Chapter 93 Warden

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  Chapter 93:

  There was an outsider standing across the door of the warden's room, and there was a prisoner with a bad expression beside him.

  No matter how relaxed Ronald and Patricia were, it was impossible to discuss important matters in this situation.

  From geographical figures to intellectual insights, time passes little by little in the aimless conversation.

  But I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

  Ronald always felt that when something related to academic aspects was mentioned in the conversation, Patricia's concentration level would suddenly increase.

  From all aspects, compared to a mysterious noble lady.

  This guy is more of a math geek.

  After sitting like this for about half an hour, when the sky outside the window had completely turned from yellow to dark, the knock on the door rang again.

  Bang bang bang——

  "Excuse me."

  This time, the voice outside was different from before.

  It's a low, deep male voice.

  The owner of the voice is very active and full of initiative.

  Without waiting for Ronald and Patricia in the room to respond, he simply pushed the door open and entered.

  Ronald looked at the other person carefully.

  This is a man with black hair and green eyes, with an unusually calm face and temperament. He seems to be between thirty and forty years old. As he walks forward, the majesty of the superior is vaguely visible.

  At the same time, there is no trace of the bloat brought about by pleasure on this man's erect body.

  He has strong muscles, and his strength can be seen through his clothes.

  This was the Warden of Berenwich.

  ——[Bach Klitchens].

  To have such a status at this age is undoubtedly a winner in life.

  But apart from these, Ronald was more concerned about this guy's clothes.

  The warden, who had just returned to the mansion, had no coat on his body. On the outside of his white shirt, there was a strong leather strap, which was shaped like an armpit holster.

  Of course, the outfit the Warden is wearing is not a Colt 1911.

  It was a book that was wrapped so well that no detailed appearance could be seen at all.

  ——This is his original canon.

  Seeing such a look, Ronald could confirm this without any doubt.

  As the holder of the original code, it is only natural to carry this powerful magic item with you.

  It's a pity that he couldn't see which 'masterpiece' this was due to the layer of protection.

  While Ronald was sizing him up, the warden had already walked to the table in the center of the room.

  His eyes glanced straight at Jennifer. He immediately understood the identity of the person in front of him, and then immediately waved and said:

  "Take this lady to the first floor and prepare some food for her."

  "Yes, sir!"

  In response to the warden's order, someone immediately came in from outside the door and took the sorceress away.

  Immediately, the warden said with a normal expression:

  "Miss Nicklaus, and this gentleman from the Bureau of Investigation?"

  Ronald immediately replied:
  "Ronald, just call me Ronald."

  "Okay. , Mr. Ronald."

  After confirming the names of the two people in front of him, the warden's expression returned to seriousness:

  "I'm sorry that my butler left two of them here as guests. If possible, I also hope to entertain them in person right away. "But unfortunately

  , I probably won't have time tonight."

  After hearing these words, both Ronald and Patricia noticed something strange.

  According to normal social interactions, no host would say such a thing upon meeting a guest after waiting for a period of time.

  For Bach, who is the warden, this is extremely abnormal.

  "You two, let's talk while we walk."

  Seeing the appearance of Ronald and Patricia, the warden simply suggested and at the same time turned around and walked out.

  "This was just announced, so it's only natural that you two don't know."

  Ronald looked at each other and followed immediately.

  As a powerful figure in Berenwich, the warden's words are really full of weight.

  Thinking back to what I saw at the Investigation Bureau this afternoon,
  an ominous premonition immediately came to my mind.

  While leading the two people outside, Warden Bach explained to them that they were completely unaware:
  "Just half an hour ago, the operators of the Mysterious Incident Investigation Bureau determined that a crime was about to happen, and the scale covered Cult warlocks rioted throughout the city."

  "Now the upper levels of the Investigation Bureau have issued a commando in accordance with the emergency rules." "Tonight in

  the city of Burrenwich, multiple exclusive small-scale operations of annihilation will be launched. Considering the manpower I will be responsible for handling the issues on Linzhong Road."

  At this point, the three of them had already walked to the porch on the first floor.

  The maids who had been prepared came over carrying a brand new coat, warm shoes and a poncho, and then dressed the warden skillfully.

  While getting dressed, the warden continued:
  "Since you two have not been notified to join the plan, it is best to go home immediately tonight." "

  Otherwise, people from the mysterious layer walking on the streets will be easily attacked.

  " Tricia nodded and thanked:
  "Thank you for the reminder."

  "It's nothing." The warden waved his hand, his tone still calm, "If I have time in the future, I will invite Miss Niklaus to visit again. I will make up for today's rudeness when the time comes."

  "Please forgive me for today's rudeness."

  After a few words of politeness to each other, the three of them arrived at the door of the mansion.

  It was different from when Ronald and I came in.

  In addition to the doorman, there was also a man dressed as an investigator and a young man with a determined expression standing here.

  Naturally, ordinary people cannot be involved in mysterious matters.

  It seems that this is the person who will be acting with the warden tonight.

  "Both of you, we have to meet up with the others, so we can't see each other off anymore." "

  I wish you a safe journey."

  Saying goodbye to each other, Ronald and the warden and his entourage walked in different directions on the forest road.

  The night is getting darker.

  The gas lamps on Linzhong Road have already been turned on first. Each street lamp illuminates the snow beneath their feet, like beacons lighting up the sea in the dark night.

  Walking on the streets is like in a fairy tale.

  The light shines on the falling snowflakes in the sky, giving people a dreamy feeling instead of snowflakes falling in the sky.

  Staring at the white-gold figure holding an umbrella beside him, Ronald had to admit that it felt like a very good homecoming.

  But what is worrying is the situation in the city of Burrenwich.

  The cult warlock that Ronald and Nicole bumped into today should be closely related to this incident.

  If the original text of this school of thought is really the Cthulhu Mythos
  , then the Bureau of Investigation fails, and Ronald feels that he needs to change his city to live.

  At this time, Patricia, who was walking beside her, spoke:

  "Ronald, which street do you live on?"

  "I'll give it to you."

   [Thanks to Yanlu for the reward!

  (End of this chapter)

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