Chapter 421 Under the Deep Sea

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  Chapter 421 Under the Deep Sea
  "Wuling people, can you swim?"

  "You're pretty good at it."

  On the edge of the beach during the typhoon, the mermaid Halbes asked Ronald if he could swim underwater. After receiving a positive answer, she continued: "The origin of this typhoon, I can feel the underground at the center of the island through the whisper of the water, and it is connected to the underground waterway." "Come with me

  . , don’t expect to just follow the path of a normal human being.”

  “I have no problem with this at all.” Ronald smiled slightly and then snapped his fingers with the ring.

  Originally, he had not counted on the effect of [Angel of Power] on developing his own abilities, and only regarded it as supplementing his ability to adapt to the three environments of sea, land and air. Now that we encounter such a thing, isn’t it a perfect adaptation to the actual problem?

  Seeing Ronald's reaction, Halbers stopped asking any more questions.

  Turning back and pounced, the mermaid jumped into the sea and disappeared in an instant. The typhoon's raging completely erased the traces on the sea. Only by jumping into the sea could you see the trace of the mermaid.

  After standing on the beach and thinking for two seconds, Ronald informed the others of this information and then jumped into the sea.

  The mermaid appeared suddenly, and the change in attitude was even more strange. But Ronald is now quite confident in his ability. Even if there is a trap in front of him, he is sure to break it directly.

  Plop -

  jump into the sea.

  With the ability activated by [Angel of Power], Ronald instantly adapted to the water environment, and then locked his eyes on the mermaid swimming towards the bottom of the water.

  I don’t know if he was waiting for Ronald on purpose.

  Halbers, the mermaid, does not swim as fast as expected in the sea. It is about the same speed as a normal person.


  In silence, Ronald followed Halbes and continued deeper into the sea.

  Compared to the violent wind and rain in the typhoon above, when the depth of the sea reaches a certain level, the surrounding environment gradually becomes calmer and completely dark.

  It was almost stuck at the critical moment when Ronald could barely see.

  Halbers in front took out a short stick from his clothes at the waist and abdomen, and then pressed it down.

  Snap -

  there was a soft sound, and a bright cone-shaped beam of light emitted from the short stick in the mermaid's hand.

  But the focus isn't on the glow or the mermaid's attitude.

  But while the short stick emitted light, Ronald did not feel any degree of magic fluctuation on it, not even a slight movement to activate the spell.

  This shows what?
  This means that if Ronald is not mistaken...

  it seems to be a flashlight, and it is waterproof?

  In an instant, a ridiculous and outrageous association appeared in Ronald's mind.

  According to the information he got from the mysterious companions, there were no such creatures as mermaids or sirens in this world. Everything that happened near the island should have some close connection with the original canon.

  But a mermaid with the ability to cast spells but also holding a flashlight...

  This kind of thing is not what a fantasy worldview should have.

  So is it possible that the original canon of this incident was just like Ronald coming to this world from the earth, summoning these sea creatures from other normal worlds?

  "Wuling people, catch up." When Ronald slowed down because of this discovery, Halbes, who was swimming in front, took the initiative to say hello, "If you really want to seize the time, don't slow down in a place like this. Slow down."


  Ronald nodded and immediately caught up with Herbes.

  A large part of what the mermaid said before now seems to be true. The flashlight didn't provide much illumination in the sea, but she still swam in a specific direction as if she had determined her target, and her route was straight without any deviation.

  Just as we continued deep into the sea for a few minutes, the situation suddenly changed.

  Halbes, who was moving forward, stopped and looked around nervously.

  "Wuling people, are there any humanoid creatures in the ocean on your side that like to move together?" "

  Is there something approaching us?" Ronald asked immediately.

  "There are a lot of them, and the sea reminds me that they have no good intentions. They should be species living in your native land." "..."


  thought seriously for a few seconds, then shook his head honestly and said,

  "Sorry, I don't care about the sea. I don’t know much about it. If this question has to be asked, I can also judge that it is some kind of ocean fish that hunts collectively?”

  Hearing Ronald’s answer, the mermaid’s face showed a hint of dissatisfaction.

  "People from Wuling, the sea is worthy of awe and your pursuit." "

  As a wizard, I suggest you do some relevant study in the future. This is definitely not wrong." "

  Follow me now, let's speed up. , it’s better to avoid them.”

  After briefly stating his point of view, Halbers immediately accelerated and swam into the deep sea, and Ronald followed closely.

  However, as more than ten seconds passed, Halbers slowed down again.

  "No, they are changing direction and coming towards us!"

  "Get ready to fight!"

  Under the sea water, Ronald was now frowning.

  The power of 'wrath' hidden in the clothes did not give him any reminder. The enemy mentioned by Herbes was not human in the first place. At the same time, under the lightless sea water, his visual range was limited to the lighting range of the flashlight. From other positions, he could only see A blurry black shadow.

  Although he can activate this round's ability at any time to fly upward.

  But if you really make this choice, the fragile connection established with the mermaid will be lost immediately.


  However, before Ronald could think about it, Halbeth suddenly issued a reminder and at the same time shined the light source in his hand towards the left side of the two of them.

  Then, a ferocious-looking monster appeared there.

  This thing has limbs similar to humans, but its hands and feet are sharp, and its skin is covered with a layer of thick black and blue scales. Under the two big eyes that occupy half of the head, there is a ferocious mouthpart with sharp teeth. .

  Ronald recognized the origin of this thing.


  A sea creature rumored by coastal dwellers in the local world to like to eat human entrails. The scales on this thing's skin are extremely hard, and its strength and speed in the water are terrifying.

  Ronald only learned about the legend of this thing by chance when he was still in Burrenwich.

  At this moment, he was faced with a hunter who was swimming towards him very quickly and obviously had malicious intentions.

  He immediately shouted to Halbers:

  "This is the hunter, a sea creature with hard scales, good speed and strength, be careful not to get caught!" The

  mermaid held the flashlight in her arm, and then used it with a dissatisfied expression. He made a unique gesture with his hands:

  "What the sea here has given birth to is really ugly!"

  The next second.

  Strong magic power fluctuations immediately appeared from Halbes!

   [Thanks to simon_pisces and Little Peggy from Qinhuai District for the reward!

  (End of this chapter)

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