Chapter 1531 Catacombs

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  Chapter 1531 Catacombs
  were previously blocked outside the cathedral.

  Ronald was helpless because he didn't want to cause trouble and the environment was very restrictive.

  But the situation leading to the underground passage in front of me is completely different.

  After being stopped, Ronald turned away without hesitation and broke into the nearest research institute.


  Ronald kicked open the courtyard door.

  The courtyard in front of me has been neglected for thousands of years.

  And when it welcomes another visitor, it will be Ronald, an uninvited guest.

  Walking into the courtyard, Ronald's excellent perception ability scanned the surroundings and immediately identified the target.

  He went straight into a study on the left.

  A shining golden scale was placed on the table, and sacred and judgmental magic surrounded this item.

  "It's you."

  Ronald looked happy and stepped forward to pull the magic prop off the table.

  Crackling -

  the holy light of the scales appeared several times in Ronald's hands.

  This power is enough to kill ordinary people, but unfortunately it is not enough for Ronald.

  He didn't even do any special defensive moves.

  Only relying on the strength of his own body and passive spell enhancement, he ignored Libra's resistance to his intruder.

  Return the way you came.

  With a fiercely defiant Libra, Ronald once again stood next to the wall where firewood was piled.

  Before taking action, a trace of hesitation flashed in Ronald's eyes.

  His former profession was questioning him in his heart - is this considered damaging cultural relics?

  "If the [Nine Rings Secret Meeting] comes to fruition, that's not all the damage will be done!"

  The trace of hesitation in his eyes was instantly cleared.

  Click -

  the next moment, the scale in Ronald's hand creaked, and a golden crack spread on this ancient magic item.

  Ronald is destroying this scale.

  The strength in his hands is unbearable even for steel, let alone a magic item that is not inherently hard?


  The golden scales completely shattered in Ronald's hands.

  Along with the impact when the magic props are damaged, the magic power contained in them is also released at the same time.

  "This is it!"

  In an instant, Ronald seized the opportunity.

  His level of magic control is no longer what it used to be.

  The silver-white magic power emitted when the scales shattered was instantly captured by Ronald and tightly bound.

  The light stayed on Ronald's hand.

  The white holy light flowed through his fingertips, making him look as well-behaved as a pet in captivity.


  Ronald took a deep breath.

  While stabilizing his own condition and concentrating at the same time, he divided the holy magic power in his hand into three. After keeping two of them properly, he slapped the remaining magic power in his hand against the wall in front of him.

  "Only this time."

  "I don't want to damage cultural relics again."

  The holy white magic power matched the wall.

  Time passed in the blink of an eye.

  The blue-grey brick wall rotates and twists like a Rubik's Cube, and the entrance to the bottom appears among the bricks.

  Ronald walked right into it.

  Apart from the hidden door at the entrance, the underground research room has no other defensive measures.

  This was the core hinterland of the church in the past.

  Hidden research institutions only need to be hidden, and there is no need to set restrictions on the spells used to defend against foreign enemies.

  Following the passage, Ronald went all the way down.

  The underground facilities of the church are completely different from the basements of common schools of thought on the mystical side.

  There are carvings around the steps themselves, and an air of solemnity surrounds the downward passage.

  As he walked forward step by step, Ronald stepped on the clearly graded stairs, as if he had a sense of ritual that he was crossing two underground worlds.


  When Ronald passed the steps and came to the main hall of the basement, he saw a coffin placed in the center.

  Before serving as a site for occult research.

  The first function here is a tomb chamber where bones are placed.

  Ronald stepped forward.

  He did not disturb the deceased sleeping here, he just stopped here and read out the inscription in front of the coffin.

  "Holy Calendar 491 -

  Saint Mirian sleeps here.

  His light will always shine in the church, guiding believers on the way forward."

  The body of a church saint is placed in the coffin.

  Ronald thought the name sounded familiar. After thinking for a moment, he remembered that this was the saint whom Martha revered.

  If the young Holy Priest were here, the place would probably become lively.

  Ronald moved on.

  The basement, which had not been visited for many years, was pitch dark, but fortunately it could not block Ronald's sight.

  Around the main hall where the coffin is placed, three corridors extend in different directions, each connecting several rooms. Ronald explored them to the end and made new discoveries.

  The basements here are actually interconnected!

  The underground research rooms leading to the three entrances are spatially connected to each other, and the overall situation looks like a huge maze buried underground.

  And this maze doesn't stop there.

  With his sensitive detection of magic power, Ronald found a new hidden entrance underground. After opening it with the magic power originally intended to open other entrances, he explored deeper in silence.

  Searching a more complex space will naturally be more troublesome.

  Fortunately, the underground space of St. Alan's Cathedral is not excavated endlessly downwards, but only a total of three floors of underground structures are opened.

  Ronald acted as efficiently as possible and quickly figured out the bottom line here.

  Inherit the work of St. Alan's Cathedral.

  Except for the storage of coffins, all other rooms in its underground structure are large and small research rooms or storage rooms for storing information and items.

  The room where the original scriptures are studied is heavily guarded, and the monitoring circle still exudes powerful magic; the room where the magic system is dug deeply, all kinds of research files are almost piled up in every space, and people's efforts in the past are based on this. Methods are passed down; and in very few places, traces of direct experiments on living people are also retained.

  When exploring these rooms, Ronald could not help but shudder.

  Dark underground spaces, ancient research institutions, and even taboo-breaking research projects, these things are not good for people's senses.

  Especially when the Holy City was sealed, the situation was quite sudden.

  These scenes that should have been dealt with have been completely preserved.

  What's even worse is that

  Ronald didn't find the expected artificial godhead.

  Even with his outstanding perception ability and combined with magic exploration, he could not find the only treasure in this huge underground building.


  Ronald stood under the cathedral with a serious face.

  After a long silence, he shook his head and said in denial:

  "It shouldn't be."

  "Unless the information Orel gave us, or even the information I found on the ground just now, is wrong, there is no reason for this to be like this." All signs

  showed that This is closely related to the birth of artificial godhead.

  This is a mystical project that goes deep into countless profound fields and is unimaginably complex!

  Now there are no corresponding clues...

  It can't be that at the critical moment when the Holy City is about to be sealed, there are still people who clean up the site and completely destroy the complex research system here, right?

  Ronald did not believe this absurd possibility.

  He fixed his gaze and began to recite the incantation with a firm tone:
  "The greatest increase in labor productivity, as well as the greater proficiency, skill and judgment shown in the use of labor, seem to be the result of the division of labor..." "

  We started from the mountain Come down and stand on the seaside. Your eyes can roam on the vast sea without restriction." "

  Starting from the relationship between the entire earth and the sky will begin to form our understanding!"

  (End of this chapter)

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