Chapter 1423 The Unobservable Place

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  Chapter 1423 The unobservable place
  is a coincidence.

  During the King of the South Sea incident, Eve, whom Ronald and the others came into contact with, used to provide information about the island ruins as a capital, and then received good treatment from the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

  And today, while in Frank's manor.

  The news Frank told Anthony was exactly that island.

  Because they wanted to get both, the people of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] did not make a choice, but divided their core forces. Some stayed at the headquarters, and some went to the island to protect the ruins.

  Under this premise, Ronald has room to operate.

  After the people of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] learned the news from Frank, they should strengthen the defense of the base camp and prepare in advance to deal with the attack launched by Anthony.

  But this is not the case for the people on the island.

  With a long enough distance and unplanned changes, if Ronald and his party launch a surprise attack, they will be completely caught off guard!
  These people are also the core strength of the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

  Being able to deal with all the enemies on the island is also a very valuable option for Ronald.


  That afternoon, the three people did not set off.

  They hid in the mountains in the south to rest and restore their mental and physical strength.

  Wait until the sun sets below the sea in the west, and even the remaining light left in the atmosphere dissipates, and the stars hang high in the sky.

  Only then did Ronald get up again under the protection of this perfect environment and set off with his two companions using the flying spell.

  Under the night, the waves are rolling on the sea.

  Although we set out from the edge of the continent, the sea today is not stable, and the sound of waves from below can be heard at night.

  Two hours later, the sea calmed down again, and fishing boats could be found nearby.

  After another half hour, the fishing boat disappeared.

  They couldn't even see a small island during their flight. They were surrounded by a vast ocean. The stars reflected in the dark water were not very clear, and a sense of depression before an explosion emerged in their hearts.

  In this case, Ronald speeds up his flight.

  The target island this time is far away, and it is difficult to reach its location in one night.

  Just flying in the dark.

  It wasn't until a ray of light came from the sky behind them that the three people flying realized that they had spent the entire night without knowing it.

  It was under this early morning light that Costart, who had been maintaining his spell to block the strong wind, looked down and discovered a rare bulge on the sea.

  "Sir, there is a small island over there!"

  Ronald looked over there, but shook his head regretfully:

  "That island is too small, and there is no sign of human activity. It is not here."

  Fortunately, he was not disappointed . Didn't bother me again.

  In the third hour after the morning ended, Ronald and the three of them saw another island while flying.

  It's different from the previous island.

  This island covers a large area and is rich in vegetation. Especially facing the east, you can still see several ships leaning on the shoal.

  Just because of the previous misjudgment, Costat was not busy making judgments, but turned to Ronald with a questioning look:
  "Reality, is this here?"

  Ronald also used the perception spell to detect it.

  As a result, when the spell covered the sea water and the location near the island, a dark thick fog appeared in his perception. Some kind of special ability obscures the existence of this island, making it completely impossible for outsiders to peek into its internal conditions.


  "Starting from the relationship between the entire earth and the sky, we will begin to form our understanding."

  Ronald was slightly stunned, and immediately switched the detection spell of "Divine Comedy" to "Almagest". Since the detection of people cannot work properly, what about the perception of terrain?

  However, the results are still not optimistic.

  The power on the island not only blocks the perception of people, but also makes it impossible to detect the terrain. Even if Ronald informed Costat and Anthony of the situation, these two people were also unable to obtain the information.

  [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] When can such a thing be done?
  Ronald was very confused.

  But under the current situation, we cannot continue to sit still and wait for death.

  So he began to lower his height, preparing to observe the situation on the island with his naked eyes. Although it is not as efficient as magic, it is still a feasible method due to Ronald's extraordinary physical ability.

  Then, a surprising situation occurred again.

  The three of them were originally prepared to start the action in this simple way, but when Ronald lowered the height to a certain position.

  This island - disappeared!

  Right before their eyes, there was no sign or any magic reaction. It was like a dissipating mirage, disappearing without leaving any obvious traces!

  Faced with such a situation, Ronald was even stunned.

  His first reaction was that he was walking into a trap set for the enemy below.

  So he suddenly stopped in the air and immediately raised his position to avoid possible attacks that would follow.

  "Sir, there is no change in the movement of the water!"

  Suddenly, Costart spoke.

  The maid pointed to the sea below them and said with great certainty:
  "The island seems to have disappeared, but the surrounding sea water is not flowing automatically, and our vision has been deceived!"

  Costat was able to discover this at this time. , also stems from mistakes made in the early morning.

  Because she didn't want to make any more mistakes in front of Ronald, she observed the surrounding environment extremely carefully, so she was able to detect this situation in time.

  "Flow..." Ronald's eyes were a little subtle.

  According to Kostat's reminder, he observed carefully and found such a result.

  So the conclusion is.

  This is not an illusion and deception set up by the enemy.

  But within a certain range, the existence of this island cannot be observed by means of vision, magic perception, etc.

  It’s just that the three Ronalds flew too high before.

  That's why this interference is eliminated.

  Now that the distance is about the same, vision is like an ineffective spell, and is included in the unobservable influence.

  At this time, Anthony sighed:
  "No wonder this place has not been discovered before."

  "Although it is not far from the land, there must be many ships passing by. It has not been found in the past because of this visual and perceptual problem. Double fraud."

  Costat asked Ronald directly:
  "Sir, the situation inside is unknown. Should we go in directly?" "

  It is impossible to know whether there is any danger in this kind of interference. I suggest you proceed with caution."

  Ronald thought for a moment . , and then make a decision.

  "It doesn't matter, let's go in and take a look first."

  "Think about who the people who found this place are, they are a group of pirates!" "

  Since even such people can get in, then even if there is danger, we can definitely handle it. ”

  (End of chapter)

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