Chapter 263: Investigation Bureau in Springs

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  Chapter 263: The Investigation Bureau of Springs:
  An original code holder, an actress who works in the theater and has strong combat power, and an investigator in charge of the work in the theater.

  After they get together.

  The defense or security supervision in other locations of the Oak Theater will naturally be greatly reduced, thus creating a relatively suitable environment for action.

  Taking the life of an innocent person can bring about such a result.

  In the eyes of some people, it is still very worthwhile.

  In the theater [No. 37] at this moment, Arida immediately reacted after Ronald said this idea, and at the same time she also had her own guess.

  Perhaps it was because of Ronald's sudden arrival at the theater and his subsequent investigation.

  Make some people in [Sardak] feel threatened.

  This led to the murder in front of them now.

  Soon, the two investigators also realized this possibility. Except for Deco who was in a daze looking at Xiao Ai's body, several others looked at each other and then realized the current situation.

  ——This time was wasted.

  ——The murderer's goal may have been achieved.


  "Go to [Sardak]. I found traces of suspicious people underground there before."

  Ronald, who was standing in the corridor, was the first to react.

  He turned around and led the way out.

  The black mist was entangled on the inside of his clothes at this moment, and he naturally spread his investigative capabilities to the [Sardak] theater that he had left for some time.

  Just as Ronald predicted, there was no trace of anyone underground at the [Sardak] Theater.

  But right at the entrance of the theater, he locked eyes with two guys who were nervous and walking out of the theater.

  The murderer who thought about attracting attention by taking action didn't stay away for long.

  Then these two guys must be the most suspected at present!


  Behind Ronald, the two investigators also looked at each other at this time.

  They have the intelligence sent by the bureau, and they also know part of Ronald's past experience.

  The original code holder can now choose to believe for the time being.

  So they followed Ronald outside.

  As the person in charge of the Oak Theater, they are not to blame for anything but major events. The most important thing now is to seize the time to figure out the situation.

  Especially... this is something that makes all holders of the original code vigilant.

  However, when the three of them were preparing to leave, Arida said,

  "I'm so sorry!"

  "I need to appease the people in the troupe now, and I can't go with you."

  Ronald and Arida's eyes met in the air. , the two immediately confirmed each other's thoughts.

  At the same time, one of the two investigators also responded:

  "Miss Alida, just go and do your work." "   I

  swear in the name of Her Majesty the Queen, we will handle this matter properly!"

Then, Ronald rushed out of the theater with the two investigators.

  On the way, he informed the two of them that there was a problematic location under the [Sardak] Theater, and then the three of them continued to chase outside.

  Because of the power of 'rage', it perfectly locked the enemy's position.

  Ronald's task of leading the way was accomplished very well.

  He even took the time to optimize the tracking route on the other side to further shorten the distance between the two parties.

  Leave directly from the Oak Theater gate, first cross Burruck Street, and then follow the road to a high bridge.

  At this moment, a group of people were gathering around the edge of the bridge.

  They gathered together and seemed to be looking at the Vis River below the bridge.

  This scene can easily be seen on the river where ships frequently come and go, and on the bridge where the traffic is not interrupted.

  Seeing this scene, Ronald, who was still locking the opponent's position, immediately explained to the investigator behind him:

  "Those two people jumped into the river."

  "They are on the boat in front now!"

  Follow the direction Ronald pointed out. , a sailing ship on the Vis River came into view.

  The spacious cabin is open to the open air, and it seems that coal is being carried inside.

  Seeing this scene, one of the two investigators' eyes darkened, and he immediately realized the problem:
  "This is the cargo ship that was transported to the dock. We have to hurry up."

  "Follow me.

  " Investigator responsible for security within the city of Springs.

  Realizing the destination of the cargo ship, they immediately took Ronald to the street and found a carriage provided by the Bureau of Investigation. They simply conveyed the information to the carriage driver, and they immediately drove the carriage to chase the people on the Vis River. vessel.

  A chase between boats and carriages begins along the River Vis.

  Ronald's spells are very clearly locked on the two enemies, so there is no need to worry about losing them.

  As for the two escaping enemies on the boat...

  Ronald could feel each other's emotions. At least the tension and urgency were always there.

  Just like that, the night gradually became darker.

  After the sky completely dimmed and the street lights on the roadside began to light up, the three Ronalds driving the carriage arrived at the pier in Springs.

  Although the carriage is faster than the cargo ship.

  However, because they were worried that the distance between the two sides would be too far and that the other side would easily escape, Ronald and the others were still in the same position as the other side when they arrived.


  an interesting scene appeared.

  Now at the dock, it was not the situation of three people chasing two people as Ronald had imagined before.

  There are actually people waiting here in advance!

  Seeing this scene, the shorter investigator jumped out of the carriage and took the initiative to greet these people:

  "Crew, thank you for coming to help so late!"

  The leader opposite shrugged, quite indifferently. He replied:

  "In case of emergencies, I can only work overtime." "


  The situation is obvious.

  These people waiting here are also investigators!
  When they were chasing out of the river bank area, the investigators on Ronald's side passed on the information; then when they chased them to their destination, there were actually investigators waiting for their arrival!

  In this era, this is absolutely terrible information transmission speed and work efficiency.

  Seeing this scene, Ronald had an uncontrollable thought:
  In a city like Springs.

  Only such an organization can manage the mysterious side.

  After a few simple greetings to each other, the investigator captain who was waiting here immediately walked towards Ronald:

  "Mr. Ronald?"

  "I am Crewe Ilk, the person in charge of the dock. Thank you very much. It will help our work."

  Ronald nodded and responded:
  "This is what I should do."


  The two of them only talked for a few words when an investigator came over from the dock and asked:

  " Head, they are already at their position!"

  "Are you ready to take action?"

  Looking towards the direction of the Vis River.

  The cargo ship has indeed come quite close!
  (End of chapter)

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