Chapter 912 Result

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  Chapter 912 Result
  "Who! What person?"

  Ronald led Phil into the ice sculpture exhibition hall openly.

  He did not conceal his arrival, so the people hiding here immediately discovered them, and then some people walked out nervously, preparing to deal with the crisis.

  Immediately, the eyes of the person hiding here and Ronald met in the dim room.

  The other party recognized Ronald's appearance, and the original nervousness and alertness disappeared from the other party's face in an instant.

  "Ro...Ro...Mr. Ronald!"

  "Why are you here?"

  The person asking was a strong man, and Ronald happened to know the other person - Sellier.

  This explorer I met during my trip to the ruins of Shuangxi City.

  At this moment, we met Ronald again in this way!

  Explorers also have a deep obsession with certain things. After asking Ronald why he came here, Sellier's eyes immediately swept around.

  After confirming that Costart was not beside Ronald, his expression immediately turned a little disappointed:

  "And where is Miss Costart?"

  "I remember you two, haven't you always been inseparable together?"

  "Costat is protecting my friend and looking for something. As for me..." Ronald's attitude towards this kind of companion who had been on adventures together was naturally very frank, and he immediately gestured to Phil in his arms with his eyes, " I took this child to look for his father, and followed the clues and came here."

  "Looking for his father..." Selier murmured in a low voice.

  The explorer understood Ronald's actions and immediately gave up the idea of ​​asking Costat.

  And Selier is also a person who understands priorities.

  After hearing Ronald's introduction, his thoughts immediately shifted to Phil in the other person's arms.

  "The father of a little girl, wait!"

  "Mr. Ronald, is this child's father..."

  Selier's expression changed, but before he could tell his guess, Ronald spoke first. :
  "Her father is a detective, and his name is Walden Rommel." "


  Upon hearing this name, Sellier's expression was happy at first, and then immediately darkened.

  He looked at Phil in Ronald's arms with some apprehension.

  For a moment I couldn't decide whether to tell the truth.


  Suddenly, Ronald felt the little girl in his arms tremble again.

  Sometimes - the act of silence itself represents the answer.

  It was news that would make an explorer like Sellier too timid to tell. Ronald only saw this and guessed that Phil's father must be in bad condition.

  But Ronald decided to try harder:
  "Selier, I have a spell that can heal people's injuries. Maybe things can turn around?"

  Ronald made it clear, and Sellier no longer flinched. shrink.

  The explorer shook his head with a sad face and said in an apologetic tone:

  "During my previous expeditions, I actually encountered some guys who claimed to be able to reverse life and death, but they were actually all liars. Ronald, this Can you do this kind of thing?"


  Reversal of life and death.

  Seliyar's ultimatum remains somewhat tactful.

  But both Ronald and Phil in his arms understood the subtext of the other person's words - Phil's father, Warburgden Rommel, was dead.

  Unless there is some ability to resurrect the dead, there is no possibility of saving the other party.


  At this time, Ronald felt Phil's hands holding him suddenly become stronger.

  ——The child was in great pain.

  ——But he still resisted crying directly.


  Ronald adjusted his spell in silence.

  He knew that the strength of his body might hurt the little guy, so he gave up the defense of that position without saying a word, allowing little Phil to barely maintain his spirit on the verge of collapse in this way.


  "Selier? What's going on here?"

  When Ronald and Phil were facing the worst news, another person boldly walked out from behind the ice sculpture exhibition hall.

  These people hiding here did not hear the fight between Selyere and the visitor, and at the same time, no previously scheduled code was passed back. Under such circumstances, someone naturally plucked up the courage to come out to investigate the situation:
  "Huh? Mr. Ronald!"


  It turned out that this time it was an acquaintance.

  I don’t know what happened, but Sellier and Giovanni came together.

  Ronald was a little confused at first when faced with this situation, but he soon felt relieved.

  After all, these two were explorers who had recently been active near Waterfall City. They met in a tavern and then encountered a situation like a sudden war. It was reasonable for them to decide to act together.

  Seeing Giovanni also coming here, Seliyar, who realized something, immediately reminded in a low voice:

  "Giovanni, that child is the daughter of Walden."


  Giovanni's originally opened mouth It suddenly closed.

  A simple reminder made this explorer understand what was happening in the ice sculpture exhibition hall at this moment.

  It's just that things are tense now.

  Although Giovanni was concerned about Phil's feelings, he also knew what the most important thing was now. So he said a few words briefly and immediately led Ronald and Phil into their hiding place in the rear.

  The location where the explorers hid was originally used to store ice in the Ice Sculpture Exhibition Hall. At this moment, under the intervention of magic, it has become a temporary refuge for these people.

  And after arriving here, Ronald also saw more familiar or unfamiliar faces.

  Professor Daowen, Bettina, Clara...

  almost all the explorers Ronald met during his two expeditions are here at the moment.

  It must be the current tense situation in Waterfall City.

  Forcing such a group of like-minded people to come together.

  What surprised Ronald even more was the spellcaster he had sensed before.

  It was a one-time encounter, but the magician who left a deep impression on me was Flege Kleinen.

  I was conducting an inspection in the northern region, and I was accompanied by a caster of a snowman summons.

  "Oh, Mr. Ronald."

  At this time, Flege took the initiative to stand up and bow down to Ronald.

  Having returned to the civilized world, he once again came into contact with the mysterious people in Waterfall City. Of course, he also understood who Ronald was, so he immediately showed his respect for him.

  Ronald responded with a friendly look.

  In a sense, it is actually these explorers who are protected by this magician. The spell maintained by Flege controlled the environment of the icehouse, allowing these people to hide here without freezing to death.

  Immediately, Flagg understood the purpose of Ronald and Phil's visit.

  So he took the initiative to invite Ronald:

  "Mr. Warburgden, he... I kept it behind."

  "Although this may seem a bit cold, I think Miss Fit should still see him again."

  ( End of this chapter)

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