Chapter 910 Clues

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  Chapter 910 Clues
  : "Phil, let's go."

  The battle between Shitil and Raleye is obviously going to become more intense.

  But at this moment, Ronald did not intend to continue watching the battle between the two. He gently called Phil's name, and then began to retreat away from the battle between the two.

  It’s not that Ronald didn’t have the idea to help.

  It's that he respects Shi Tier's wishes, and at the same time he doesn't want to shake the long-decided principles.


  Western urban area.

  Powerful magic fluctuations and amounts of value raged around Shitir and Raleye.

  The two original code holders devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the battle, and their perception of the surroundings was naturally reduced accordingly.

  in this case.

  It didn't take long for Phil and Ronald to safely exit the range of the two.


  "Mr. Ronald, they are so powerful!"

  It wasn't until the two men, one large and one small, left a few blocks away, and Phil, who was silent all the way, confirmed that they were safe, did he finally speak.

  Ronald looked at Phil seriously.

  The little girl's expression at this time was a little excited and a little panicked.

  But what's more, I'm shocked by the abilities of Shitil and L'lye.

  After all, it is supported by extremely strong ability to analyze things.

  Phil understood the scene just now even more clearly than those resistance fighters. This was the reality that he had to face when his abilities were awakened.

  So Ronald continued to lead the way forward and asked at the same time:
  "Phil, what do you think of the battle between the two of them?"

  "For example, who wins and who loses."

  "Well... I think that Big sister, I should be at a disadvantage in the battle." Phil thought seriously for a while, and finally expressed his thoughts seriously, "From the attitude towards others, the confidence on his face when facing the battle, and Judging from the chasing relationship when they landed on the ground - the uncle chasing behind clearly had the advantage." "


  After hearing Phil's answer, Ronald scratched his hair with a subtle expression.

  If we only analyze it from the perspective of actual phenomena, compared to Shitiel, Raleye does have a military advantage.

  But Ronald has a kind of confidence.

  A kind of confidence in poetry.

  Even though this girl is still at a disadvantage now, this life-and-death battle will definitely end with her victory!
  "Mr. Ronald, you seem to think that big sister will win?"

  The expression on Ronald's face changed, and Phil immediately saw his thoughts keenly.


  " this a kind of premonition?" Ronald couldn't explain for a while, so he had to explain a few words based on his feelings, "I often encounter this kind of thing. People who are in various troublesome situations will have a vague judgment in their hearts when facing such situations." "The

  strength gap between the two parties, their beliefs, and what they carry may all affect this feeling. In short - I think Shitil will win the final victory."


  Facing Ronald's explanation.

  Little Phil nodded slightly, but his expression was still a little confused.

  "Well, I don't quite understand..."

  "It's okay, Phil." Ronald reached out and ruffled Phil's hair, then smiled, "You don't need to understand this kind of thing now. It will last long in the future. When you grow up and experience all kinds of things, you will naturally feel this way."


  While talking like this, the two continued to walk through the city.

  In the subsequent journey, the two people's progress was much smoother than before.

  Everything still stems from the fight between Shitil and Raleye.

  The fight between the two original code holders on the ground caused quite a stir. Due to the occurrence of this incident in the entire western city, the center of the war was also shifting towards the fighting position of the two original code holders.

  Ronald and Phil avoided the initial wave of personnel who came to support the battlefield, and then gradually moved away from the location where they were fighting, and also gradually walked out of the center where the war gathered.

  When leaving the church, Audlett informed Ronald of the location of the Antlers Tavern in detail.

  So it only took a quarter of an hour.

  Ronald took Phil to find a building in ruins.

  Like other places around it, the Antlers Tavern had been destroyed during the war. Ronald dug deep into the burning ruins before uncovering a wooden sign covered with copper. The name on it confirmed that the ruins in front of him were their destination.

  "Has it been destroyed..."

  The result before him was also expected, so Ronald didn't feel any frustration.

  He was now going to clean up the ruins of the Antler Tavern, find what he wanted, and then continue to take Phil to search for her relatives.

  But before Ronald could make a move, Phil on the side spoke first:

  "Mr. Ronald, the people in the tavern went due east!"


  So powerful?

  To be fair, Ronald himself planned to rely on mysterious means to pursue the traces. He was naturally a little surprised that the little girl beside him could make such a confident judgment at this moment:

  "Phil, where did you make your inference?"

  "The fighting situation and the traces left around can all prove it." Phil also seemed to want to prove himself in front of Ronald, so he immediately began to describe his findings: "First of all, the war itself - the direction of the resistance advance was from the south of the city, and then followed the main road of the city towards where we are now. Attack the west position of the city. Therefore, those who escape the war will most likely choose to retreat to the north or escape to the east. However, the large waterfall in the north is strictly guarded by government soldiers and it is impossible for ordinary people to walk up it, which greatly reduces the direction. Choice."

  Xiao Feier said a lot of words in one breath, and her face even turned a little red because of it.

  Then she rested for a few seconds before continuing:

  "Then it's this sign."

  "Although the sign is knocked down by normal battles, it will never be buried under thick rubble. So the antlers The tavern must be the center of a fierce battle. And the ruins that caused the sign to be buried are not like the effects of the guns of the rebels..." Little Phil explained what he saw in a coherent manner

  . , and reasonable inferences are combined one by one.

  The composition of the two warring parties, the general situation during the fight, the emergence and retreat paths of the combatants, and even the final choices of everyone present... were

  all stated by the little girl in a very affirmative tone.

  Ronald thought about it seriously and found that even he couldn't find any loopholes in Little Phil's story!
  "Okay, we will listen to you."

  Ronald had no intention of looking down on the young man.

  So facing Phil's perfect inference, he immediately supported the little girl's judgment:

  "Go due east!"

  (End of Chapter)

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