Chapter 1359 Panic

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  Chapter 1359
  When Catalina rushed forward in panic.

  What he carries in his heart is the determination to risk his life to save others.

  But before this will could continue, what happened ahead made her stop.

  Because... the Sphinx started to run away.

  In this maze challenge with unprecedented difficulty, the riddle questions and answers this time naturally increased the difficulty.

  But Naihe is a maze creature.

  There is a clear connection between the Sphinx and the world changed in "The Labyrinth Picture Book".

  And Ronald, a man who broke in many times and easily solved riddles many times, naturally became a terrifying existence among them.

  When they first surrounded Ronald, the sphinxes maintained their proper posture.

  But when someone recognized Ronald's identity, the two sides of the 'siege' were reversed, and the sphinxes on the field immediately fled.

  These winged creatures were like a flock of frightened birds, flying in all directions and quickly disappearing without a trace, without even giving Ronald a chance to speak!


  "Ronald, are you familiar with them?"

  Catalina walked up to Ronald, who had a dull expression, and reached out to poke the completely stunned man.

  "Look at how eager they are to escape. Did you do something bad to them?"

  Ronald came back to his senses and immediately shook his head in denial:

  "How is that possible!"

  "The ones in the maze a few times before. At all times, I always act according to their rules, so don't talk nonsense."

  Catalina sneered:
  "You said this, but I didn't see it in their reactions at all." "

  But then again, Luo Nader, why did you come here in such a hurry just now? You can't possibly just want to scare away these poor 'little birds', right?" "To

  say 'little birds' really underestimates them." Ronald sighed with emotion. , and then explained, "In the world of "The Maze Book", the Sphinx is a very important existence." "

  As long as we can pass their test, we will definitely get help in cracking the maze."

  After hearing this, Catalina frowned:
  "But they have all escaped now."

  Ronald's view was much more optimistic:

  "Don't worry, it's just the ones outside that have escaped. With such a big camp here, I'm afraid I can't find it. Are there other sphinxes?"

  After confirming the situation, Ronald and Catalina began to explore the camp.

  The homes built by the Sphinx are very unique. Many places have the style of ancient Greek architecture, and Egyptian-style houses can also be seen. They confirm whether there is a sphinx in a place by standing at the door and looking in.

  If you do this, you will soon be rewarded.

  When Ronald walked to the door of the third room, he immediately heard heavy breathing inside.

  He looked around and saw that there was indeed a Sphinx hiding inside.


  "I don't want to challenge you!"

  Ronald was about to say hello to the other party, but who knew that the Sphinx's reaction was extremely violent. It yelled nervously, and then rushed out like a bullfight.

  Ronald and the other two people at the door were unable to react in time.

  It actually ran out, flew into the sky, and soon disappeared.


  Ronald and Catalina looked at each other, both feeling a little embarrassed.

  This time, they blocked people at the door together, telling this guy to run away, no one could get away with it.

  In the end, he could only say with a wry smile:
  "Ronald, your reputation here is really not small."

  "Today's situation is really not what I want."

  After the conversation, the search continued.

  The sphinx that ran away seemed to indicate that Ronald and his wife had a bad trip. They searched nearly half of the houses in the east of the village, but never encountered a similar situation again.

  During this period, the Sphinx, who was farther away, noticed the arrival of the two men.

  So he rushed out of the house far away, and then flew into the sky to escape.

  Catalina commented on this:

  "Ronald, this can't go on."

  "If we continue to explore one by one, I'm afraid the entire tribe here will be scared away by us!"

  Ronald was very helpless about this.

  Normally, this Sphinx village should be very dangerous. For other maze challengers, it would not be an exaggeration to say that they would face life and death decisions step by step when they come to this place.

  But Ronald's reputation is too bad.

  The sphinxes, who were originally serving as a dangerous test, now all chose to escape.

  In this way, not only the originally terrifying test turned into such a leisurely stroll. Even the test rewards that should have been obtained have become stars in the sky that are out of reach.

  The current situation cannot be changed, and the options for dealing with it are very limited.

  In desperation, Ronald could only come up with a simple solution:

  "Katerina, you run to the south of the village, and I'll run to the other side of the village. Let's search inside together, move quickly, and we must not let Sphinx Si continued to run away!"

  Catalina didn't have any objections and immediately agreed:

  "Then do as you say, let's start quickly!"

  Once the decision was made, the next step was to execute it.

  Ronald and Catalina ran to one end of the Sphinx Village and then pushed inwards.

  The change in decision-making did not bring results at first, and the two still achieved nothing.

  But when Ronald searched the sixth house, the situation finally changed.

  Ronald cast his gaze into the room. In a corner of the room, he saw a shadow sitting inside, with a body that looked like the most typical Sphinx.


  Ronald shouted to Catalina, and he quickly blocked the door to prevent the Sphinx inside from escaping.

  However, the situation is somewhat surprising.

  This time, the Sphinx, who was blocked in the house by Ronald, showed no intention of escaping.

  Instead, after Ronald spoke, it bowed down bitterly and lowly.

  It looked like a human being lying on the ground when he chose to rot.

  "It's you again, it's you again!"

  "The maze is so dangerous to crack, why do you come in again and again?"

  "Human, can't you cherish your life more!"

  Ronald recognized this sweet voice female voice.

  Even the emotion in the other person's voice was unfamiliar.

  He walked forward and took a look, and saw that the other person was indeed the Sphinx he had seen in the maze several times before. It's just that the Sphinx is in a very bad state at the moment, and even has a look of being played and broken on his face.


  - No wonder the Sphinx in this camp knows him.

  They met again in the test of "The Maze Picture Book" and blocked each other in the room. Ronald was not too embarrassed.

  It’s just that the threat of the dust monster is right around the corner.

  In this situation where there was no room for wasting time, he had no choice but to say with a straight face:

  "Although I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

  "So - can we start asking questions now?"

  (End of chapter) )

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