Chapter 136 The decisive moment

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  Chapter 136 The Moment of Decisive Battle
  "At this moment, please gaze into the deep valley.

  The river of blood is right in front of you.

  It is boiling and boiling the criminals who hurt others with violence.

  Blind greed and crazy anger

  drive them to He committed such a crime in his short life, and

  now he is immersed in sorrow and suffering forever in the boiling blood!


  Ronald recited the poems in the "Divine Comedy" unhurriedly, and the words describing the scene of hell. This slowly echoed in front of the two of them.


  In the vine maze, the black mist symbolizing the power of 'wrath' disappeared.

  Correspondingly, it is in the 'fighting arena' that was opened in the battle just now.

  The black mist that manifests the power of the blood river of hell.

  Slowly emerged at Ronald's feet.


  a soft sound, Ronald closed the pages of "The Divine Comedy - Inferno".

  Patricia looked at the man in front of her quietly.

  After he completed all these actions, the girl turned her attention to the "Original Code" in the other person's hand.

  "Ronald, what is this?"

  Patricia saw that "The Divine Comedy" was an original classic.

  But she did not choose to point it out directly, but waited for Ronald's answer.

  Hearing the meaning in Patricia's tone, Ronald smiled generously and said,
  "As you can see, this is the original code I used."

  While speaking.

  Ronald stamped his foot lightly.

  The black mist that was originally crawling under his feet suddenly penetrated into the surrounding grapevines like an arrow.

  To be honest, this fighting environment is perfect for him.

  ——Dark night.

  - Complex plant shadows.

  ——Walls of grapevines can be seen everywhere.

  The black mist formed by the power of 'rape' lurks in these environments and is extremely difficult to detect.

  And you can launch sudden attacks on the enemy at any time.


  There was silence for a few seconds.

  Patricia's expression was not too serious, and the topic did not focus on the original scripture in Ronald's hand:

  "What I'm more curious about now is the tone of your voice when you recited the incantation just now."

  "In my impression. Only a few people here can cast spells with such an attitude."


  Can that not be smooth?
  With a smile, Ronald looked at Patricia and explained:

  "The tone of my hometown dialect is like this."

  "It can only be said that it is more suitable."

  Patricia accepted Ronald's statement and at the same time shifted her gaze to the darkness in the distance.

  That's the direction the two investigators are laying a trap.

  "So next, you plan to use this kind of thing to deal with the enemy?"

  "That's right." Ronald admitted directly, "The spell I'm using now is for combat. It won't be too big to deal with these cult warlocks." Question."


  Patricia glanced over and said with a somewhat tangled tone:

  "The spells you have been using for feelings..."

  "Aren't they of the combat type?"

  Ronald replied:

  "Mainly for investigation capabilities."


  Patricia blinked with a cute expression, and finally couldn't help but burst into laughter:


  "Thank you for being able to hold it back."

  "Nowadays, anyone with some ability can They all want to let others know their abilities, and then take the opportunity to join the upper class of society."

  "I thought people like you could only be seen in fairy tales!" "


  Ronald scratched his hair . :

  "It's not that exaggerated, right?"

  "Actually, I just want to do what I want to do."

  Patricia's eyes recognized it, but her tone was a little disappointed and she said:
  "Do what you want to do."

  " What a good concept of life."

  After a few short conversations, the conversation between the two lasted just over two minutes.

  Not long after.

  The two investigators, Spencer and Kate, retreated from the maze of grapevines. Judging from their stable expressions, the trap in the plant maze has at least been set.

  Looking at each other, the investigators fell into absolute silence.

  Everyone was listening attentively to see if there was any movement from the direction of the cult warlock.

  Even Ronald is no exception.

  After all, the power of "The Divine Comedy" switched from 'Rage' to 'Rape', and Ronald's ability to perceive human emotions also disappeared, so he could only detect the changes around him with his normal sensory abilities just like everyone else.

  Boom -

  Suddenly, there was a relatively obvious explosion sound in the plant maze in the distance.

  Spencer and Kate immediately looked at each other, and immediately determined that the trap they set had been triggered.

  "Get ready."


  In an instant, the two investigators simultaneously activated the techniques they had prepared in advance.

  Boom, boom, boom—

  accompanied by their movements.

  From the grapevine maze in the distance, a denser explosion sounded immediately.

  With Ronald's excellent hearing, he could even tell that the explosion was mixed with human screams.

  The trap laid by the two investigators obviously achieved good results.



  Time passed little by little.

  But since the explosion just now, the plant maze in front has become quiet. There was no sign of the cultist warlock moving on, no reaction of other traps being triggered.

  The vineyard was eerily quiet at night.

  In the continued silence, the atmosphere on the investigator's side quickly settled.

  Everyone could vaguely feel that something ominous was brewing in the dark air in the distance.

  At this time, Spencer spoke:

  "Everyone, be careful, something seems to be wrong."

  He was certain that the trap he set did bring trouble to the cult warlocks.

  But at the same time, this group of enemies may also be causing new troubles.


  Suddenly, the four of them felt a slight vibration in the ground beneath their feet.

  Bang bang -

  bang bang bang -

  the vibrations coming from the ground were getting faster and faster.

  What followed immediately was the terrifying sound of plants being torn apart!
  It feels
  like a giant is walking out of the vineyard.

  The four people looked at each other, and they all saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

  What exactly did the cultists do?
  Soon, all the puzzles were solved.

  In the dark night, a bloody monster walked out of the vineyard.

  The bodies of many cult warlocks were twisted and twisted into a ball.

  The limbs and flesh were twisted and connected, and the rotten flesh and green pus became the connecting joints between their bodies.

  Ronald could vaguely tell that this flesh and blood monster was composed of the bodies of eleven cult warlocks combined together to form a huge flesh and blood sphere.

  And between the gaps of flesh and blood, the figure of the leader of the cult warlock was hidden in the flesh ball.

  The moment his eyes turned to Ronald and others.

  His expression turned bitter and vicious.

  Bang -

  I saw this monster with flesh and blood stitched together, stretched out a tentacle and hit the ground heavily, and it itself moved in the direction of Ronald and others.

  There is no need to say more about this feeling.

  It's time for a decisive battle!

  (End of chapter)

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