is willing to let me deduce my life, I will never harm him! Tell me your birth date. Eight characters."

  Before swearing, the sunshine boy did a sunny thing.

  Quickly replace the four life stars on the life pillar with the purchased bait life stars, and then replace them again after completing the oath.

  The lucky boy glared at the sunshine boy, found a pen and paper, wrote down the eight characters, rolled them up into a ball, and handed them to the sunshine boy.

  The sunshine boy spread out the paper, took a look at it, and put it away.

  "Please protect me, everyone, I will wait and see for good luck."

  Everyone entered the house, and the night guard guarded the doors and windows.

  The morning light cannot penetrate the window paper, and the public room is dark.

  The lucky man sat down with a dark face, and the sunny boy sat opposite him, looking angry at the sight of the dragon.

  A golden official seal appeared above the head of the lucky man. There was a turtle with a golden turtle button on the big seal.

  The four auspicious signs of longevity, crown and belt, Linguan and Emperor Wang are Linguan.


  Upon closer inspection, the turtle was not gold, but gold inlaid with jade.

  Only the emperor can use the jade seal.

  "This boy is really terrifying. Others' crowns and crowns are just ordinary hats, but he is an emperor's crown. Others' Linguan is just an ordinary official seal, but he not only has a gold seal with turtle buttons, but his turtle buttons turned into jade, etc... If his crown and crown are like an emperor's crown , then this vision of Linguan should be a jade seal. Is it because the luck has changed due to the loss of the Thunder Seed of the Divine Sky?"

  Looking at the sky above the official seal, there is indeed no image of destiny.

  Straight into the whirlpool, a moment later, the sunshine boy felt that he was blinded.

  He is in a large square paved with blue bricks, with a radius of more than a hundred feet, and there are fifteen floors of green bricks under his feet.

  At the end of the square, a grand hall with gold tiles and red walls stands in front of it, shining with golden light and majestic.

  Between the square and the main hall, white marble stairs go up, and the royal road between the stairs is carved with a picture of two dragons playing with a pearl.


  The sunshine boy couldn't help but think of his little shabby house.

  Feeling the brilliant golden light coming from behind, the sunshine boy turned around and was blinded for the second time.

  On top of the white destiny cloud in the sky, the golden destiny stars were stacked together like salted duck eggs.

  Almost thirty or forty.

  These destiny stars were so bright that Sunshine Boy couldn't see them clearly and couldn't spy on them.

  The sunshine boy tried his best but couldn't see it, so he had to give up.

  Taking one step forward, he arrived at the door of Ming Mansion, and the door opened inwards.

  The sunshine boy felt dazzled for the third time.

  Other people's floors are made of loess, stone, or wooden floors, but this person's floor is better, with golden square bricks.

  The young man's destiny is divided into nine pieces, just like nine pieces of gold poured on it. The
  destiny formula says: The golden land of the destiny has a history of hundreds of generations.

  The sunshine boy thought to himself, this Ye Han...huh? His nickname? He should be called a lucky student. This lucky man turned out to be the kind of big shot who would definitely leave his name in history.

  The sunshine boy squinted his eyes and stared at Jindi, thinking over and over again.

  "You can hunt for life, can you also scrape three feet of the ground? It doesn't take much, just pry four pieces of gold and put it under my life pillar, and my life will be doubled. Anyway, there are nine pieces of life land and four life pillars. He Five more yuan is of no use..."

  The sunshine boy made a note in his mind and looked up at the four life pillars.

  Each life pillar is surrounded by a golden dragon.

  The fortune teller says: The golden dragon holds the pillar, which brings good fortune and wealth.

  "Today is really an eye-opener. I finally saw what a top destiny is."

  The sunshine boy's eyes moved upward. Above the four pillars, there were four destiny stars suspended, which were far brighter than anything he had seen before. Above the Year Pillar and within the Life Star, there is a clear sky. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

  Then the moon rises and lights up the night sky.

  When the moon sets, the sun rises again, back and forth, endlessly.

