Chapter 593 The Core of the Well of Judgment

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  Chapter 593:

  Is the core of the Well of Judgment a success... or a failure?

  Although he has the power of 'Rage' to monitor the emotional fluctuations around him.

  However, given the complicated situation in Barrier Mountain at the moment, Ronald could not immediately grasp Baplor's psychological activities. The result of awakening the other party's consciousness still depends on the reaction to the actual situation.

  But after falling into silence.

  These terrifying giant tentacles literally started to go motionless.

  It was as if they were knocked unconscious by the magic emanating from the envelope.

  This...should be considered a good sign, right?

  ——Ronald began to have such thoughts in his mind.

  And as if to confirm Ronald's guess, the tentacles really changed!

  Close to Catalina.

  A face that was very familiar to Ronald emerged from under the tentacle's skin.

  ——It’s what Paprol looks like.

  But at this moment, the green flesh and blood skin blocks the details of this face, so that neither the inside nor the outside can see more detailed information about each other.

  At this time, Ronald directly locked the 'furious' probe on Baplor.

  A situation worthy of a sigh of relief.

  In the results of the investigation, the mental state of the cult warlock did appear.

  It's just that due to the influence of powerful magic power, this guy's will to return from the abyss of death has not yet awakened, and he is still in a state of ignorance.

  "Katerina, this guy's consciousness is back!"

  Ronald told Katerina about this situation.

  Upon hearing such news, the girl's lips immediately raised a smile:
  "That's right, then I understand."


  , Catalina's figure disappeared from the place.

  When her figure appeared again the next second, Catalina had also arrived in front of the tentacle.

  From this distance, Catalina could clearly see Baplor in the tentacles. Immediately, strong magic waves emerged from Catalina's body, instantly suppressing the activity of the tentacles in front of her.

  Paji -

  the movement of the tentacles was limited, so Catalina naturally reached out and inserted it.

  As if she had put her hand into a pool of water, the supposedly hard tissue of the tentacles was torn open by her. Then she grabbed Paproul with both hands, and Catalina directly pulled the cult warlock out.

  "Hey, wake up."

  Catalina called, but Pablo didn't respond.

  At this time, the tentacles that had been motionless before began to regain their vitality. The first thing they noticed again was naturally Catalina, who was holding Pablo in her hands.

  Seeing the tentacles waving again attacking towards him.

  Katerina smiled calmly.

  Immediately afterwards, a loud slap fell on the face of the unconscious Baptrol.

  If you want to wake up someone who is unconscious, slapping is the most effective and effective method!

  Just like that, Baproll's eyes opened instantly.


  then he saw the huge tentacle hitting his head.

  Because Katarina grabbed her shoulders, the cultist's neck was tilted back when he was unconscious. When I opened my eyes at this moment, the first thing I saw was naturally the huge tentacle slapping downwards.

  Paprol's mind was moving very fast and he immediately misunderstood the situation in front of him.

  "It's fatal, the spell has backfired!"

  Accompanied by the cult warlock's throaty scream.

  The tentacles that were about to be captured in the air stopped in place and stopped moving.

  The basic logic of these magical creations is of course to protect the safety of the caster, and their actions are just to take back the Baproul in front of them.

  Such changes are taking place now.

  These things without autonomous consciousness will naturally not continue to attack.


  Seeing this scene, Baplor blinked at the tentacle.

  He was a little confused.

  "Why, don't you continue shouting?"

  At this time, Baproll felt a pair of hands on his shoulders begin to exert force, accompanied by familiar taunts.

  So Paprol quickly straightened his neck.

  Then he saw Katarina with a mocking face in front of him.

  "Um...good afternoon?"

  Catalina didn't want to waste any more time.

  Pointing to Ronald beside her with one hand, she immediately began to give orders:
  "I don't have time to explain to you now."

  "Let your magic continue to cause trouble here, we are going to attack." "


  To be honest, Paprol really didn't understand the situation now.

  But this does not affect his choice of the status quo.

  The familiar Ronald was beside him, and in front of him was the barrier mountain that had been messed up by his own spells. Baplor didn't think twice and decisively followed Katarina's instructions to regain control of the tentacles.

  Boom boom boom—

  this time, the tentacles on the barrier mountain began to dance wildly with demons again.

  The wizards, who only had a few seconds to spare, were once again plunged into a difficult battle situation.

  And this moment is no better than before.

  Under the command of Baproll, the direct controller of the spell, the work efficiency of these tentacles has not only increased to a higher level?
  This tentacle of complete madness.

  Immediately put the entire barrier mountain into a situation on the verge of collapse!

  Seeing that the situation had become so favorable to their side, Ronald and Catalina looked at each other while flying in the air.

  In critical times now.

  This is the only good news.

  At this time, Catalina pointed to the top of Barrier Mountain.

  Ronald understood the meaning of this action clearly. With a wave of one hand, the magic controlled his body to fly to the top of the mountain.

  The trio approached Rampart Mountain from the air and climbed to the top.

  The six-person parliament that was destroyed just a few days ago is now covered by a simple earth-and-stone structure, and there is no view of the Well of Judgment below.


  "Is this the end..."

  When she came here, the expression on Catalina's face dimmed rarely.

  Ronald discovered this through the power of 'Rage' and immediately looked at Catalina's face.

  At this moment, the girl's face showed a look of loneliness mixed with relief.

  There is also a hint of relief that can be seen vaguely.


  ——What's wrong with Catalina?
  At this moment, Ronald remembered the conversation between the two in the early morning.

  For Ronald and Paprol, returning to the outside world is something that is just around the corner.

  But for Catalina...

  Ronald wanted to say something.

  But at the same time, Catalina changed her previous strength and showed a gentle and beautiful smile to Ronald.

  Ronald read the meaning - don't ask.


  The next second followed.

  It all seems to have become an illusion.

  Catalina's smile disappeared as she landed on the ground, and then she kicked out hard, instantly destroying the building covering the top of the mountain.

  Pointing to the Well of Judgment below.

  The person in charge of the Astronomy Department explained:

  "The center of the magic-gathering array inside the Barrier Mountain is down there." "

  Usually it is responsible for gathering magic power, and then making the inside of the Well of Judgment a no-fly zone. But as long as some modifications are made, then in In special times, it will become the best energy source to provide huge magic power." "

  For example - leaving the magic circle that seals the world."

  (End of this chapter)

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