Chapter 89 No. 13, Linzhong Road

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  Chapter 89 No. 13, Linzhong Road

  A few minutes later, Nicole, who was completely free from the influence of the previous hallucination, showed the level of ability expected of an elite investigator.

  Just walked around the house.

  While giving Ronald some knowledge about cult warlocks, she came to the living room on the first floor.

  Immediately, the investigator girl knelt down and said,

  "Ronald, let me tell you."

  "No matter good or bad people, because mysterious things are not convenient for ordinary people to see, except for masters who are proficient in illusions and the like, people Most of them hide their secrets in underground or attic places." "

  Just like this."

  As she spoke, Nicole pushed away the table and opened the red carpet in the living room. There was a trapdoor-style cellar entrance. Appearing in front of the two people like this.

  Nicole kept moving, and then wrote two runes on the cellar entrance with one hand.

  Crashing -

  a small sound appeared under her hand, as if a membrane was torn off.

  What followed immediately was the stench of blood and the rotten stench of decay.

  After the investigator girl destroyed the concealment technique.

  Even though there was a trap door, the disgusting smell came out immediately.

  "Sure enough, someone has been killed."

  The tone was a bit ominous, but Nicole turned back to look at Ronald first:
  "Ronald, the following situation may be a bit"

  "Disgusting? Or cruel."

  "Are you sure you can accept it? "?"

  Looking at Nicole's serious expression, Ronald nodded:
  "I will try my best."

  Seeing Ronald's response, Nicole opened the trap door without saying a word.

  Immediately afterwards, an even stronger stench than before poured into the living room, including a smell like rotten eggs.

  Lifting up their collars and covering their mouths and noses, the two of them walked down cautiously.

  The area of ​​​​this cellar is not large, it is the size of an ordinary cellar used by ordinary families to store vegetables.

  However, the contents inside are not as harmless to humans and animals as vegetables.

  This can be described as a small space, which just accommodates a small cult altar. On top of the dark black wooden altar, there is a pale green sculpture of the evil god sitting on it.

  As for the ground next to the altar, a physically uncomfortable scene was right in front of me.

  The mutilated bodies of the victims, two women and one man, were scattered on the ground.

  Compared with a person's appearance in life, their current state is like the pork that a butcher puts on the chopping board for sale. No normal human being would feel comfortable seeing the same kind of corpses being disposed of like this.

  Suppressing the discomfort, Ronald and Nicole began to inspect the place.

  Soon, new discoveries came into view.

  In fact, in addition to the corpses scattered on the ground, there were neatly stacked human skins in the boxes in the corner of the cellar.

  Or an arm, or a chest, all the old and new skin has been completely stripped of flesh and blood, leaving only the skin with intact parts.

  Look at the three dead people on the ground.

  They also lost at least two-thirds of their flesh and blood, and the scars on the corpses also proved that these people had definitely suffered a lot of torture during their lives.


  "We found the reason why the guy above didn't escape."

  Ronald and Nicole looked at each other, and both saw the hatred in each other's eyes.

  The cult warlock above seems to be a habitual criminal who has been committing crimes for many years and is very good at concealing himself.

  Logically speaking, such a person should not make such a low-level mistake.

  This can be seen from the fact that he ran away decisively in the previous battle.

  But for some reason, this woman did not choose to escape in time this time, but took the risk of staying here to complete this evil ritual.

  Look at the extent of the missing bodies of the three people on the ground.
  In another two or three days, she will probably be done.

  When Ronald and Nicole, or any team of investigators come to investigate, there will definitely be only one result.

  ——The building is empty.

  It can only be said that Nicole and Ronald arrived at just the right time and caught this guy in time before he could escape.

  "Okay, Ronald."

  "Let's go up first."

  At this point in the inspection, Nicole suddenly stopped.

  Probably because Ronald was still a newcomer, she did not continue the work on her own:
  "I will seal this place up first, and go back and notify the professional autopsy personnel to come and deal with it."


  the cult As the warlock headed for his destination, Ronald recalled what happened this morning and couldn't help but ask Nicole:
  "Nicole, in a case like this, how will the murderer be generally dealt with?" "

  If there are just three ordinary people, If a person is killed, generally he will be jailed for more than 15 years, as well as related punishments on the mysterious side." "

  But someone like her"

  turned her gaze to the prisoner, and Nicole couldn't help but raise her eyebrows:
  "Death is She must die."

  "But before that, she has to undergo torture and punishment, which is also our current goal."

  Ronald nodded to express his understanding and began to think about all this in his mind.

  In fact, the place he and Nicole are going to now is not the investigation bureau or the prison, but an address in a residential area.

  ——No. 13, Linzhong Road.

  —The home of the Warden of Burrenwich.

  Ronald had seen this name in the newspaper before. He was a well-known figure in Burrenwich.

  However, after Nicole's introduction, he learned that the warden had another side.

  This guy is also one of the strongest people in the official power of Berenwich.

  A top spell caster with an original book in his hand!
  Although the position is not affiliated with the investigation bureau but a government department, the power of the school is very suitable, so while managing the ordinary prison, the warden is also responsible for the detention and torture of mysterious prisoners.

  The Bureau of Investigation is really short of manpower these days, and what this prisoner did is outrageous. So Nicole decided to skip the middle step and send this guy directly to the warden.

  This can be regarded as a special matter under special circumstances.

  The road in the forest is not too far.

  Because it is in a wealthy area, the roads here are very well built.

  Most of the people living in this area are powerful people. As its name suggests, the entire residential area is located in beautiful greenery. At the same time, guards can often be seen patrolling the streets.

  No pickpocket from any force in Burrenwich would dare to commit a crime here.

  Arriving at the door of the manor with house number 13, Ronald looked around.

  On the surface, this is a Western-style manor with a huge garden.

  Although I understand that there are big figures from the mysterious side living here, I can't see anything different from anywhere else.

  While Ronald was looking around here, Nicole had already escorted the prisoner to the gate of the manor.

  After looking at the energetic guard, the investigator girl said,

  "We are sending a guest here, please inform us."

   [Thank you Qian Shuyi for the reward!

  (End of this chapter)

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