Chapter 99 The sky is full of stars

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  Chapter 99: The sky is full of stars.

  sound came from the winding stream and

  flowed down the hole in a rock.
  The hole was formed by the erosion of this winding and sloping waterway.

  The instructor and I walked along this The dark path
  returned to the bright world again,

  without rest or care. We climbed up together until I   saw the beautiful scenery appearing in the sky
  through a round hole .   Then we walked out of here and met again. The sky is full of stars."   "."   The voice gradually died down, and Ronald's eyes moved to the end of "Inferno".   There is no more content after that.   That's right, the content of the original canon ends here.   In Ronald's gray pupils, his expression was a little hesitant, a little confused, but also a little reasonable.   This new power   was somewhat different from what Ronald had estimated before.   The ninth level at the bottom of hell where the faithless are imprisoned, and even the realm of Cain, Antenor, Dolemea, and Judah in the ninth level, these are four extremely important realms.   It didn't give him any means of using 'betrayal' to punish people.   Sexual immorality, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud, and treachery.   And counting Limbo at the beginning.   Of the nine powers shown in "Inferno", the last one is the 'betrayer' from the bottom of hell.   The last sentence of the poem, "The sky is full of stars," is also the final word that echoes the entire work.   The acquisition of abilities this time is only related to the final conclusion.   ——The sky is full of stars.   There are important words and phrases in the three parts of "The Divine Comedy" that echo each other's endings.   What it brought to Ronald was a comprehensive strengthening of the body, soul, and spirit, and the effects were permanent.   In terms of one-round physical fitness, Ronald before was considered to be an ordinary person with the same physical fitness that can be seen everywhere on the street.   But now, he can be called a well-trained soldier.   To give another specific example, it can be said to be the difference between basic attribute improvement and skill acquisition.   This crime of 'betrayal' did not bring about any interaction related to the act of betrayal, and no new type of hell power would emerge in the form of black mist when reciting poems.   It simply strengthened Ronald's basic physical qualities!   How can that be said to be   higher! Faster! Stronger!   ——It’s that simple and direct.   "."   Snap -   there was a light sound between the back cover and the pages.   After standing in the snow for a long time, Ronald closed the "Divine Comedy - Inferno" in his hand again.   The mark on the wrist flashed, and the black original book disappeared into the air.   This seemingly reasonable ability gave Ronald a lot of things to think about.   First of all, "Inferno" cannot simply be regarded as an independent magic book.   Obviously a wrong idea.   Next, among the nine levels of abilities, there are still lewdness, gluttony, heresy, and fraud that have not been collected.   But Ronald already had a premonition.   With the completion of the four abilities, the abilities that "Hell" brings to him may also undergo earth-shaking changes.   Even if one day in the future, the three parts of "The Divine Comedy" can be brought together.   Think of the symbolic meaning of the book "The Divine Comedy".   There is a high probability that something unexpected will happen!   But, well,   these are things far away in the future.   Think of this.   Ronald smiled and shook his head.   He had some guesses about the placement of the other two parts of the Divine Comedy.   But pursuing power at the risk of exposing yourself is not a good idea.   To put it simply, he considers himself not a dangerous person who believes in extreme violence.   Power is just like money. It belongs to the category of just enough. You must not let it confuse your mind and end up with a lunatic.   Acting in this small capacity is more suitable for your current situation.   Now, let's see what's hidden in this manor.   During the day, Nicole and herself could find some useful information in the small cult warlock's home.   How could there not be something important in the cellar where the six of them were hiding now?   "Huh?"   Ronald's eyes suddenly lit up.   He was already ready to turn around and leave.   Since the power of 'betrayal' is not related to betrayal, there is no need for him to continue studying in front of the corpse of the 'betrayer'.   But at this moment, the effect of body strengthening has begun to show.   Even in the dark night with poor visibility, his eyesight can still see a lot of things.   In the sky, falling snowflakes are clearly visible.   On the ground, the footprints left by Patricia not long ago were being covered up bit by bit by the snow.   In front of him, there was the blackened body of the self-immolated cult warlock.   Ronald vaguely saw something silvery-white.   It was not damaged during the self-immolation, so this thing should have some meaning.   After a moment of silence, Ronald stood there and waved.   A wisp of the hidden black mist around the courtyard flew directly and wrapped around his hands, immediately forming the shape of the most commonly used gloves.   The palm of his hand was covered by the dark 'furious' intelligence, and Ronald then reached out and touched this white color.   The touch still has the residual heat of a corpse, but you can also feel that it is metal.   Ronald gave it a hard tug.   Click -   very smooth and not a trap.   A silver-white metal tag was easily taken out from the opponent's corpse.   Look down.   Familiar textures and familiar words.   ——[Volume 11].   Standard English is engraved on this metal plate in standard fonts.   It’s so obvious!

  This is the School Seal of the Bureau, the spellcasting medium of Encyclopedia Britannica.

  But it's different from myself, a trainee member.

  The medium obtained by this cult sorcerer, who had been infiltrated into the Bureau of Investigation for a long time, gave him the authority to use an entire volume of this encyclopedia, as evidenced by the words engraved on it.


  Ronald couldn't help laughing as he grabbed the school mark in his hand.

  Of course he was very happy to receive a school mark by accident.

  If I still have the opportunity to 'study' the contents of Encyclopedia Britannica in the future, I'm afraid I will have to turn on the plug-in mode.

  But that wasn't what made Ronald laugh.

  That's because a thought came to his mind:
  How many entries can this guy pronounce correctly in a volume of Encyclopedia Britannica?

  Ms. Mapel is also a key member of the Bureau.

  But judging from the extremely weird English, he always felt that these investigators couldn't use many spells.

  Smiling and shaking his head, Ronald was not in a hurry to stuff the school mark into his arms.

  Instead, he threw the school mark towards the darkness in the corner of the courtyard.

  In the blink of an eye, the black mist hidden in the corner surged up, swallowing up the metal plate like a beast hiding in the bushes waiting for prey.

  After confirming that the seal of the school was well preserved, Ronald covered his mouth and nose and walked towards the entrance of the cellar.

  Now, it's time to see what's hidden inside.

  The surprise attack by himself and Patricia was very effective.

  In that case, these cult warlocks are bound to miss something.

   [Thanks to the otaku for the tip!

  (End of this chapter)

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