Chapter 112 The next morning

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  Chapter 112

  Before returning to Celephais the next morning, Ronald carefully put the notes in his jacket pocket.

  He has verified that there is nothing wrong with this notebook.

  There are no traces of magic or spell interference.

  It is simply a work record written by a researcher named Orr while recording his work, a written record that doubles as a diary.

  Under the starry night, the fishing village located on the seaside appears in the field of vision.

  All the scenery from far to near is no different from when you left.

  By the time Ronald returned to Celephais, it was already early morning.

  Many fishermen who are about to go out to sea are preparing for work.

  Fishermen still fear that fictional robbers will appear and disembowel their bodies.

  But they had no choice.

  If they don't go out to sea to fish, let alone their own family's economic situation, Celephis, a fishing village close to Burrenwich and relying on fishing as its main way of survival, will inevitably decline.

  It really has to get to that point.

  It's okay to say that the number is not large, but if hundreds of poor people with nothing to pour into the tourist city of Burrenwich,
  they will live in this environment.

  Of course the villagers of Celephasis knew what would happen.

  So from the beginning, the outcome was destined.

  Regardless of whether the investigators' operation is successful or not, people will not leave unless they kill the people in this town until they can no longer survive.

  The fishing life must go on.

  For the residents here, things are simple and straightforward.


  the southwest wind blew slowly in the distance, and Ronald quietly walked into the village.

  Breathing the salty sea breeze on the tip of his nose, he returned to the only church in Celephes.

  It's getting late.

  After nearly a full day of work, Ronald planned to take a rest first.

  When returning to Berenwich, maintaining high energy in advance is what he hopes to be in.

  Otherwise, given the current situation in Berenwich, he would really expect someone to suddenly throw an explosive corpse in front of him.

  Things that can serve as a cover for oneself are not always available.

  Without alerting anyone, Ronald climbed over the church wall into the courtyard.

  Because of the reasons explained before leaving, he didn't need to wake up the sleeping priest and just found an unused room to rest.

  The church had only hosted three investigators before, so everything was ready.

  Lie on the bed and finally hide the black mist at the doorway into the room.

  Before Ronald fell asleep, he reached out and touched the notebook in his pocket.

  Some of the damp paper pressed against my body, which made me feel uncomfortable.

  But just maintaining this state, he closed his eyes and gradually fell asleep.


  is a very ordinary night.

  No one bothered Ronald and he got a decent rest.

  When he woke up the next day, the priest had finished his work in the front chapel and was sitting on a chair to rest.

  Seeing Ronald walking out of the porch, he immediately waved his hand:

  "Mr. Ronald."

  "How was your rest yesterday?"

  "Not bad." Ronald nodded.

  He was not in a hurry to leave at this time, but planned to chat with the priest before leaving.

  Just like chatting between friends, he walked next to the priest with a calm expression:
  "Mr. Connie, I want to know something."

  The priest immediately nodded:

  "Please tell me."

  Ronald then asked:
  "Where are you? Before the original fisherman's family was killed, do you know that other people had similar situations?"


  The priest's face showed a thoughtful look, but then it turned into a bitter smile:

  "Honestly, I don't know much about this either. "

  Although Celephis is only a small place with a hundred people, and most of the residents are troubled by poverty, because it is relatively close to Burrenwich, a small amount of movement of people still exists." "It was there before

  . The possibility of someone being killed is actually not impossible." "

  But even if it exists, I don't know about it."


  Ronald was silent for two seconds before asking the question he really wanted to know.

  "So how much do you know about the murderer who caused this incident?"

  Upon hearing this question, the priest's eyes instantly became complicated.

  After a moment of silence, he said helplessly:

  "The child's name is Orr."

  "About a year ago, he took a ferry to Seraphis and said he planned to inspect the coastal situation on the Burrenwich side. , and then drew a detailed coastline map to present to the queen, just like other people on the mysterious side." "At

  the beginning, he showed a kind-hearted character, and he usually likes to play with the children in the village." "

  I am really I haven't found any clues."

  "If Mr. Willard hadn't been keen to find him, I'm afraid that the day it was my turn to be killed, I wouldn't have thought that he would be such a person."

  Based on his own monitoring of the mysterious personnel Dynamic responsibilities.

  When facing Ronald, the 'investigator', the priest was very honest in his description and had no intention of hiding his thoughts.

  And this result also confirmed what Ronald saw in the notes.

  ——This guy named Al was indeed a good person at first.

  It was only because of the subsequent research on the grimoire that it finally became what it is today.

  Then, here comes the problem.

  Where is the grimoire that has corrupted the mind of a man whose main job is deciphering? Where is it currently stored?
  Was it taken away by Mr. Willard and the others, or is it still hidden in the fishing village of Celephais?
  Ronald prefers the latter.

  After all, the church is also a mystical institution under the management of the Queen. Regular submission of written mystical records is the official work content.

  If the investigator recovers a magic book.

  So regardless of whether this thing is the original text or not, it should be introduced to the church members and then the information should be filed away.

  But yesterday afternoon, Willard and the other two investigators didn't mention this when they left.

  Judging from their attitude.

  It seems that he was simply acting as a normal cult warlock and attacking innocent people.

  Thinking of this, Ronald said:

  "So where did this man named Al live before?"

  Then the priest smiled bitterly and shook his head:

  "Mr. Willard and the others have already been there and found nothing. "

  There was no external influence from the book, nor was he forced by others. Everything was done by Orr himself." "."


  with such an answer, Ronald considered whether to take out his notes and let the priest read them. look.

  There was no secret involved in this thing, and he didn't mind letting the priest see it.

  Bang bang bang -

  but at this moment, the sound of rapid footsteps came from outside.

  A little boy wearing linen clothes ran out of breath into the church and shouted in embarrassment:

  "Father Connie!"

  "On the seaside. Someone was killed on the seaside again!"

  (End of this chapter)

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