Chapter 1336 The Trigger for the Future

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  Chapter 1336 Future Triggers
  "I'm sorry, it's not up to you to answer or not."

  Ronald admired the soldier's attitude, but this did not affect his idea of ​​asking for information.

  So while continuing to fly to Harmono.

  It was Ronald's turn to control the opponent's behavior with magic.

  "Now, let me ask you an answer."

  "Tell me the information honestly and don't lie."

  The spiritual power of "Divine Comedy" immediately bloomed in the air.

  Perhaps it was because of his admiration for the soldiers in front of him.

  While Ronald controlled the other party's behavior with his words and spirits, he also said a few more words than before.

  And this soldier, who had already been affected by Catalina's domination spell, was naturally unable to resist the dual influence of Ronald's spiritual speech spell at this moment.

  So it was only a moment after the magic appeared.

  The soldier's resolute eyes lost their sparkle and became dull without any trace of self.

  before Ronald started asking.

  Catalina on the side smiled and asked curiously:

  "Ronald, what do you want to ask this guy?"

  "What else could it be?" Ronald curled his lips slightly and didn't even turn his head. "Except ha." With Mono's current situation, I can't ask them what they are going to eat tonight, right?"

  The military leader who was under strict control immediately replied:

  "We carry three days' emergency rations with us to ensure that we are not affected by emergencies. , I will eat this tonight."


  Ronald was speechless for a moment.

  And Katrina laughed boldly:
  "Ronald, I like this guy very much. He is answering your question!"

  "I know!" Ronald rolled his eyes at Katrina angrily, and then Then he returned to the purpose of asking for information, "Tell me how far the war between the two city-states is currently going? What is the specific situation?"

  The soldiers in Linyin City under the control of magic began to tell the details:
  "Since early yesterday morning, our side The army has been attacking the city defense barrier of Harmono. During this period, the enemy continued to resist fiercely. We have extinguished four waves of counterattacks launched by the opponent. The front line is currently in a stage of continuous consumption..."

  The soldiers under the control of Yanling spoke in great detail.

  Not only did he explain the details of the fierce fighting between the two sides for nearly a day, but because of his status as the leader of the air force, he also obtained some secret details of the war.

  For example, three hours after their attack on Harmono.

  The leader of the Linyin City army has already made a judgment.

  At the current pace of consumption, Harmono's casters and summoned creatures should be able to last for another week, by which time the defensive barrier will be completely destroyed.

  And wait until the entire city's defense is breached.

  Since Harmono does not have any defensive fortifications such as city walls or moats in the usual sense, the battle will soon enter the inner city stage.

  At that time, Linyin City's army will launch an oppressive offensive from east to west according to the plan prepared in advance, and finally gradually drive the stubborn resistance forces of Harmono to the coastline.

  Hearing this, Catalina was a little curious about the war plan:

  "Why are you driving them towards the sea?"

  The soldier immediately replied:
  "It is very difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy in urban street fighting, especially in a forest city like this. We must use The fastest way to transfer the battlefield and reduce losses." "

  And Harmono's internal agents have reached an agreement with us in advance to help guide the enemy to flee. After completely conquering the city, they will evacuate on ships prepared in advance. By then, the remaining coastline will be Everyone below is the enemy we need to deal with."


  These guys have arranged quite comprehensively.

  The subsequent inquiries did not yield any other valuable information.

  So just like the soldiers from Boulevard City before, after questioning, Ronald and Catalina knocked the leader of the air force unconscious and then placed him in the forest.

  The two of them continued to take off and continued to rush back in the direction of Harmono.

  During this period, Ronald was thinking about whether he should tell Dalman everything he discovered.

  But after thinking about the people around me.

  He still asked Catalina a question first:
  "Katrina, if you use [Psychohistory] now, you should be able to get very different results from before, right?"

  This time it was Catalina's turn to ask Rona De rolled his eyes and then complained:
  "Ronald, I bet you that people working under you will be squeezed miserably!"

  before Ronald could refute this. , Catalina recited the spell first:

  "His name is Gale Donik, he was just a country boy, and he has never been to Trantor before. Or should be said, he has never really been here..." The spell was

  recited Out, Catalina once again fell into a state of deep calculation.

  As the two of them were active in Harmono in the past few days, [Psychohistory], which collected more information, began to exert its truly powerful effect.

  A few minutes later, Catalina came to an end from the complicated calculation.

  When she opened her eyes again, her eyes had changed from the teasing just now to extremely cautious, and then she accurately stated her calculation: "
  If there is no external interference, Harmono will successfully persist until reinforcements arrive, and then repel Linyin City. The attackers. And this war did not end there, and would even become the trigger for conflicts to break out in various city-states in the future. A protracted war that affects the entire continent will shroud this city for the next hundred years. On this piece of land."

  "In the end, an army from the west will end everything, and then establish a country on this land that will rule for a long time."

  Ronald never expected that Catalina would come to such a result. .

  It was inevitable to be a little distracted for a while.

  From the intelligence they had gathered before, they knew that there would be wars between the city-states on this continent. But I never thought that the war I witnessed would become such an important cause that would affect the history of the mainland!
  As for Catalina's last summary, the troops from the west.

  Ronald also had some corresponding views.

  After all, based on the geographical location of this continent, if you continue to the west, you will reach the continent of Latojoa, that is, the land where the countries [Gred] and [Entrod] are located.

  A land far away from the mainstream world for a long time.

  After a hundred years of war, and then coming into contact with the intervention of a powerful foreign army, if you think about it in the future, you will know that it will not be a wonderful destiny.

  Ronald was filled with emotion, and Catalina also noticed this.

  But the astronomy tower master did not pay attention to this. Instead, he asked another question in a different way:
  "Ronald, I think the focus is not on the back."

  "What we need to pay attention to now is what I said in the first sentence at the beginning. !"

  Ronald raised his eyebrows and his expression changed slightly:
  "You mean - 'if there is no external interference'?"

  (End of Chapter)

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