Chapter 517 Aaliyah’s Thoughts

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  Chapter 517 Aria's Thoughts
  No wonder the power of 'Rage' didn't notice anything strange here...

  looking at the scene in front of her.

  This was the first thing Ronald realized.

  At this moment, all the activities in the birch forest were puppets, and not a single living person was seen.

  Moreover, these puppets are specially processed types.

  Due to the special process, the magic power of this kind of puppet is all restrained within a small range. Unless observed at close range, it is difficult to detect signs of their activity.

  But beyond that, there is something even more terrifying.

  The puppets in the birch forest were not holding the muskets that Ronald had seen, but tools such as long saws, axes, and carving knives.

  On the premise of maintaining a certain density of trees, these magical creations work here in an orderly manner. The felled trees are taken away by other puppets the moment they fall to the ground, and then face the end of being divided and processed by tools.

  As for the processing results...

  it's very simple, all are standardized puppet bodies.

  The puppets created by magic are working here day after day. Although there is no guarantee of working accuracy, many pieces of wood will be directly scrapped.

  But with the tireless and continuous work of the puppets, there is still a lot of output.

  "What is this?"

  "The magic version of the von Neumann machine?" After

  simply flying over in a circle, Ronald felt his brows jump wildly, and he couldn't help but start to complain.

  The potential of this puppet-making spell is so great.

  If I have to give an example, it is simply the kind of robot that can replicate itself in science fiction novels. The only difference is that the puppets need Lumil to transform them with magic.

  "Von Neumann machine?"

  "What is that?"

  Just as Ronald was thinking about these things, Alia beside him spoke. She heard Ronald's complaints and thought they were complaints, so she simply asked.

  This is not something that needs to be kept secret.

  So Ronald explained directly:
  "The von Neumann machine, you can understand it as a kind of autonomous action, and at the same time can produce a robot with the same structure as itself. At present, it is just a..." Explaining the

  von Neumann machine When speaking, Ronald tried his best to use words that people in the steam age could understand. And Aaliya was worthy of being a person on the upper level of the mysterious side, and she quickly understood what Ronald meant.

  However, after understanding von Neumann's elements, Alia became silent instead.

  She didn't even look at the moving puppets on the ground, but looked at Ronald quite seriously.


  "Give me this original code holder to spread knowledge about the attributes of technology?"

  "Are you going to betray the mysterious side?"


  After hearing this, Ronald almost fell off his feet. Go down.

  How to describe it...

  After the discussion at the [Scroll Research Group], Aria's ability to adapt to new environments was surprisingly strong. This is such a thing, she can think of this kind of thing from Ronald's words!
  In order to clear up the misunderstanding, he naturally said to Aaliya:

  "I didn't mean that myself, I just explained the meaning of the word." "


  Aaliya still thought seriously for a few seconds, and then Continued to speak:
  "Ronald, although the former Lord Adler chose not to be involved in worldly affairs, as his only direct descendant, your status is very special. I will forget it if I hear it. You should pay more attention in the future. Let's do it."

  As an assistant with the power of 'Rage', Ronald could clearly feel Aria's emotions. When the girl said these words, the emotion in her heart was a kind reminder, not a threatening warning.

  In response to Aaliya's kindness, Ronald nodded seriously:

  "Thanks for reminding me, I'll remember this."


  The conversation did not end with Ronald's thanks.

  After saying these two sentences, Aaliya's expression relaxed. While she began to control her magic power to cast spells, she also took the time to ask Ronald: "But having said
  that, Ronald, what do you think of the future of this world?" Are you looking at it? Do you support the current class of magicians, or do you want to try that unknown future called science?"

  Aaliya asked easily, but Ronald did not want to perfunctory the question.

  He would think of Aria's attitude just now, so he expressed his true thoughts firmly:

  "I am more optimistic about science."

  "Although magic is easy to use, it also brings too many problems to the entire human society. It has these characteristics that make me not like it very much." "

  What you said is more like what an ordinary person who can't cast spells would say." Aaliya tilted her head and looked at Ronald There was a hint of smile in his eyes, "But I don't hate your idea." "

  Spells are too harmful, so it's better to disappear!"

  After saying this, Aaliya had been saving up for a while. Magic materializes in the air.

  A gleaming golden sword with various gems inlaid on its surface was floating in the air in front of Aria.

  Next, is the simplest and most direct destruction.

  After this sword is summoned, it does not require Aria's control or subsequent magic support. Like a living creature with its own thoughts, it immediately pierced the air and threw itself to the ground.

  Swipe, swipe, swipe—

  the sharp sword blade flashed across the dark birch forest.

  Wherever the sword passes, no puppet can continue to stand on the ground. Their fate was either to have their heads cut off directly with the sword, or to be more completely cut in half in the middle of their bodies.

  Some of the puppets reacted and resisted.

  But in the face of Alia's spell, all this struggle was in vain.

  No matter what kind of object is slashed by the puppet, the result will be directly split in half by the flying sword. It is just a delusion to prevent the sword from attacking.

  Almost as fast as Ronald looked away.

  The sword quickly slaughtered all the nearby puppets, then went deep into the forest and continued to clean up other puppets.

  Looking at her magic creation, Aaliya smiled at Ronald:
  "How about it? Isn't it very convenient?"

  Ronald nodded and praised:
  "It is indeed very convenient. Among the spells I have seen, it can be like this. Spells that achieve their goals with self-discipline are very rare."

  Faced with Ronald's praise, Aaliya changed the subject.

  "But convenience is convenient, but my spells have no such effect in detection and search. How about you, Ronald?"

  Ronald saw Aaliya's intention.

  "Leave the search work to me."

  He shrugged with a smile, and began to chant spells and cast spells to search for the secrets hidden under the wreckage:
  "Its name is Styx,

  and the black The water flows downward, to the foot of the dark and steep cliff..."

   [Thanks to death1024 and Admiration for the tip!

  (End of this chapter)

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