Chapter 1340 Reporting

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  Chapter 1340 Report:
  Ronald was able to detect this bright light with his extraordinary eyesight.

  Although there are many magicians working near the pier, with their reconnaissance capabilities, they are unable to detect the changes coming from the distant coastline.

  "Look over there..."

  At the same time, Catalina heard Ronald's reminder and immediately looked into the distance.

  The body of the Astronomical Science Tower Master has long been transformed by magic to be completely different from that of humans. Katarina's pupils changed at a speed far exceeding that of normal creatures, and then the scene in the distance was reflected in it.

  Dots of bright lights are heading steadily towards the coastline.

  If you look carefully, you can even see the shadows formed by some lines behind the light.

  "There are shapes of ships in this light."

  Ronald also saw the same scene as Catalina:

  "Yes, there are people driving a ship... It should be said that it is a fleet of ships, heading here. Come."

  A fleet was approaching the city.

  Normally, Harmono would be able to handle this situation properly.

  But it just so happens that the war is ongoing now.

  Therefore, the purpose of the appearance of this fleet has to be directly questioned.

  Is it an arrangement made by the army of Linyin City before attacking the city? Or is it that Harmono, a city with a long history, also hides its own trump card beyond people's awareness?
  Ronald thought seriously, but his thoughts finally drifted to the conversation with Catalina just now:
  "Katrina, what did you say about the approaching of this fleet, and the 'if' mentioned in the [Psychohistory] prediction? Contact?"

  "I think..."

  Catalina was about to respond, but the words got stuck in her throat.

  Because right in the sight of the two of them, the fleet that was originally sailing towards the shore with lights on, turned out all the lights in an orderly manner from west to east at this moment!
  It may be due to the influence of the war between Harmono and the magicians of Shade City.

  Tonight around this area, a thick layer of dark clouds covered the sky, blocking all the starlight and moonlight from the sky.

  So, when this fleet also turned off its lights.

  Their figures were completely hidden on the dark coastline. Even Ronald and Catalina were now unable to determine each other's position from the sea just by sight.

  Seeing this situation, Ronald and the two looked at each other.

  Needless to say at this moment, the other party must be coming with hostility!

  This action, which is almost stuck at the limit of ordinary people's detection of the extinguished light, proves that the other party's intentions are evil!


  Catalina was about to say something, but Ronald shook his head and interrupted her:

  "Let's inform Warnerson first."

  "The situation is not yet such that we must participate in the war. At this point, ensuring the safety of this teleportation mage is our first priority."

  Hearing Ronald's clear-willed decision.

  The doubts on Catalina's face just now completely dissipated, and then turned into a satisfied and trusting smile:
  "No problem, I will listen to you."

  The two of them immediately rushed to Warnerson's location.

  They had already been here once in the evening, so it would not be too difficult to find the mage again.

  Within minutes, they saw the teleportation mage at the dock who was still supervising the work of the caster late at night. In front of Warnerson, there was actually a brand-new ship that was rushed to completion.

  ——The incredible shipbuilding speed!

  Anyone who has had relevant experience knows how difficult it is to build a ship.

  A simple raft can certainly be built in one day, but a multi-masted sailboat like this has a mature structure and is not small in size.

  Can be built in one day.

  Then one can only use the word "miracle" to describe the magic creation in front of him.

  "Mr. Warnerson!"

  Ronald sighed in his heart for a moment before he hurried up and called out the other person's name.

  The teleportation mage who was working all night turned his head.

  Although the night was dark, the dock was brightly lit due to construction, and he immediately recognized Ronald's face.

  "Is it you?"

  "What, you changed your mind? You can't even wait for the last half day, and now you want me to help you send yourself away?"

  Ronald shook his head and denied,

  "That's not the case, it's just us There is nothing to do at hand, so I plan to wait here for the time to come."

  Warnerson had no objection to this. After hearing the answer, he turned back to continue working without even looking at Ronald. seconds.

  "In that case, just stay aside and be careful not to delay our work." "


  The teleportation mage's serious attitude made people feel emotional.

  It's a pity that Ronald's purpose of coming here is no longer as simple as when he set out.

  Thinking of what he just saw, even to protect the mage who was about to help him teleport, he had to choose to warn you: "I think it's
  better to remind you of something."

  "When I came here just now, Catalina and I discovered a fleet of ships on the sea in the distance, which seemed to be heading in the direction of Harmono."

  Warnerson's figure froze in place for an instant.

  This mage is already quite old, and the spells in the original scriptures of his school do not have the ability to enhance physical fitness or extend life span.

  So when he turned his head and looked into the dark night.

  Except for the waves very close to the pier, which were illuminated by the brightly lit construction site, Warnerson's old vision was only pitch black, and he could not see what Ronald said at all.

  An idea flashed through the teleportation mage's mind.

  Would Ronald, who clearly wanted something for himself, joke with him about this kind of thing?
  How can it be!

  Warnerson did not hesitate for long, and immediately took out a bell from his robe and rang it.

  Dang, Dang, Dang -

  a crisp bell rings.

  At the same time, a short and brisk magic wave also spread out as the sound spread.

  After making this action, Warnerson stared at an unfinished multi-masted sailing ship on his left side.

  Not long after, a young man emerged from inside the ship under construction. What flashed through his eyes was still the trouble with problems during construction:
  "Mr. Warnerson, what do you want to see me for?" "

  But having said that, some of the wooden boards fixing the cabin were accidentally broken just now. I also wanted to..." "

  Alan, I didn't call you out for this reason. This!" The traditional mage immediately interrupted the young man's complaint, and then ordered in an extremely serious manner, "Immediately use your reconnaissance spell to see if anything is approaching from the coastline." "Hurry,

  this Very important!"

  "We may be facing a crisis here!"

  (End of this chapter)

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