Chapter 498 Small goals and invitations

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  Chapter 498 Small goals and invitations

  The impact that certain things have on reality is often surprising.

  Taking Ronald's personal experience as an example, the chemical plant explosion caused changes that he did not expect.

  In essence, there was really no mysterious party involved in the factory disaster, but it was naturally announced by the Springs official. In addition to the huge losses caused by the disaster itself, most people in the city also understood how dangerous it was.

  Almost going with the flow of things.

  The administrative officer serving Tianhai Palace has formulated a preliminary safety manual, and more detailed legal provisions and regulations are also being formulated. Through internal information from the Ginkgo Chamber of Commerce, Ronald also knew that recently Greed may sometimes implement regulations related to child labor management.

  The Queen, who controls the entire country, did not use vengeful child labor as a topic in this matter. Instead, she focused on describing the problems that industrial production may cause, and there were rumors of plans to establish a special industrial zone.

  Office located near the port area.

  Ronald can also hear quite a lot of gossip these days.

  Some people believe that the new industrial zone of Grid will be located around the Springs, as a satellite area of ​​this great city, and at the same time, it can inherit the natural advantages accumulated by the previous Springs.

  Some of them believe that a new coastal city is already in the Queen's plans. When the plan is launched, the construction of the city that gathers the springs, or rather the top industrial power in the country, will begin soon.

  Of course, some people think that the Queen's rumor is just a test. In fact, Danterian will not give up the existing Springs industrial system. Although a serious accident with extremely negative consequences has occurred, as long as appropriate responses are taken, the huge machine of Springs will still continue to operate in an orderly manner.

  In addition to the above three main views, there are actually many other small-scale rumors in the city, and even the disputes between the old and new nobles have begun to move closer to this matter under this influence.

  It was also under this circumstance that something really happened in Ronald's office in Baixing District. Some people in and outside the Chamber of Commerce, for some reason, had the illusion that he was very clear about this matter. Frequently, Someone came to visit me.

  For example, today.

  A middle-aged businessman from the Merchant Guild knocked on his door.

  The two of them were having a fruitless exchange, and the sun began to stick to Shen Riyang's distant skyline.

  "Mr. Ronald, let's make a final conclusion. Do you think the industrial zone will be cancelled?" "

  It is impossible to draw a conclusion on this matter now. To control a society that is changing every moment, Her Majesty the Queen cannot formulate For a rigid plan, flexibility is something that must be taken into consideration. As a businessman, grasping business in this changing society is something that everyone must think about." "It is really a great honor to talk to you today

  . "

  After the conversation between the two ended, the merchant left Ronald's office respectfully. Before leaving, he took the initiative to close the door in place of Heloise's work.

  Listening to the sound of the other party leaving, Heloise sat back on Ronald's lap with a curious look on her face.

  "This is the twenty-first time I've heard you use the same words to deal with these guys. Is this really okay?" "

  I'm not a roundworm in Danterian's stomach." Ronald shrugged helplessly. , his expression suddenly changed from the previous confidence and strength to lazy and dull, "If you want me to say this kind of thing, I will definitely move out of the residential area of ​​​​Springs. But everyone knows the right thing, but the reality Who can say for sure?"

  "The establishment of the industrial zone in Springs is something that requires unimaginable wealth and hard work for ordinary people. If you really have to consider the actual interests at hand, it is normal not to move away from the industrial zone. Things."

  Hearing Ronald's answer, Heloise nodded with deep understanding:

  "That's right, you can't know this kind of thing just by guessing."

  "If I did the same thing as before A spy job, accurate information about this kind of thing is definitely worth Raleye abandoning a regional branch in exchange, the value of which can be imagined."

  This kind of false negotiation with businessmen.

  Ronald always felt a little guilty after doing it. After all, he was not an expert in this field. But as a professional ginkgo consultant, this is his only real job.

  ——The impact of not working is bad.

  Chatting with Heloise with a somewhat troubled expression.

  At the same time, Ronald took out the manuscript paper from his drawer, dipped the tip of his pen in ink and began to formulate the content on it.

  After his previous chat with Heloise, his creative activities officially began.

  Ronald is a self-aware man.

  Before time travel, although he had read a lot of books on social economics, he had never conducted detailed and professional research, so he could only be regarded as a dabbler.

  Therefore, in writing this book that entrusted his ideas, Ronald did not choose those principle narratives that analyze the nature of society, but created a novel story about the fantasy of the future.

  ——In fact, it depicts his life before time travel.

  A simple and straightforward yet imaginative story, this is a text that everyone can easily read and inspire imagination about the future.

  Just like Jules Verne, a science fiction novelist that Ronald liked very much.

  In the seventeenth century, when the dawn of industrialization was just shining on the earth, this great novelist used his rich imagination to create possible futures for people.

  Ronald now uses an absolutely achievable scientific system to describe a world with convenient life, advanced technology, and close communication between people.

  If this book can be published successfully, it will definitely play a certain role.

  At least children who have hope for the future will have a longing for that future after watching it.

  That's enough.

  Ronald's purpose is so simple and simple.

  Thinking about this possibility in his mind, Ronald completed one page of manuscript and began to revise it. Taking advantage of this moment, he struck up a conversation with Heloise again:

  "Heloise, you said you invited me to this seminar. What is the purpose?"

  "Could it be with me, the Royal Society ?" Is it related to the status of the members?"

  Heloise was handling the Chamber of Commerce documents on her desk, without even raising her head:

  "Why do you care so much, why not just go there?"

  "They [Scroll Research Association] can't possibly set up an ambush. Are you ready to attack you?"

  Ronald nodded:
  "That's right..."

  This topic originated from yesterday morning.

  On his way out to buy breakfast, Ronald got a letter from the mailbox of his apartment.

  What was inside the envelope was an invitation from the [Scroll Research Society] to go to the Weiss University Library after twelve o'clock tonight to discuss some very important matters.

  The specific reason for the invitation is unclear in the letter.

  Ronald can only guess this now.

  (End of chapter)

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