Chapter 101: Red Lotus Planted on the Body of Listening to Books

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  Chapter 101 Listening to the Book: Red Lotus Planted on the Body
  As everyone entered the village, they looked towards the center of the village.

  At night, the white building was decorated with lights, and a grand bonfire was piled outside the yard, covering an area of ​​more than ten feet in diameter, with red flames rising into the sky.

  Men and women dressed in festive colorful costumes, all in red and purple, sat around the bonfire, or held hands, singing and dancing.

  The sound of reeds, suonas, xuns, drums and wooden boards resounded throughout the village.

  The flames shine on the festive faces, and the joyful festival atmosphere fills the night.

  The sunshine boy looked towards the third floor of the white building, where two white lanterns were extinguished.

  "You seem to be worried?" the listener whispered.

  The sunshine boy nodded and said, "I always feel like something is wrong, but I always get distracted thinking about it. It's been like this today." "

  Me too," Tingshu said.

  The two looked at each other.

  The sunshine boy lowered his head and glanced at his left wrist. Fortunately, there was nothing there.

  Nineteen night guards approached the bonfire and were about to turn around and go to the public house. The dancing girls and young women came around, laughing and holding the night guards' hands, singing softly.

  "The guests sang folk songs together and danced after singing folk songs..."

  "Singing folk songs to welcome the empress, the village and outside were filled with joy..."

  The women gently shook the arms of the night guards and walked towards the bonfire with their bright eyes. Full of longing.

  The night guards walked slowly and looked at the captain.

  Two pretty girls with multiple silver collars around their necks held his hands one on the left and the other on the right.

  The captain hesitated for a few breaths and said with a smile: "Everyone has been tired for a few days. Let's play tonight. However, we can only play until midnight at most. When midnight comes, take a rest immediately!" "Thank you, captain!" The night guards all said in


  . Shouted, walked to the bonfire surrounded by women, and danced hand in hand.

  Several martial arts practitioners even started punching, which attracted bursts of cheers from men, women, and children.

  Two of the four people who followed Lucky Sheng also went to dance and sing.

  The sunshine boy and the reader refused to dance, and then stared at the foodie together.

  The foodie gritted his teeth, endured his grievance, and rejected the girl next to him.

  In the end, the three Sunshine Boys and the Lucky Boys stood far away from the bonfire, looking at the people reveling near the bonfire.

  Listen to the book and observe carefully.

  After a long time, the listener suddenly pointed to the four red round lanterns at the entrance of Bailouyuan and said, "Look at the four lanterns at the entrance. I remember when I first entered the village, there were no lanterns at the entrance, only on the third floor." The foodie said

  . "Did you remember it wrong?"

  Sunshine Boy took a closer look and said, "There were no lanterns at that time, and there were only three guards in red. I was still wondering why the guards were not in pairs. And the white lantern, I couldn't see it in the daytime. Now it can be seen that two lanterns have been extinguished. Wait, there seems to be something hanging on the red lantern." The

  sunshine boy first cast a spell to cover his eyes, and the mana in his eyes surged, urging his spiritual eyes to see the dragon, and the lantern seemed to be brought closer to his eyes instantly. .

  The big red gold-rimmed lantern sways gently in the wind. The lantern cover is different from ordinary red cloth lanterns. It is thicker and has a delicate surface. There are a few short hairs sprouting from the corners, like fine hairs.

  On the left side of the lantern hangs a stick of mugwort, and on the right side hangs a jade pendant with red tassels and a fish pattern.

  The golden tassels under the red lantern swayed gently in the wind, dripping with blood, drop by drop...

  In every drop of blood that fell, there was a twisted face imprisoned.

  The twisted face had a big mouth, and it screamed desperately.

  The four lanterns swayed in the wind, and whispers came from inside. I didn't know what they said, but they lingered in my ears for a long time.

  It was like a small brush brushing the sunny boy's auricles.

  The sunshine boy felt chills all over his body, and his originally chaotic brain suddenly woke up.

  The sunshine boy suddenly remembered something he had forgotten.

  When I met Wang Laoshi, I obviously should wait and see what happened, but suddenly I forgot. When I saw all kinds of weird things and heard the word 'taboo', I obviously wanted to think deeply about it, but I forgot about it.

  He obviously wanted to count the number of people, but he forgot...

  The listener and the sunshine boy looked at each other, and saw endless depth and darkness in each other's eyes.


  Lucky Sheng hurried over with the two of them, and whispered: "I heard what you guys said, there is something wrong with the lantern. It's probably Yun Zhigao... No, no, no, no, I mean the cattle herder, the lantern The jade pendant on my head belongs to him."

  The lucky man panicked, closed his mouth tightly, and his face turned pale.

  The climber behind him said: "It's okay, only we can hear it."

  The lucky student nodded slightly, lowered his head slightly, his eyes were deep, as if in deep thought.

  The sunshine boy looked at his wrist, but found nothing. He suddenly remembered that the night guard who had been imprisoned said that the wrists and arms were the most affected areas, but there were also many other places.

  Sunshine boy whispered: "Tingshu, we are looking for marks."

  Tingshu nodded vigorously and said, "Look at mine."

  Sunshine boy immediately searched for marks on Tingshu's face, neck, Not behind the ears, the back of the neck, etc.

  The person listening to the book unbuttoned his clothes, opened his arms, and exposed his belly.

  Everyone was stunned.

  There is a red lotus flower branded under Tingshu's belly button.

  "I didn't have this thing originally..." Tingshu whispered.

  Sunshine Boy and others immediately checked their abdomens.

  Everyone has a red lotus flower printed on their belly.

  "Tricked." The sunshine boy did not dare to say the word "hit."

  Everyone's eyes trembled slightly as the red bonfire danced.

  The sunshine boy felt cold in his heart. He thought that he had been tricked once, so he had experience, but he didn't know that being tricked twice was not the same thing at all.

  "We were mentally affected by that kind of thing. I've encountered this kind of thing before." The listener whispered.

  "What should I do?"

  "You must first abide by the rules, and then break them. I'm going to find the captain." After

  the listener finished speaking, he quickly approached the bonfire, grabbed the captain and said a few words.

  The captain's expression changed slightly, he left the bonfire, went outside and took a look at his abdomen, looked at the mark, and cursed a few times in the noisy voice.

  The two discussed a few words, rushed into the bonfire separately, and brought out all the night guards.

  Nineteen people gathered at the door of the public house, away from the bonfire.

  After the captain finished telling what had happened, the night guards panicked and checked their abdomens. Several night guards' legs were weak, their faces were pale, their lips were trembling and they were speechless.

  The captain looked around at everyone, his face even darker under the night, and said slowly: "Before we entered the village, there were twenty-one people, but now, there are only nineteen people left. The ones who herd cattle may have been made into lanterns, and the one who released water has disappeared. ."

  "Then... what should we do?" A young night guard said with a cry.

  The captain sighed and said, "Listener, you are experienced, what do you think?"

  Everyone looked at the listener.

  The person who listened to the book said slowly: "There is no doubt that we have been hit by something. I just encountered a lot of things, and I am not as good as the sunshine boy to explain this thing. The cattle herders and water herders obviously broke the rules and disappeared. . Therefore, we must remember two rules, no names are allowed, and no unlucky words are allowed. In addition, there must be other 'taboos'. Also, protect the sunshine boy, he is a life magician, It's our best hope to solve the mystery."

  Everyone looked at the sunshine boy.

  "Sunshine boy, what do you have to say?" the school captain asked.

  (End of chapter)

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