Chapter 291 Take action without reservation

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  Chapter 291 Without reservation, he

  crossed the grass and beach. Ronald crossed the road at an athlete's speed and successfully reached the battlefield at the edge of the beach.

  ——This is a battlefield with special terrain.

  Under the long-term erosion of the seawater of Sunriyang, a reef stands on the edge of the coast here, and is connected to the land and the sea at the same time.

  The people Ronald had scouted before were standing scattered among the rocks, fighting with the people closest to them. On the larger reef in the center, three people stood in different directions and were engaged in the most dangerous battle.

  One of them, surrounded by bloated beast-shaped pieces of flesh in the center, mercilessly bit any enemy who came close to her into pieces, while the scarlet secret fire flew forward from around her, striving to burn the enemy to ashes. .

  As for the enemy this guy is mainly targeting,
  he is a middle-aged man standing on the rocks with a solemn face and wearing a coarse cloth coat.

  Facing the enemy's attack, lead-gray ripples continued to spread around the man.

  Some directly collided with the scarlet secret fire and were annihilated together.

  And if the excess spreads to the enemy's vicinity, it will be immediately swallowed by the beast's meat, and eventually disappears invisible.

  Squint your eyes carefully to identify.

  Ronald immediately recognized the man's identity.

  He is Clark, the investigator who Ronald has met once before, and is specifically responsible for this witch incident!
  At this moment, powerful spell power overflowed from the two casters.

  Both of them are undoubtedly holders of the original code.

  Therefore, the reason why other spell casters dare not approach is very obvious. In this kind of battle of spirit and endurance, although the spell of the original holder seems to be simply annihilated.

  But if someone weaker comes into contact accidentally.

  Whether it was the lead-gray ripples or the scarlet secret fire, they were things that could directly lead to death.

  As for the aftermath of the fight between the two,
  it would often spread to the third person, the only one who could enter their battlefield.

  ——This is the holder of the original code that Ronald has seen before.

  ——That person is most likely from the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

  ——The mysterious spellcaster who holds the Almagest of Astronomy.

  Regardless of the lead-gray ripples of a man or the scarlet secret fire emitted by a woman, once they get close to this guy, they will immediately be forcibly reversed by invisible forces, and then they will move in a circular trajectory around him at a constant speed.

  So when Ronald saw this scene, an arc similar to a star ring had appeared around him, which was a ring formed by high-speed flying secret fire and ripples.

  But now, this guy's attitude is very ambiguous.

  He just stood on the rocks and watched the two people fighting with cold eyes, and did not directly join the battle.

  But even just standing there.

  His presence still put a lot of pressure on the two people in the battle, so that the atmosphere on the battlefield became increasingly tense.

  Croaker and his enemies knew it.

  If this original code holder of unknown origin takes action, I am afraid that the delicate balance of the battle will be broken immediately!

  At the same time, Ronald, who was walking towards the battlefield, shook his head slightly.

  Obviously everyone told him how powerful and rare the original code holders were, but after he came to the Springs, he met several of them in a short period of time, which really made people don't know what to say.


  "Original code holders are not attracted to each other."

  He sighed softly, and a black original book appeared in Ronald's hand.

  The breeze beside him blew the pages of the book open, but he himself stood firmly on the spot, looking back and forth around the reef.

  When Ronald arrived here, there were already a lot of blood stains around the reef.

  There are many corpses sleeping forever under the sea water.

  As for the Investigation Bureau, there were only four ordinary investigators left who were still fighting. They faced nine beautiful witches wearing black long skirts whose bodies were already wet from the sea water.

  Different from the cult warlocks that Ronald met in Springs, these witches of the [Original Witch Coven] are all elite, with extremely skilled combat experience and use of spells.

  With such power gathered together, the few investigators had no chance of resisting.

  Even if there were casualties on both sides, this would not make up for the disparity in numbers.

  ——The battlefield is excluded from the original code holders.

  ——The investigator is already in irreversible decline.

  His gaze quickly shifted among the crowd, and combined with the power of 'Rage' to detect enemies, Ronald's gray pupils locked onto the locations of all the enemies one by one in less than two seconds.

  Thus, the words in the poems of the Divine Comedy.

  rang inconspicuously at the edge of the beach.

  "At this moment, please gaze into the deep valley.

  The river of blood is right in front of you.

  It is boiling and boiling criminals who hurt others with violence.

  Ah! Blind greed and crazy anger

  drove them to commit such crimes in their short lives. Sins

  are now immersed in sorrow, suffering eternal suffering in the boiling blood!


  Since Ronald got the original book, this is the first time that he has used this power without reservation.

  The enemy is a villain who does not need to hold back.

  There was no need for ordinary people to notice the battlefield even though it was several kilometers outside the city.


  A beach that is very noisy because of fighting, sea water, and wind and waves.

  Silence fell for a moment.

  Centered on the beach where Ronald stood, the spreading black mist emerged around it like an abyss swallowing all life. The overwhelming momentum even completely covered up the brilliance of the early morning sun.

  In the battlefield.

  Whether it is the holder of the original scripture or an ordinary spell caster.

  After the black mist that covered the sky came, they all stopped in tacit agreement and looked around at the spreading spells filled with powerful spells.

  The black fog appears silently, as smoothly as the change of environment and the change of day and night.

  However, this soundless silence brought great shock to the people on the battlefield.

  The investigators and the witches could only watch its appearance.

  So they found out.

  In the dark mist, an extremely deep, blood-like crimson was faintly revealed.

  Listen carefully, it's mixed with hellish wails.


  at this moment, the situation changes again!
  People had no time to make any moves.

  At the same time they realized this, the black fog coming from the south suddenly rose and rolled, and the fierce momentum pushed aside the sea breeze on the beach.

  Just a few breaths.

  The fog, like a huge black curtain, has spread over the entire seawater and beach. Looking up, even the sky cannot find any place to leave.

  So they understood.

  Another holder of the original code joined the battlefield.

  And the person who joins this time may be the one who decides the outcome of the battle.

   [I probably didn’t research it, but I just thought about it for a while. When I saw this, someone should ask ‘the original story of the Great Witch’, why can’t she fly ducks? ]

    [Then let me answer in advance, she can fly.

    【As for the reason. . . . ]

    [I'm just a coder, how can I understand this! ]

    [Finally, I wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival!

  (End of this chapter)

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