Chapter 958 Capone

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  Chapter 958 Capone
  "Mr. Ronald, the thing is like this-"

  Because she had dealt with him in Springs, Fanny also roughly knew Ronald's character. So she took the initiative to sit in front of Ronald. The witch said hello and then told her the purpose of appearing in front of Ronald.

  "In fact, the headquarters of our [Twelve Witches] is located in the country of Aireni. For a hundred years, we have been sharing the mysterious side governance rights of this area with the [Dawn Spell Society]." "Just this morning

  , My teacher heard about the arrival of the Greed fleet at the port today, and then sent me to send out an invitation, hoping that you could go over and meet her." "

  Your teacher..." Ronald immediately understood the real invitation. Who is he? "The Great Witch Teresa is in Capone now?"

  "Yes." Fanny nodded slightly, and then said in a serious tone, "Mr. Ronald, the teacher told me not to hide the news from you. ——When I invite you to go this time, there should be something more important that I want to entrust you with."

  "It's an entrustment..."

  After hearing Fanny's answer, Ronald stretched out his hand and scratched his hair.

  Before setting off, he knew that this voyage would definitely encounter many things.

  But I never expected that in just two weeks, I would encounter situations that required me to take action on the sea and in the first city that docked.

  But after all, it was the great witch Theresa who sent the invitation.

  Thinking of the kindness that the other party had taught me, let alone what the big witch wanted to entrust me with, I had to at least give him the chance to meet him.

  "In that case, let's leave immediately after dinner."

  "But please send someone to the fleet to inform you. After all, if people like me don't return to the ship at night, it is likely to cause some misunderstandings and An accident."

  Fanny naturally nodded immediately and assured:

  "Mr. Ronald, of course this is not a problem!" "


  Then they finished their dinner.

  The three Ronalds, led by Fanny, walked toward the south of the city of Capone.

  Just an hour's walk.

  They came to the branch of the [Twelve Witches] located here.

  Probably in order to adapt to the new world structure, the branch of the [Twelve Witches] in the city of Capone is obviously a newly renovated building. And right at the entrance of this three-story theater, which occupies a large area, the sign reads "In dreams, witches will guide your destiny" in very conspicuous and gorgeous words.

  "As expected of the [Twelve Witches], just one branch can occupy such a magnificent building."

  Ronald couldn't help but praise the building in front of him.

  This is not only a friendly courtesy, but also a compliment from the heart.

  After all, this is not Greed!

  A three-story theater with a huge area like this is actually a very rare luxury building in the city of Capone. It is no exaggeration to say that it stands out from the crowd. The [Twelve Witches Coven] can take this place and use it as their own branch, which undoubtedly demonstrates their strength in this country.

  In response to Ronald's compliment, Fanny smiled with emotion and said,
  "Mr. Ronald, you are overly complimentary."

  "Although our [Council of Twelve Witches] has some ability in this Aireni, we still have to look at it. Who to compare with."

  Speaking of this, Fanny couldn't help but look towards the port:
  "Just like the three steamships parked at the port, if they came to occupy this city, then I'm afraid We magicians in small places cannot say a word and are about to flee."

  Ronald immediately comforted him:
  "How is this possible? The fleet went to sea to defeat the remnants of the [Nine Rings Secret Society]. There is no malice toward any normal country or force."


  While chatting, the four people continued to walk into the theater.

  In fact, this building can still be seen as having various functions as a theater, but the users are completely different from the actors in the past.

  Some obviously senior witches took the stage in each performance hall, and then acted as lecturers and propagandists to promote the abilities and ideas of their school to the audience below, in order to recruit more people to join the force.

  Seeing this scene, Ronald felt quite emotional.

  In this era, the living and entertainment facilities of ordinary people, and even the nobility, are definitely not as developed as modern society. The huge and luxurious theater in front of us undoubtedly symbolizes the top level in the city of Capone. Enjoy and relax.

  The [Twelve Witches] took over this place.

  The most direct impact is that people with money and power, thinking of their previous experience of enjoying performances in the theater, will most likely come here to take a look. And once such a person witnesses the ability of a magician with his own eyes...

  he will be impressed by it and develop as a matter of course.

  The scene he saw next also confirmed Ronald's conjecture.

  Some large independent rooms and practice rooms in the theater have been transformed by the witches. Newcomers who officially choose to join the school will receive further instruction in mystical knowledge here, including even teaching spells.

  This is actually where the world is going now.

  If it is an older and feudal country, those who have mastered the strength may still cherish it to stabilize their status.

  But it just so happens that this world has already given birth to a country like Greed.

  The capabilities of countries after industrialization are there. Whether it is a mysterious person or an ordinary person, as long as they see the power brought by this progress and have a little ability to detect crises, they will understand how to make their own choices. .

  The current [Twelve Witches Coven] is a representative example of this.

  And once the restrictions on the spread of spells are opened...

  Just like what Ronald is seeing now, with this rapidly expanding knowledge spread system on the mysterious side, when most people have learned some basic spells, I am afraid that the entire world will We will face new developments and different opportunities.

  The world is undergoing tremendous changes, and no one can clearly see its future direction.


  "Mr. Ronald, turn left ahead."

  Fanny walked in front and led the way. Of course, she also noticed Ronald looking around the theater.

  But this witch seemed happy to see this happen.

  She even slowed down the pace of leading the way and let Ronald wander around the theater for nearly a quarter of an hour before they finally arrived at their destination.

  The room in front of the four of them was once the theater manager's office.

  And when the [Twelve Witches] took over this theater, the best-located office naturally became the working place of the head of the branch, the great witch Theresa.

  Arriving here, Fanny knocked on the door twice.

  When the voice calling for guests to come in came from the room, she immediately opened the door.


  The light from the outside world shines through the windows of this office.

  In the last light of the night, Ronald saw Teresa, the great witch whom he had not seen for a long time.

  At this moment, the original code holder was sitting in a rocking chair.

  While lighting the candle a few meters away from her with one hand, Teresa waved to Ronald with very kind eyes.

  "Mr. Ronald, long time no see."

   [Thanks to Aiuzeyeers for the tip!

  (End of this chapter)

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