Chapter 32 The train is delayed

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  Chapter 32 The train is delayed.
  "Naissus, did you remember the time correctly?"


  Facing the starry sky that was completely different from the one in his memory, Ronald looked at the chattering people in front of him with doubtful and confused eyes. Laughing companion.

  At dusk, Nessos saw a break in the forest from the treetops.

  After more than half an hour of trekking, they arrived here before the sun even set.

  The result was correct, a structurally sound railway was laid on the ground.

  Following both sides of the forest road, they even encountered a temporary camp set up by railway maintenance workers.

  and then there was no more.

  From the time the sun sets on the mountainside until the stars fill the sky at night.

  Not to mention the steam train at the other end of the railway, the two of them didn't even see a ghost. All they could see were nocturnal animals that happened to pass by here.


  "I can't remember it wrong?"

  Faced with Ronald's question, Nessos could only begin to explain obediently, while trying to recall the memories in his mind.

  "Wait a minute, let me calculate the time."

  "The train departs from Wolfman at 4:30 this afternoon."

  "The straight-line distance from Wolfman to our location is one hundred and seventy kilometers."

  "So after almost two hours and forty-eight"

  "Even if it takes three hours, the train will arrive here." "

  We have been waiting since before the sun sets. There is no way we can make mistakes!"

  The tone of hesitation at the beginning gradually became firmer.

  Finally, he stood up suddenly from the seamless log stool and confidently announced to Ronald:
  "In this season, the sun normally sets around 19 o'clock in the afternoon."

  "The train has no wings. , we can't miss it!"


  Staring at Nessos expressionlessly, Ronald pointed to the starry sky and only asked a very simple question:

  "Where is the car?"

  "Where did the car go ? ?"


  Nassos just glowed with confidence.

  His face turned dark instantly.

  The air was quiet for a long time. It wasn't until the hoot of an owl was heard in the distance that Nessos forced himself to find an excuse:

  "Well, maybe the train is delayed?"

  "I can't remember the date and time wrong anyway."

  Shen Shen said . After a moment, Ronald continued to ask:
  "You just said that the departure station of the train is Wolfmann. Is it correct that the train departs this afternoon?"

  "Are there any stops in the middle?"

  Nessos shook his head simply and said:
  "Joiz The forest is not a place where humans can survive."

  "Departing from Wolfman, this train will pass through the large forest before arriving at various stations and stopping at the same time." "

  This train"

  "It can't be delayed at the departure station. An hour?"


  The night wind blew across the earth, blowing the moist air from the forest.

  On an autumn night when the temperature is gradually dropping.

  Ronald and Nessos looked at each other.

  No one can guess why the steam train has not appeared yet.

  They were not merchants who drove carriages to do business like they did before.

  It couldn't be that a few savages jumped out of the primitive jungle and hijacked the train with wooden sticks, right?
  In silence, nearly a quarter of an hour passed.

  Watching Nessus spinning back and forth, he still couldn't figure out the key.

  Ronald spoke:

  "We will take turns to keep watch. You should go and rest first." "

  The situation is uncertain now. We may have to hold on for a long time." "

  You have been leading the way during the day, and hunting and other activities consumes energy. "

  If there's any movement, I'll tell you to get up."

  "Okay." After hearing Ronald's suggestion, Nessos entered the camp where the railway maintenance workers left without much hesitation. "If there's any movement, be sure to get up." Ask me to get up!"

  "Get some rest quickly."


  Soon, Ronald was the only one left sitting here under the starry sky at night.

  The stool under my butt is a tree stump cut directly from a tree by railway maintenance personnel. It feels very unpleasant to sit on it.

  But even so, he still didn't focus on it.

  Under the blowing of the autumn wind, his mind gradually drifted away -

  it had been almost a week.
  From coming to this world and passing the trial of the illusion, to meeting the merchant team and crashing into the Black Mountain.

  In just five days.

  There are excellent judgments that penetrate secrets, and there are also secrets that are still incomprehensible.

  But overall, I encountered a completely different experience from my past life.

  Sometimes Ronald also wondered whether all this was a big dream after he was buried in the ruins. His colleagues were contacting all parties to rescue him.

  But this fantasy still cannot convince myself.

  The cold wind blowing slowly in the night sky, Nessos resting in the camp behind him, and even the two original-level magic books hidden on his body.

  All this reminds Ronald.

  this is the truth!

  Ronald let out a long sigh of relief, rubbed his cold hands, and then added firewood to the bonfire.

  Looking up, it was different from the cloudy days of the past few days.

  The stars in the sky shine in the distance.

  It was equally dazzling, but I couldn't find the familiar stars.

  Here, I am looking up at the starry sky that humans in other worlds have been watching for thousands of years; in my hometown, who else is looking up at that magnificent universe?
  A kind of loneliness arises spontaneously in a foreign land.

  "Stars, are you also the origin of human civilization in this world?"

  Ronald, who works as a writer, has always liked a saying.

  A very romantic statement, but also very possible.

  ——That is, human civilization originated from the stars hanging high in the sky.

  It’s not some outrageous alien origin theory, but it points to the origin and cornerstone of civilization.


  Words that carry knowledge, pass on culture, and form the structure of civilization.

  When he traveled through time, the earliest texts unearthed during archaeological activities on Earth came from the ancient civilizations in the Mesopotamia.

  And in the results of the excavation.

  The two bytes that appear most frequently on those slates are 'star' and 'god'.

  Why are these two words?
  Because 6,000 years ago, the Vela X supernova exploded.

  This is the largest astronomical event that can be remembered in human history, far exceeding all celestial phenomena that can be observed today.

  In that ancient era, the light released by this suddenly erupting supernova could reach the earth. It was even as bright as the sun during the day, and would obscure the brilliance of the moon at night!
  What did this unimaginable natural phenomenon mean to humans of that era?
  Puzzled, confused, horrified, in awe.

  The unknown deeply ingrained in the brain!

  Finally, humankind's incomprehension and reverence for supernovae evolved into myths and religions. In order to record the greatness of this star, words based on the words "star" and "god" were also created.

  Human civilization in this world will be like this.
  Woo- woo-


  Suddenly, Ronald was pulled out of his thoughts by a subtle sound coming from the distance.

  Although mixed in the night wind, he could indeed distinguish some subtle sounds coming from the other side of the train channel opened in the forest!


  "The train is coming!"

  "Naissus, get up quickly!"

   [The novel contains some private goods, do you have any objections? ]

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  (End of this chapter)

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