Chapter 980 Reminder

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  Chapter 980 Reminder
  Although I was just standing on the edge of the deck.

  And you cannot go to the scene in person to observe the specific performance of each person.

  But by relying on the emotional flow of the entire crowd, Ronald still grasped some key plot points and drew his own conclusions.

  ——I’m afraid some people can’t bear it anymore.

  Due to their actions of invading the lighthouse island the night before yesterday, the people of the [Dawn Spell Society] planned to teach themselves a small lesson before the Greed fleet went to sea.

  After all, Ronald's strength and identity are there.

  Although this lesson is unlikely to bring any life-threatening problems to Ronald.

  But for the [Dawn Spell Society], which has been in Capone for a long time and can be called the emperor of the earth, they still hope to prove their strength and status in this way.

  "So, it is inevitable to take action after all..."

  Facing the results he discovered, Ronald inevitably felt a little depressed.

  Although he knew that this matter was inevitable, he really didn't want to do anything with others now.

  Compared to arguing with people and then fighting, reading books made him feel more...


  At this moment, Ronald raised his eyebrows.

  Because he noticed that near the port, a familiar emotional wave was approaching.

  The owner of this emotion was none other than Patricia.

  Although there were some differences from Morik who had just returned to the steamer, the banquet held at noon had just ended and everyone else was continuing to enjoy the official reception in the city.

  Patricia returned here alone.

  And he rushed towards the steamer Ronald was riding on with clear purpose!


  Patricia may have noticed something, so she planned to come over and inform herself in advance.

  Ronald immediately had a suspicion about Patricia's behavior.

  Then just as he thought, the figure of the swordsman girl walked out of the rain curtain and boarded the steamer alone holding an umbrella.

  Because Ronald was standing on the edge of the deck, looking out.

  Patricia soon saw Ronald and walked directly towards him:
  "Ronald, I have something to ask you. Let's go into the cabin and find a quiet place to chat."

  Patricia said as soon as they met Get straight to the point.

  Unlike Morik, who communicates in a tactful way.

  This swordsman girl was originally straightforward, so she only gave some hints to avoid the eyes and ears of others.

  It's just that Ronald's method is much simpler.

  "Starting from the relationship between the entire earth and the sky, we will begin to form our understanding..."

  Recited the mantra of the "Almagest".

  Ronald fixed the target of the [Solar Eclipse] spell around himself and Patricia.

  Due to the assistance of [Celestial Globe].

  The effect of [Solar Eclipse] can be controlled to form a dark field around the two people that is isolated from exploration. Only they can hear and see each other's movements.

  After completing the spell, Ronald showed a smile to the girl in front of him:
  "Patricia, that's enough."

  "You guys, you are really fast at getting new spells." Patricia Sia looked around with some curiosity. She quite trusted the effect of Ronald's spell, so she directly cut into the topic, "It's like this. At the banquet at noon just now, I occasionally heard some things that were not friendly to you. Discussion."

  Ronald asked tentatively:

  "Are the people from [Dawn Spell Society] discussing something?"

  Patricia looked surprised:
  "Ah? You already know?"


  ——As expected.

  Seeing the expression of the girl in front of him, Ronald was even more convinced of the results he obtained from the emotion perception method.

  After sighing a little in his heart, he explained:
  "Actually, a royal knight named Morik came to the deck just now and reminded me of this matter. You see, I am standing on the edge of the deck now. In fact, I was just observing the follow-up development of this matter."

  After hearing Ronald's answer, Patricia shook her head with a wry smile:

  "It turns out to be that guy Morik."

  "I knew you already knew about this. Well, I won't rush back. Leaving the party in the middle of such a banquet is not a good thing for the reputation of the Niklaus family." "

  Sorry, Patricia, it's all because of me." Ronald immediately apologized to the girl.

  Then the two chatted in detail about the matter.

  When Patricia was preparing to say goodbye to Ronald and return to the city to continue participating in occasions that required her presence.

  Ronald finally asked:

  "By the way, Patricia, who is that Morik?"

  "He responded so quickly to inform me of the news. Did he receive Claudia's message?" Order?"

  "Morick..." After hearing Ronald mention this name, Patricia thought briefly, and then replied, "That guy's words should not be Claudia's order." "

  Murray Ke is currently a high-profile new star in the Royal Knights. He is willing to make friends and often shows kindness to strangers or the weak. Even in the circles of noble ladies, there is a nickname called "Good Knight" "Yeah."

  "That guy will come here specially to inform you about this. I'm afraid he also wants to be your friend."

  Ronald suddenly realized:
  "That's it."

  "Then I do owe you something in this matter. He's a favor."

  Patricia nodded slightly, and then said her final farewell:

  "Okay, I'm still in a hurry to go back, so let's not talk about it for now." "

  Anyway, this guy is not a mentally gloomy character. , Ronald, you have that kind of magic to detect people's hearts, and you can see his character at a glance." "

  Okay, I understand." Ronald said that he already understood.

  Then the shadow cast by the [solar eclipse] on the ship was removed.

  Patricia held up her umbrella again and disappeared into the street in the pouring rain.

  the other side.

  One by one, he sent away two friends who were specially reporting to him.

  Regarding this experience, Ronald also felt a little warm in his heart.

  If it was when he first came to this world, he would not have received such care from others when he was alone. But now there are just some signs that others are coveting him, and these friends have come to inform him one after another.


  "This feeling is quite good..."

  A warm smile appeared on his face.

  Ronald then went back to the deck to bring a chair, then found a comfortable position to sit down, and began to continue observing the changes in the city.

  After such an incident, Ronald became more interested.

  He really wanted to see what kind of revenge these [Dawn Spell Society] casters were planning to inflict on him?
  (End of chapter)

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