Chapter 541 Monster

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  Chapter 541 Monster
  This Connor.

  The man on board the multi-masted schooner now, Ronald remembered the other.

  During the typhoon incident, Connor was one of the people recruited by the Greed royal family to go to the island. The other party even took the time to study the half-man, half-animal, siren-like creature.

  I just didn't expect to see this guy again on such an occasion.

  Especially Connor himself, he still joined this team to prepare for the crusade against the [Nine Rings Secret Society].


  Just as Ronald was thinking about Connor's relevant information.

  The magic wave of the magician began to change, and then formed a vibration similar to a singing voice and spread to the surroundings.

  The magical voice immediately reminded Ronald of the siren.

  The abilities of the two are very similar.

  That time on the island, did Connor research and crack the siren's ability?
  The spell that was completely converted into sound waves spread between the glacier and the huge tentacles, and soon met Ronald who was approaching the multi-masted sailing ship.

  Sonic speed, seamless, hard to avoid.

  Faced with this situation, Ronald simply continued to speed up and fly towards the opponent's position.

  If you can't avoid it, let's compare strength and speed!
  As a user of the spell, Connor was aware of Ronald's location the moment the spell took effect.

  He immediately shifted his gaze to search the glacier, and said,

  "He's in the due north!"

  "My magic can't stop him..."

  The voice stopped abruptly.

  Connor found Ronald's figure with white wings on his back, and looked through the dark night to see him.

  Although there are some changes.

  But he still recognized that this was Ronald who had gone to sea together.

  "Are you... kidding?"

  "Fight with this thing?"

  Looking down at the multi-masted sailboat, Connor made an almost instant decision.


  It started with a scream of unknown meaning.

  Connor inexplicably fell off the mast by himself, and then disappeared on the broken and messy sea.

  Even if someone on the schooner tried to find this guy.

  But the search was completely fruitless.


  The person who stepped forward to search for the enemy became like this, and other people on the multi-masted sailing ship were unable to react immediately.

  That is, taking advantage of this time.

  Crossing the final distance, Ronald came within sight of the multi-masted schooner.

  Boom -

  a loud noise.

  Ronald hit the bottom of the ship impartially and broke the keel by relying only on his physical strength. Then, without giving anyone time to react, the pitch-black sword of Santa Catalina was covered with the power of the sun like the radiance of the sun with a snap of her fingers.


  There was a loud shout, and Ronald sword came out.

  The caster who originally maintained the spell had no idea of ​​resistance at all. He cut off the magic support and rolled to the side, as weak and weak as a sheep frightened by a tiger.

  Immediately, the saint's legacy and the power of the original spell came.

  It hit the magic circle on the ground without any hindrance.

  The magic circle that had accumulated a large amount of magic power was undoubtedly completely destroyed, and the strong power of the sun even set the cabin on fire.

  It was at this time that the caster who was lying on the ground came back to his senses.

  " guy..."

  "Shut up."

  Ronald blocked the guy's mouth with a cold command.

  It also terminated the spell that the other party had secretly prepared.

  Then the black mist of hell dripped from the fingertips to the ground, covering the flames and completely shrouding everyone in the cabin. There are also people who want to resist Ronald's suppression of them, but the spiritual quality in two dimensions naturally determines the outcome of the battle.

  ——These people can’t even pronounce the beginning of the spell.

  Looking across the dark room, Ronald murmured in a low voice:
  "There are five people in total..."

  There are only five people here, and the one who presides over the spell is probably the holder of the original scripture.

  Just such a result is still far from victory.

  "Roar -"

  Suddenly, a roar and the sound of tearing up the storm came from outside.

  The ground shook and shook. Melted seawater and ice instantly poured into the ship through the gap that Ronald had just opened, and the temperature here also dropped.

  With a glance in his eyes, Ronald understood the whole story.

  Baproul completely suppressed the freezing spell and now faced the wind element outside.

  Two disastrous behemoths were fighting on the sea...

  If it weren't for someone maintaining the stability of the multi-masted sailboat, the ship would have been broken into pieces by ice and waves.

  At this moment, the four people on the boat started preparing spells together.

  The last one was launched successfully.

  The first spell was an emergency freezing spell, the second spell was to summon wind elemental creatures, and the third spell was directly destroyed by Ronald.

  And this fourth one directly changed the environment of the entire multi-masted sailing ship.

  Pitch-black shadows creep from any dark location around, and any darkness or shadow becomes an environment full of danger.

  Which school of magic is this ultimate move?

  Ronald frowned, and the sword of Santa Caterina suddenly swung forward, and the power of the sun hit the cabin wall at the same time.

  However, this time it was no better than before.

  The power of the scorching sun failed to ignite these darkness.

  The things created by this spell are not evil.

  Whoosh -

  as if in response to Ronald's attack.

  A pitch-black arrow shot out from the constantly moving shadows.

  After Ronald blocked it, these arrows turned into black smoke and merged into the shadows, as if nothing happened.

  However, it was this reaction that made Ronald confirm his situation.

  "This is a barrier..."

  He had borrowed similar materials when he was at the [Scroll Research Society].

  After this kind of barrier is formed, the environment will be transformed into a type that is most beneficial to the caster.

  If you want to solve this type of ending.

  There are two quickest ways.

  ——Kill the caster and destroy the magic circle.

  ——Powerful magic power is poured in, directly destroying the barrier in magnitude.

  Ronald had no fear in his heart.

  He simply raised the Sword of Santa Caterina, and the marks of several original books appeared on his wrist.

  The magic contained in it...

  is unimaginable.

  "Come on!"

  Snap -

  aiming at the right moment, Ronald thrust his sword into the swimming shadow.

  The magic power reserve beyond the caster's knowledge was immediately poured into this recently formed barrier.

  Then disaster befell the Sorcerer on the galleon.

  They are connected with specific spells, and several people together provide huge magic power to maintain the barrier. In theory, they can suppress any spell caster in common sense.

  It's a pity that Ronald is not common sense.

  Magic power several times greater than that of the holder of the original code was poured directly into it, and the magic power of these maintainers was defeated together.

  The barrier that was created through hard work was shattered in an instant.

  The multi-masted sailing ship had to continue to face the threat posed by the fight between the two giant beasts.

  (End of chapter)

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