Chapter 370 Checking the Body

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  Chapter 370: Examining the Corpse

  Next to the Springs train station, a carriage was slowly stopping there.

  As the carriage stopped, a serious-looking young man stepped out. He was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and a pair of black trousers. A metallic brooch on his chest was particularly eye-catching.

  "Mr. Ronald, we're here."

  Looking at the coachman who was talking to him, Ronald nodded slightly:
  "Well, you go back first. I'll take care of things here first. There may be people after the Chamber of Commerce. Come here."

  The coachman replied respectfully:

  "Sir, I understand."

  After saying this, the coachman drove the carriage away from here.

  Standing alone next to the train station, Ronald, who was obviously wearing some thin clothes among the crowd, stretched out his hand to pull his collar, and then walked towards a gray building next to the station nonchalantly.

  Ronald was in such a hurry when he left the Chamber of Commerce that he even had the extra mood to go back to the second floor and change into his coat.

  However, even though the temperature of the weather could not affect Ronald, he still felt a little chilly in his heart.

  I can use the power of [Guardian Angel] to resist the invasion of invisible spells, but what will happen to other people in the Chamber of Commerce?

  Once the target of this spell is not limited to a single person,
  then the train station branch in front of you, the results may be very shocking.

  With this thought in his mind, Ronald raised his eyes and looked at the gray building in front of him.

  With a voice that only he could hear, he recited the incantation with the power of 'Rage' to awaken the black fog of hell, and he immediately sensed several panicked mood swings in the building.

  There is no despair in fearing impending death.


  "It seems the situation is not as bad as imagined."

  Ronald sighed in a low voice and took the initiative to walk into the building in front of him.

  The caretaker recognized Ronald's identity, so he walked straight to the third floor of the building, where the management office was located, without any obstruction.

  The layout of the building's interior is no different from that of ordinary office buildings of this era.

  They are all built with brick and wood structures, and occasionally you can see decorative patterns and signs on the walls.

  Ronald walked straight into an office, where three uneasy-looking men were sitting.

  After being frightened by Ronald's sudden push in the door, one of them immediately showed anger on his face, and then he opened his mouth, and the guy saw clearly that the person coming was Ronald.


  "Luo, Mr. Ronald!"

  "You're finally here!" His

  tone quickly changed from worry and anger to excitement. He almost jumped out of his chair, and then stretched out his hand and walked directly in front of Ronald. .

  "We, we have a very serious situation here."

  "Has Malta told you all the news?"


  Ronald reached out and shook hands with the other person, and then said in a soothing tone:

  "Yes, Mr. Marr told me all the news."

  "I am here now just to deal with the trouble this matter may cause." "


  "That's good, that's good."

  Because I know that Ronald is an original code The holder, the manager's expression softened visibly.

  Looking behind Ronald, he continued belatedly:

  "But where are the Maltese?"

  "I'll let you know the news. Didn't he come back with you?"


  In response to the man's question, It was Ronald's silent attitude.

  Then, the man's expression gradually changed from confusion to distortion, and he subconsciously took a few steps back.

  "Mal. Malta."

  Ronald said regretfully:

  "I'm sorry."

  "He can't come anymore."


  After hearing the news that Ronald said that Mal had been killed, the man's expression was completely He was stiff, his body was trembling slightly, and he fell onto the chair behind him as if his strength had been drained.

  "How could this happen?"

  "Malta just went to report a message, how could he die? How could he die?" "

  I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

  Ronald looked down at the other person, and then said He explained in a low voice:

  "Right in front of me, Malta was affected by that spell and died of organ failure." "

  But the spread of that spell should have been cut off on my side."


  Listen. Following Ronald's simple and cruel narration, the man sitting in the chair showed a miserable smile, with a sad expression as if he had seen the end of the world.



  "Mr. Ronald, I'll leave this matter to you." "

  We have also notified the investigation bureau, and someone should come over later."

  The man looked at him as if he had handed over everything completely. After giving himself a look, Ronald turned and walked towards the door:
  "I will take care of this matter."

  Looking at Ronald's back when he left, another man in the office said:
  "Ronald Sir, the bodies of several other people are in the warehouse on the first floor, and the records we have made are also placed there." "



  Ronald shrugged to show his understanding, and disappeared in the next second. at the door.

  With the deaths of three spellcasters in a row, plus the direct murder of colleagues, the staff at the Chamber of Commerce were obviously frightened.

  For the time being, I still have to investigate on my own.

  Following the guidance of the people in the office before, Ronald came to the first floor alone.

  The guard with a scared look on his face was already emotionally unstable.

  Seeing the arrival of Ronald, the person in charge, he opened the warehouse door as if avoiding the plague, and then stepped aside.


  Ronald didn't comment on the situation.

  He walked through the door that was wrapped with a layer of iron sheet, and simply walked to the door into the warehouse. In the center filled with some debris, several corpses were placed on the warehouse table, and the surface was covered with A piece of white cloth.


  Ronald wrinkled his nose.

  Probably because the first person died relatively early, or maybe because his sense of smell is very sensitive now.

  As soon as he walked into the room, he immediately smelled a faint smell of decay.

  Next, walking to the table without saying a word, Ronald stretched out his hand and uncovered the white cloth on the body.


  The three corpses were exactly the same as what Ronald had heard before.

  One had his head brutally crushed, another had an obvious impact on his head, and the last one held his heart with both hands and his mouth was open in pain. It was obvious that he had suffered physical pain during his lifetime.

  For the first time, Ronald extended his magic power in the way he knew.

  The three corpses were examined one by one. There were obvious traces of magic running in their bodies, which were normal traces left when one used the spell.

  But other than that, there is no excess magic left.

  That kind of magic that constantly kills people is definitely the best at erasing traces!
  Faced with this situation, Ronald turned his attention to the notepad aside.

  "In that case."

  "Let's take a look at the record first."

   [Thank you Siyuan for the reward!

  (End of this chapter)

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