Chapter 97 The Betrayer’s Choice

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  Chapter 97 The Betrayer’s Choice Bang Bang
  Bang Bang Bang!
  Five gunshots were fired in a row, and the revolver with a capacity of six rounds, this guy fired all the bullets without reservation.

  Likewise, the sword blade flashed continuously in front of Patricia.

  The cold light danced in the air, and blocked all the bullets without missing a beat. Looking at the opponent with cold eyes, Patricia had no intention of stopping.

  When the last bullet was blocked by her, the sword blade immediately slashed towards the man in front of her.

  ——But this time things have changed.

  Seeing the silver glow slashing at his body, the cult warlock in the darkness was not shocked or afraid.

  Instead, a cruel and crazy smile appeared on his depressed face.


  "Go to hell!"

  Realizing something was wrong, Patricia immediately took two steps back.

  At the same time, Ronald, who had been protected by the girl, stepped forward at the same time.


  The next second, the body of the cult warlock suddenly exploded.

  Red and black flesh mixed with green blood splashed everywhere, and the fragments after the broken bones shot out like a shower around. Centered on the position where the cult warlock self-destructed, there was no safe place here.

  At first glance, it looked like a terrifying firework made of flesh and blood, exploding in the courtyard.

  The accumulated snow was also turned into a burst of white smoke by the sudden explosion, but more of it was gas dissolved by this dirty flesh and blood.

  The danger of this thing is obvious.

  At this time, there was only one untouched shelter directly opposite the cellar entrance.

  That was the black mist pulled out by Ronald.

  At the critical moment, he stepped forward decisively and used the black mist formed by the power of original sin to block the two of them.

  Although this kind of black mist cannot block too violent physical impact.

  But the impact effect on the mysterious side properties is quite acceptable.

  Under the layers of wrapping, the two of them were finally protected from the impact.

  Feeling the movement around him dissipate, Ronald removed the black mist and couldn't help but ask:
  "Can these cult warlocks be able to self-destruct like this?"

  "It depends on the school."

  Patrice Ya shook her head and waved the rapier in her hand as if she wanted to get rid of something dirty: "The more common cult warlocks are actually not crazy enough to find someone to blow themselves up." Buzz - suddenly,


  . A soft sound came from the ground.

  Ronald and Patricia looked over at the same time, and then their expressions suddenly changed.

  The cultist who blew himself up just now pretended to surrender and threw a 'School Mark' up when he came up.

  But now, this metal plate was lying alone on the ground, vibrating without any external interference.

  Along with the vibration, a faint white light emanated from it.

  Dang -

  without any hesitation.

  This time, before Ronald could even use the black mist to protect himself, Patricia took action first.

  Because the distance was really far away, she simply threw the rapier in her hand.

  The silver-white sharp blade flew out of hand, like a bolt of lightning, it instantly nailed the center of the 'School Mark', and even had enough energy left to pierce into the ground to a depth of several centimeters.

  Snap -

  under the gaze of two people.

  The bottom of the rapier was inserted diagonally into the ground, and the pierced 'school mark' split into two halves from the middle.

  There is no longer the vision just now.


  Seeing the 'School Mark' that was unresponsive after being physically destroyed, Patricia walked over and pulled out her rapier.

  She was still fighting, and she had no intention of fighting others with her bare hands.

  However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded outside the wall.

  "Mr. Home, are you at home?"

  "I heard some noise from you, are you okay?"

  "Mr. Home.?"


  Ronald and Patricia's eyes dropped at the same time.

  The commotion caused by the battle just now was really quite big. Even though it was already night, it was not the time for every household to close their doors and fall asleep.

  So of course, the family's next-door neighbor noticed the movement.

  Then came over to investigate the situation!
  Normally, people on the mysterious side would of course strictly abide by the rules and not involve ordinary people in this matter.

  But for the people in the cellar, they are now facing a life-and-death crisis!

  Can we still expect this group of cult warlocks to keep it secret?

  Pat, pat, pat—

  whatever you say comes.

  Although I don’t know what the warlock’s original battle plan was.

  But now that ordinary people are coming to cover, they naturally don't mind taking advantage of such a God-given opportunity.

  As footsteps approached, a man wearing a brown coat and a wide-brimmed hat walked out.

  ——Standard investigator attire.

  Recalling the power of 'betrayal' that he had absorbed before, Ronald knew that the man in front of him was a mole planted in the investigation bureau without even having to guess.

  Otherwise, it couldn't be that the cult warlock betrayed his companions and turned to the Investigation Bureau, right?

  The driver of the taxi cab is still missing!
  After a few breaths passed, except for the person who was guilty of 'wrath' who was carried out by them, several other people also walked out of the cellar one after another.

  In addition to being killed by Patricia with one sword, one self-destructed, and the other lost consciousness.

  Behind the man dressed as an investigator, a woman and a man followed. The unconscious guy was simply carried on the man's shoulders.


  The snowflakes continued to fall on their own, and the traces of the previous battle began to be vaguely covered.

  Although he couldn't see the other person's expression clearly in the dark night.

  But in the shadows, Ronald could feel the rebellious investigator smiling at them.

  Immediately, the voice outside the wall rang again:

  "Mr. Home?"

  "I'm here."

  This time, the guy dressed as an investigator directly answered the person outside:
  "Is it Mr. Thomas?"

  "Yes, I heard it. There is some movement coming to your place.”

  "Someone in my family is injured and is going to the hospital now!"

  While talking loudly to people outside, the man dressed as an investigator flashed the school mark of the Investigation Bureau in front of him.

  Immediately, he whispered:

  "You two, I know you are not from the Investigation Bureau."

  "Why do you have to fight to the death here?"

  "I volunteered to be your prisoner. The value of a person who betrayed the Bureau of Investigation. , much larger than a few cult warlocks, and it will not break the principle of confidentiality."

  While speaking, he waved his hand.

  "Get the people in the carriage and leave. Don't come to Greed again."

  A man dressed as an investigator stood in front of him, and the two people behind him immediately dragged their companions out.

  The sounds of them talking to the residents were heard outside the wall.

  Looking at Ronald and Patricia who were motionless in front of them, as if they acquiesced to his actions.

  The man dressed as an investigator felt sure of victory and smiled.

  If these people can escape, their plan will be considered successful.

  (End of chapter)

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