Chapter 181 Flexible Choice

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  Chapter 181: Flexible choice.
  Stand up from the chair with a snap.

  Ronald was about to rush out of the room and rush downstairs to the hall where the incident occurred.

  It was obvious what was going on at this point.

  He and Everton left the exhibition hall. Hansen, who had evil intentions, could not let go of such a God-given opportunity. He would definitely break free and escape.

  The ordinary guards were still tied to the chairs, and the only two doormen could not be Hansen's opponents.

  Naturally, this guy managed to escape.

  He had not completely released the spell, and the small amount of black mist hidden in his hand was about to be released in an instant and rushed down the hall to block what was happening there.

  However, the next second Ronald was about to take action.

  Everton, who had been sitting motionless in his chair with a calm expression, suddenly said in a calm tone:

  "Mr. Ronald, please don't be anxious yet."

  "Sit down, sit down."


  He froze in place. Ronald hesitated for a few seconds before speaking again:

  "If I heard correctly."

  "What do you mean..."

  "You want me to give up blocking Hansen's escape now?"

  He now extremely does not understand Everton's attitude. At this moment, there were only two of them in the office. Ronald simply asked more directly:

  "Mr. Everton, what do you mean by this?"

  "If I'm not mistaken, I'm afraid something bad is happening downstairs right now. What a wonderful thing, don't you also think that Hansen is the one who stole the unicorn's horn and is also the murderer of Kevin?"

  However, in the face of Ronald's inquiry, the businessman's expression still did not change much.

  After taking a puff of the cigarette in his hand, Everton suddenly smiled and shook his head:

  "Mr. Ronald, actually."

  "The reason why I invited you to come up and sit with me to have a rest in the first place was to make Hansen this Guy, run away quickly, otherwise you and I are here, how could this guy escape?"


  Ronald raised his eyebrows, not hiding his confusion in his eyes.

  Now that they knew Hansen was the culprit, Everton not only did not directly detain the other party, but also created conditions conducive to the other party's escape.

  What does this mean?
  Does he not want the unicorn's horn?
  Or is there some hidden secret between him and Hansen?

  At this time, Everton, who was sitting in the chair, pointed to the chair where Ronald was sitting just now, and invited happily:

  "Come, Mr. Ronald."

  "Sit down first, as for this matter The crux of the matter."

  "Can I ask you a question?"

  Although Ronald was still confused, he nodded and said,

  "Of course."

  "To be honest, I'm quite curious now."

  There was a look of satisfaction on his face. With a smile on his face, Everton then asked his question:

  "Mr. Ronald, what kind of existence and status do you think I am as a businessman who joins the [Ginkgo Business Alliance]?"

  Ronald opened his mouth and answered without even thinking about it:
  "Should it be considered a franchise member, or a shareholder who directly participates in the operation of the chamber of commerce?"

  "That's right." Everton clapped his hands appreciatively, and then added an explanation, “I am one of the main participants in the Chamber of Commerce, and the purpose of coming to this city is to open up new markets for the [Ginkgo Business Alliance].” “So all

  my activities in Burrenwich are centered around It is carried out with the most important and core purpose of promoting the economic strength of the Chamber of Commerce." "

  This exhibition set up in the suburbs is naturally an activity for this goal." "


  Hearing this, Luo Nader understood something in his heart.

  Still frowning, he asked tentatively: "So your plan is to use Hansen   's

  rebellion to make some fuss when the unicorn's horn has been lost?   " After clapping his hands, Everton immediately praised with appreciation:   "Mr. Ronald, you are really a talented person with business talent!"   After finishing this action, the businessman continued to explain:   "Although that guy Hansen is stupid, At the same time, he has always been greedy. But based on what I know about him, after betraying the Chamber of Commerce, this guy will definitely not be slow in his actions." "   Now, I am afraid that the unicorn's unicorn has been beaten by him in these five days. It was smuggled out and delivered to who knows who!"   But that's about it.   Everton, whose expression has always been filled with confidence, inevitably darkened his eyes:   "In this case, it is no longer possible to recover the unicorn's unicorn, whether Hansen is caught or not. "   Ronald nodded in agreement.   Indeed, as Everton said, even if Hansen is caught and then reveals the guy who bought the goods, it will be difficult for them to recover the unicorn's horn. As long as the other party just plays some tricks, this kind of thing can be solved.   Seeing Ronald's expression, Everton naturally knew what the man in front of him was thinking.   As soon as his tone changed, the expression on the businessman's face turned cold.   Then he continued:   "But since Hansen did such a thing, of course he has to pay a price." "   With the unicorn's horn gone, our [Ginkgo Business Alliance]'s publicity work cannot stop. Next. An irreversible failure, so we have to find ways to use its remaining value."   Having said this, Everton looked a little proud.   He stood up from the chair on his own, and while making some gestures in the air with his hands, he continued:   "If this is just a single important exhibit that was stolen and bought, and one of his own people is the one who acted as the traitor, So to outsiders, it is a very bad incident for us [Ginkgo Business Alliance]." "   Not only did we lose face, but we actually lost the goods."   "It definitely does not meet our purpose of promoting the Chamber of Commerce."   " However."   While explaining to Ronald, the businessman walked to the center of the office and stood still.   Whether intentionally or not, he happened to step on the spot where Kevin's body had fallen. Then, he continued:   "But if you think about it, this matter can actually be treated from a different angle."   "The exhibition is just a means, not an end."

  "The difference is just how to use these methods!"

  "A traitor appeared within the [Ginkgo Business Alliance], and then stole the precious treasures and sold them. After a period of time, our Chamber of Commerce successfully caught the traitor and gave him a reward. A very terrible punishment."

  "What do you think of this?"


  Ronald's expression was a little subtle and he did not answer.

  However, Everton didn't mind, and then continued:

  "If things turn out like this, it will not only demonstrate the capabilities of our chamber of commerce, but also tell people that [Ginkgo Leaf] is a powerful organization." "A complete and

  utter Failure."

  "Compare it with an outcome that can restore your reputation and continue to do publicity." "

  Mr. Ronald, which one do you think I will choose?"


  Ronald was silent for a long time this time, and finally He said with complicated emotions:
  "Mr. Everton, you are really an out-and-out businessman."

  Everton smiled nonchalantly:
  "Of course."

  "I am from the big chamber of commerce in Springs. , one of the important participants in the [Ginkgo Business Alliance]!"

  (End of this chapter)

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