Chapter 923 It’s you!

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  Chapter 923 It’s you!

  When Siesta, the real leader of the cult warlock, chose to give up.

  What kind of madman is he?

  Why do you still insist on maintaining such a ritual circle at this time?
  Ronald thought about this question quickly.

  Is it an extremist religious person with fanatical beliefs? Or is he a paranoid who pursues power and pins his hope of becoming stronger on this ceremony? Or is he a complete madman who really has a serious problem with his brain and is hopeless?

  With such doubts, Ronald plunged into the thick magic wave at the core of the ritual.

  The skills of the cult warlocks are undoubtedly excellent.

  With this group of guys fully investing their manpower and material resources, the magic power condensed at the core of the ceremony has reached a level that Ronald has only seen in his life. Extremely strong magic fluctuations fill every location in this space, even attaching to particles floating in the air, forming a special texture that increases the density of the air.

  Ronald kept moving forward in it, and he could even feel the slight touch of layers of cotton wool on his exposed skin.

  But being in this environment, Ronald felt a little regretful.

  [Power of Sunlight] is very effective in restraining evil magic.

  If the concentration of substances in the air increases by about 30%, then his [Solar Power] can directly ignite the air here, and then destroy the core of this ritual formation in an instant!

  That way, it really saves a lot of trouble.


  With these complicated thoughts in his heart, Ronald quickly crossed the last distance.

  Less than fifty meters away from the center of the ceremony, he could finally see through the thick air normally and see the three casters who still insisted on staying in the center of the ceremony.

  However, after seeing this, Ronald's mood immediately became extremely complicated.

  Before entering here, he had already made up his mind to completely destroy everything here and completely cut off the plans of the cult warlocks.

  But I never expected that

  the three people who stayed behind were not cult warlocks at all!

  The thickened and enlarged brown and black robes, the wide-brimmed hat that is placed on the head to cover the eyes and face, and the badge of Entrod's official office...

  Two of the three magicians who stayed here are clearly En One of Trode's most commonly used costumes!
  And at such a distance.

  Ronald has also been able to sense the magic power of the other party.

  These two casters, whose magic power fluctuations are very condensed, do not carry any evil aura of cult warlocks, and their identities are displayed openly.

  But even so, it was not them who made Ronald feel the most complicated, but the person sandwiched between the two casters:
  "Kang Ding Lant..."

  "Why are you here?"

  Ronald said slowly. Xu read out the other person's name.

  He never expected that when the cult warlock chose to evacuate and give up this ritual, the last person staying here would be Kang Dinglan, whom he had just met tonight!

  Even the other two Entrod spellcasters.

  It seems that he stayed here to protect Kang Dinglan.



  At this time, Kang Dinglan, who was at the center of the ceremony, slowly raised his head.

  Because Ronald showed no sign of his arrival, the original code holder who was in an unusually weak condition could immediately see Ronald's figure opposite him.

  Immediately, Kang Dinglan's eyes became a little relieved:
  "I see... you are planning to stop this ceremony."

  Ronald asked in a rather low tone:
  "Kang Dinglan, I want to know why you are here. !”

  Although the two of them didn’t have much contact.

  But Ronald still has a good impression of this serious and responsible Entrod executive. At this moment, the other party actually appeared in the ritual center maintained by the cult warlock, which really made him feel no better.

  Just faced Ronald's inquiry.

  Kang Dinglan didn't make any rebuttal, but nodded lightly with his weak gesture:
  "Cooperating with this group of cult warlocks is really not a good choice..."

  Ronald stated with emphasis:

  "The rituals of the cult warlocks, It will definitely bring disaster!"


  At this time, Kang Dinglan looked helpless.

  But when he answered Ronald, his tone revealed full determination:
  "I understand this, but the rebels are attacking the city, and I have no other choice." "


  Is that so?

  Constantine spoke frankly about the reasons why he did all this, and then it was Ronald's turn to be silent.

  At the same time, the weak-looking original code holder opposite continued to say:

  "Ronald, with your ability, I believe you have seen it in the city." "

  Although the situation between us and the resistance is very It's fierce, but the war continues, and it will be a matter of time before Waterfall City is captured by the rebels." "

  My identity, my responsibilities, my obligations, everything about me... none of these allow me to do anything at this moment. Sit back and wait for death! So even though it is clear that entrusting this group of cult warlocks will bring danger, this is a choice that must be made."

  Think about the other party's situation.

  Ronald could completely understand what Continant was thinking.

  The reality is just like what the original code holder said - the power of the original four top spellcasters in Waterfall City has been reduced sharply to the current Raleye alone. With only the king of agents leading the official resistance, the defeat of the battle was almost certain.

  Faced with such an irreversible defeat.

  Even if he drank poison to quench his thirst, Kang Dinglan still made such a risky choice.


  Thinking of this, Ronald sighed longly.

  Then he removed the [Power of the Sun] wrapped around the sword of Santa Caterina, and then used a tactful dissuasion and said to Kangding Lant in a tone that could not be refuted: "King Dinglan, I will only say this for the last time." "


  . Leave now. I can pretend that I have never seen you here."

  Kang Dinglant saw Ronald's kindness towards him, but only a helpless smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

  "Ronald, do you know why even Siesta They all chose to run away, but I didn't leave here?"


  Ronald remained silent and did not answer.

  Kang Dinglan watched Ronald's condition and then continued:
  "The reason why I didn't leave was because everything was bet on this ceremony." "

  After the cult warlock escaped, the seance ceremony no longer had a host. If I want everything to continue, I have to stay here!"

  Facing Kangding In response to Lant's answer, Ronald was actually ready to swing his sword.

  But after hearing the word "spirit" in the seance ceremony, Ronald's expression changed drastically - he realized the meaning of this word in the mysterious ritual.

  When a spirit body descends, there must be a carrier.

  And as the bearer of the spirit body, he will die in the end no matter what.

  "Kang Ding Lan, you plan to be the carrier of the other party's arrival!"

  "You don't want to live?"

  Kang Ding Lan nodded weakly but firmly:

  "Of course I want to live."

  "But only in this way can I guarantee my arrival. The things are on the side of Entrod!"

  (End of this chapter)

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