Chapter 1456 Air Raid

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  Chapter 1456:
  Ahead of the air strike is the capital of the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

  This is the decisive battle of this voyage.

  Ronald hoped to preserve as much of the advantage of his surprise attack as possible before arriving. When the flying spell is fully used, the original journey of about three days is directly compressed to less than one day.

  When the two of them arrived above the city from the air, it was exactly two hours before early morning.

  At this moment, the residents in the city are still resting.

  In addition to the casters who perform night patrols and wander around the streets and alleys, large areas of the entire city are shrouded in darkness, with only sporadic lights dotting some of the street scenes.

  To be fair, the practitioners of [Nine Rings Secret Society] are very attentive to urban construction.

  Ronald and Costat flew through the air and could see rare buildings that could not be seen in other cities in the entire southern continent. In addition to large banks and shipyards that are beginning to take on an industrial style, there is even a large central hospital located in it.

  Especially in urban planning.

  There are very good functional divisions between the streets and various districts in this city, and the smooth roads are also maintained by people on a daily basis.

  At an angle looking down.

  It can even clearly identify the city’s future expansion direction and development plans.


  "This is not the level of planning that a city in the southern continent should have."

  Seeing this scene, Ronald judged with great certainty:
  "It seems that after our enemy has the "Book of Interpretation", he not only speeds up They mastered the original scriptures quickly, and at the same time, they also used this to learn a lot of knowledge from books."

  Costart then expressed his opinion:

  "At present, the construction level of this city is not as good as [Springs], but if this trend continues, they may soon catch up with [Grade]." "


  Ronald and Costat exchanged their views on the city. , the figure moved forward in the dark night sky.

  [Nine Precepts Secret Society] is an advantage for the excellent construction of the city.

  But for attackers like Ronald and the other two, it also brought quite convenient attack conditions.

  Just flying in the air, not even using any reconnaissance spells for assistance.

  Ronald turned his gaze downwards and saw a solemn building in the northeast of the city. While the scale is not small, other buildings are quite far away from here, and there is a very open square directly in front of it.

  From the visual information alone, Ronald could conclude that this must be the city's administrative building, and there was almost no other possibility!


  Staring at this building, Ronald's eyes narrowed.

  The enemy's base camp was right in front of him, and he had no intention of sneaking in or doing any sneaky assassinations.

  Instead, he was prepared to use thunderous means to take down the opponent in one fell swoop.

  So Ronald looked at Costat beside him and said the first order he gave him tonight:
  "Costat, you control the weather to make it rain nearby. In the process, try to minimize the impact and don't be discovered. As long as Just create an environment that allows me to cast spells."

  Costart immediately understood Ronald's plan.

  Her master is preparing to cast the spell of "The Hammer of Rain and Mist" and use the most violent thunder power among all abilities to wipe out everyone in the building below!
  "Sir, I understand!"

  The maid nodded slightly, then broke away from Ronald's flight guidance and began to control the airflow's elevation by herself.

  Spells that can affect the weather are no small feat.

  When casting spells normally at this height, excessively exaggerated magic power fluctuations will definitely alarm the casters below.

  The magician of [Nine Rings Secret Society].

  But Ronald was investigated in detail.

  Once the other party is aware of their attack in advance, they will most likely come up with corresponding measures. Although in terms of destructive ability alone, thunder and lightning spells do stand out among the many powers.

  But there are definitely a lot of weird spells in the original system.

  It would be great fun if you happen to come up with something like a Faraday cage for professional restraint.

  Meanwhile, Ronald watched from below as Costa's figure flew upward.

  In order to fulfill his request, the maid chose a very simple strategy.

  She raises herself as high as possible to keep the casting area away from the perception range of enemies below.

  Then through the darkness before dawn.

  Costat blew a large cloud from a distance into this part of the sky.

  She was at a higher position above the clouds and began to cast spells to activate the celestial phenomena and prepare the next two air currents for rain.

  Costart did the best he could within the scope of what he could do.

  Seeing this situation, Ronald no longer worried about this, but focused his gaze on the mouth below and began to recite his own spell:

  "Its name is Styx,

  and the black water flows down, flowing to At the foot of the dim and precipitous cliff..."

  As the spell is activated, the perception spell of "Divine Comedy - Inferno" covers downwards.

  The result also cheered up Ronald's mood.

  Probably because of the tense environment in recent days, many high-level personnel of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] gathered in the administrative building tonight and did not return to their respective mansions to rest.

  Ronald distinguished carefully and could even clearly identify several powerful original code holders.

  What's even more fortunate is that these guys maintain a considerable degree of vigilance. But because Costa was operating far enough away, none of them noticed the changes taking place above the city.

  "Huh -"

  Ronald breathed out, everything was going according to plan.

  So he summoned "The Divine Hammer of Rain and Mist" from his hand.

  Holding this ancient and powerful original book, Ronald stood quietly above the dark sky and began to wait for Costart's change in the weather.

  Meanwhile, the maid is performing Ronald's task perfectly.

  Under the premise of ensuring that no traces are leaked, Costat carefully controlled his spells little by little at high altitude, making extremely subtle changes to the weather.

  With patience and careful operation, almost a quarter of an hour passed.

  The air flow drawn by the continuous casting of spells gradually grew, and finally met the requirements for rainfall. Costat seized this critical point and directly collided the two airflows controlled by him in the air, and then buried them into the clouds directly below.

  Snap -

  Ronald below immediately felt a chill on his face.

  The first drop of rain fell quietly on Ronald's face, as if Costart had brought him a signal.

  Ronald thanked Costart in a low voice.

  Then he held the stone slab inscribed with cuneiform characters in front of him, and recited the words above in a firm tone: "

  The sky is cut off by the sun,

  the earth is separated from the edges, and
  the name of the Son of Man has not yet been established!"

  At night -

  the city is still in a state of confusion. A moment of silence under the night.

  Along with the sudden fluctuation of magic power, a dazzling thunder exploded in the air, illuminating the entire sky.

  (End of chapter)

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