Chapter 1252 Burial of Fire

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  Chapter 1252 Burial of Fire
  "The greatest increase in labor productivity, as well as greater proficiency, skill and judgment in the use of labor, seem to be the result of division of labor!"

  In the flames that are so violent that they can burn everything, The sound of Ronald chanting a spell could be heard.

  The next second, the [Invisible Hand] comes into play.

  Although it was impossible to extinguish all the exaggerated flames, this spell still pushed a safe area around Ronald and Lilu.

  "What the hell is this? You just blew yourself up when you saw something was wrong?"

  After the flames were pushed away, Lilu, whose eyes were filled with astonishment, immediately cursed:

  "Even if it is an elemental life, there is no reason for such an outrageous reaction!" "

  ... "

  On the other side, Ronald also frowned.

  The personalities of these elemental beings really have the same attributes as the elements that make them up. This overly irritable personality can definitely become a very difficult matter even if the two sides are already in a hostile relationship that cannot be eased.

  From the meeting and raid to now.

  The fire element life that Ronald actually defeated was actually the one he imprisoned underground. However, who would have known - the second dead fire element actually exploded by itself!

  At this moment, new changes appeared around Ronald and Lilu.

  The flames that counterattacked by self-destruction did not disappear over time after being pushed away by the [invisible hand]. Instead, under the guidance of the teleportation circle, it turned into streaks of crimson light that gathered together, and finally completely integrated into the vortex of the circle.


  "Ronald, what's this?"

  Lilu, who was surprised by this scene, asked Ronald. However, before she heard any response, there was a sharp and piercing sound in the air. The two of them struck each other!
  Swish -

  Ronald and Lilu dodged at the same time, and then the long whip turned into flames hit the ground violently, and the traces on the ground burned rapidly, turning into walls of fire that isolated the space.

  ——This is naturally an attack launched by other fire elements.

  After experiencing the sudden loss of two companions, they began to encircle and suppress Ronald and Lilu with their rage and uncontrollable emotions driving their magic power.

  Facing such an enemy, Ronald became more and more serious.

  The abilities of these fire elements do not seem to be as powerful as the water elements controlling the sea, nor are they as grand as the giants made of earth elements. But on a practical level, these flames hide very dangerous powers.

  The power of the fire element is not just about playing with flames to burn something. It is the ability to control temperature and transform the state of objects.

  If you treat it like a simple flamethrower, it will definitely not end well.


  While adjusting his mentality, Ronald looked at Lilu next to him, and he immediately locked the target of [Original Sin of Greed] on the teleportation ring.

  ——The situation is quite bad.

  When a fire element actively self-destructs and turns into its energy source.

  This entrance, originally used to communicate with other worlds, now has the ability to connect all the magic circles in this world. As long as any fire element wishes, it can reach here through other magic rings.

  "Lilu, that thing has become a portal for transporting troops!"

  Ronald informed Lilu of the situation, and the mermaid's expression immediately darkened.

  Under normal circumstances, their wisest choice now is to destroy this magic ring. But the cost of such action is completely unpredictable.

  For example -

  if the three Catalinas who came here first entered this portal. So if it is destroyed now, does it mean that they cannot return to [Sifangtian]?


  "When fighting, there is no room for such hesitation..."

  Faced with the scruples and caution in his heart, Ronald made a quick decision and his eyes became firm.

  The attacks of the fire elements continued.

  These guys transformed their abilities into various forms, using flying birds, long whips, throwing spears, fishing nets, etc. to attack Ronald and Lilu from many directions.

  And once the attack hits the ground, it will turn an area into a sea of ​​fire.

  Even if Ronald can fly, if the situation continues like this, it will definitely cause trouble.

  "Lilu, please be safe!"

  Ronald shouted to remind his companions, and then [Sin of Pride] was activated by him.

  The ability of the spell that produces qualitative changes in its effect at this moment has completely exceeded the scope of Yanling.

  Ronald didn't even need to speak.

  The will arrives at various locations on the ground along with the magic power, and the power of dominance begins to affect everything in the world.

  Soon, the flames raging on the ground began to wither.

  Even the fire elemental beings in [Sifangtian] could not escape this control. The flames that made up their bodies immediately weakened, revealing a sense of inability to support their decline.

  "Despicable intruder!"

  "Don't think this can stop our hope!"

  Faced with this situation, the fire element did not choose to continue to fight against Ronald's spell.

  Their personalities are as intense as before.

  After only a few angry and hostile shouts, fiery red light bloomed on these elemental creatures.

  Boom boom boom——

  "Lilu, come up!"

  The moment the explosion sounded, Ronald took Lilu and fled high into the sky.

  Almost following their flight trajectory, the self-destructions of the fire elements below began to spread, and light and heat kneaded into a violent force that spread rapidly around.

  The ground is scorched and the air is twisted.

  Except that the teleportation ring survived and continued to gather the flames.

  The entire cold space was rapidly heating up in the continuous explosions, and it almost no longer looked like it was freezing. And close to the ground, the air becomes highly toxic due to drastic changes. Anyone who takes a breath is challenging the limit of his or her life.

  Lilu, who was carried into the air by Ronald and survived, shook her head violently and said:
  "It's too crazy, these guys are too crazy!"

  "For such a reason, they just committed suicide? Didn't they have a choice for life? Escaped?"

  Lilu could understand the extreme character of the fire element.

  But when such a tragic move happened directly in front of her eyes, the mermaid still instinctively thought it was incredible.

  The nature of life should be to live.

  The impact of the characteristics displayed by these fire element beings on Lilu was simply unacceptable.

  In response to Lilu's intense mood swings, Ronald comforted her:

  "Since it is a world completely occupied by magic, they must be different from our common sense in many aspects. So, Lilu, let's go on..." Brush

  - —Just

  before Ronald finished speaking.

  In the magic ring below responsible for crossing the boundary, the vortex formed by it began to show a dazzling red light, which also interrupted the conversation between Ronald and Lilu.

  Then, just one breath passed.

  A new fire elemental figure began to walk out.

  (End of chapter)

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