  There is never darkness in this destiny star.

  Destiny Star: The sun and moon rise forever, extremely valuable.

  There is a saying in the fortune-telling formula: As the sun rises, as the moon remains eternal, as the sun rises and the moon remains eternal, one's life will be prosperous forever.

  The sunshine boy looked at one of the top destiny stars in the legend, and then thought about his own, speechless.

  "The first destiny star has a great influence on people. As soon as he is born, the sun and the moon will rise forever, just like his inheritance for a hundred generations." The

  sunshine boy thought to himself and looked at the second destiny star.

  Above the moon pillar, within the life star, hangs a sun. Under the sun, a golden mountain rises from the ground, piercing the clouds and fog, looking proudly at the sky and the earth.

  At this moment, the sunshine boy felt that he was looking up at Mount Everest.

  Destiny Star: The sun shines on Jinshan, which is extremely expensive.

  There is a saying in the Ming Jue: It is as fierce as the sun and as solid as a mountain. The sun shines on Jinshan, and the dirty snow disperses.

  "This is one of the most powerful fates that can lead to danger. When paired with the rising sun and the moon, the fortune is excellent." Sunshine Boy commented with a sour look, looking at the third fate star.

  Above the Sun Pillar and within the Life Star, there is an endless dark swamp, like an ocean, boundless as far as the eye can see.

  Green poisonous mist filled the air, with purple bubbles popping everywhere.

  There was a crash, the poisonous mist rolled, the swamp splashed, and a huge one-horned dragon-like creature poked its head out, its body covered with black scales, and its head as big as a mountain.

  Countless poisons slid down its scales.

  This giant dragon-like thing was tumbling in the deep black swamp, never revealing its full body. It was roughly estimated to be ten thousand feet long.

  This dragon-like giant was originally covered in black scales, but dense white cracks appeared on its surface, and a faint golden light escaped from the cracks.

  The giant creature occasionally raised its head high and looked toward the east, its dark eyes showing fierce murderous intent, and its ferocity was fully revealed.

  Wisps of strange power in the poisonous pool turned into dark green silk mist, constantly integrating into its body.

  Destiny Star: Poison Pond Hidden Dragon, extremely fierce.

  The fortune teller says: A dragon lurks in a poisonous pond, and there will be a hero. The dragon lurks in the poisonous pool, causing trouble to all living beings. Hidden dragon in the deep sea, Xiu Qi Zhiping.

  Suddenly, the black poisonous hidden dragon turned its head and looked at the sunshine boy.

  The sunshine boy's whole body was cold and he quickly looked away.

  "This..." The sunshine boy did not expect to encounter such a cruel fate.

  The last person who had the fate of a dragon hiding in a poisonous pond was Chen Duanxiong, one of the four anti-kings who was as famous as the founder of Qi State.

  The sunshine boy sighed. If the other party was the fate star of the Deep Sea Hidden Dragon, he might try to follow the dragon if he gave in. But this was the Poison Pool Hidden Dragon. Once born, he would be the only one to dominate, and he would be the first to die.

  Think about Chen Duanxiong, who killed many of his cronies after becoming emperor.

  If you are targeted by this poisonous dragon, you will die or I will die.

  The sunshine boy thought for a long time and looked at the pillar of time.

  Among the Fate Stars, there stood a huge black volcano. The volcano was ten thousand feet high, its crater was thousands of feet in diameter, and it had an unusual shape.

  In the crater, red magma surged.

  On the crater, there was a brilliant sword of white light floating. The light was so bright that the details of the sword body could not be seen.

  In the sky above the sword, thousands of phantom golden hammers descended from the sky, forming a dense mass of hammers that were smashed down and lifted up again, again and again, endlessly.

  A tinkling sound echoed over the volcano.

  Life Star: It will be a good thing if it is made into a tool.

  There is a saying in the fortune telling: Iron can be made by a hundred forgings, steel can be made by a thousand forgings, and a weapon can be made by a thousand grindings.

  (End of chapter)

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