Chapter 1089 The Great Maze

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  Chapter 1089 The Great Labyrinth


  The dark void completely collapsed, but the words of the old and wise elder were still in his ears.

  Such a simple reminder.

  Of course Ronald understood it instantly.

  But after careful consideration, he always felt that the great mage, who was full of wisdom, reminded him at the last moment, and seemed to have other meanings.


  Ronald stood there and thought carefully.

  Then, Ronald felt something was wrong.

  That he had escaped the cycle of history was confirmed in the ceremony performed by the Archmage.

  But now the strange changes around him have disappeared.

  But the scene in front of him was still pitch black, and even with Ronald's extraordinary eyesight, he could only vaguely see the shadows of some walls.

  During this period of time when he was in the cycle of history.

  The huge [Larchmont] island outside looks like this?

  There was no time to use [Sin of Greed] to lock the target.

  Ronald just had an idea in his mind, and the "Bradshaw Railway Guide" first provided a piece of information - [There is no train passing here, so the name of the place cannot be provided].


  "You arrived in time."

  Ronald muttered, and then felt something in his heart.

  Through the connection at the soul level, he immediately determined that El was not too far away from him at the moment.

  This guy has also escaped from the historical cycle normally, and the environment he is in is safe and sound.

  At least this is not some super expansion beyond imagination.

  With a little peace of mind, Ronald called El to come back to him, and then started [The Original Sin of Greed] to explore information about his location.

  ——Original realm: the great tomb of the unknown person.

  ——A huge area composed of original spells, which can trap anyone who steps within the area.

  ——Unless the trapped person dies or successfully escapes, this domain will not naturally dissipate even if the caster dies.


  "The Great Tomb of the Nameless One..."

  The moment [Original Sin of Greed] placed the information in front of him, the expression on Ronald's face changed.

  He didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

  Fortunately, Ronald already knew the original text that caused such a vision in his location through this brief description.

  This is actually the original version of the "Legends of Earthsea" series of books that evolved in this world.

  What's worrying is that because he is in other people's original domain, Ronald is not sure what the current situation of the magicians on the island is.

  If the other party casts such a spell with obvious threatening intent, then it is definitely not coming with good intentions.

  Then under the premise that the enemy attacks and successfully casts such a large-scale spell.

  The spell caster who originally sat on the island of [Larchmont] is now probably in dire straits.

  And as the historical cycle breaks, what is the current situation of those companions who should have escaped like themselves?

  Although there were many doubts in his heart, Ronald also knew that he should not hesitate at this moment.

  So he stretched his hand behind his back, preparing to pull out the Sword of Santa Caterina, and hit the wall in front of him first.


  "Damn it, it's still in that guy Yi's stomach!"

  Ronald caught it without any surprise.

  Because of the previous historical cycle, in order not to make the freshman Fischer suspicious, he gave the Sword of Saint Catalina to Il for safekeeping.

  During the following period, Ronald never had time to use this sword.

  So the final result.

  Now that he has left the historical cycle, Ronald is forced to say goodbye to his weapons!

  In the dark underground world, Ronald's face looked a little embarrassed.

  Fortunately, the surroundings were dark at this moment, and no one else was observing his stiff movement of hanging his right hand behind his back.

  So he calmly and quickly returned to his posture, and then recited a mantra:
  "Starting from the relationship between the entire earth and the sky, we will begin to form our understanding..."

  Ronald's first choice was naturally the "Almagest" 》The astrolabe in.

  Although the name of the spell field he is currently in is the Great Tomb, it is actually a huge maze set up deep underground to bury criminals, thieves, and sacrifices. Also sleeping among them are countless unknown people who are extremely dangerous and full of malice towards the world under the sun.

  Although Ronald is very confident in his own strength.

  But considering the terrifying power in the original work that symbolized the dark side of the entire world, he still did not intend to challenge directly with force.

  Therefore, according to the current situation, using the [Astrolabe] to survey the surrounding terrain clearly has naturally become the top priority.

  The spell was activated, and Ronald used magic to figure out the entire terrain of the underground tomb.

  This is a scary place with two exits to the outside world, both of which can be completely sealed.

  The total length of the tunnels in the Great Maze is more than twenty miles, containing countless detours, branches, spirals, dead ends, etc., and all passages are curved, forked, overlapped, branched, interlaced, linked, backtracked, etc. It forms an exquisite network of roads connected end to end, with no road in it being straight.

  With the entrance and exit closed, even if you walk here for days and nights, you can't find the exit at all.

  Because it doesn't lead anywhere!

  The great tomb was extremely dark, and there was no central structure that could identify its location.

  If you dare to raise the light that symbolizes the outside world here, you will immediately be discovered by the terrible darkness and then be swallowed up.

  Dangerous and terrifying spells must be treated with caution...

  Ronald made his own judgment, but what happened in the next second made his expression even more solemn.

  The detection range of [Astrolabe] is shrinking!

  The dark power of the Great Tomb is suppressing all magic here. If Ronald does not continue to strengthen his support for magic, then soon, the power of magic will completely dissipate under this oppression.

  Especially Ronald himself is an original code holder.

  His powerful spells are supported by the huge power of the original scripture, and are several times stronger than ordinary spell casters.

  Therefore, it can be foreseen that

  if an ordinary spellcaster enters this magic field, he will soon be deprived of all spellcasting abilities and eventually become an ordinary person without any extraordinary power.

  An ordinary person, in a completely dark underground maze with no way to find a way.

  Is it possible to get out alive?

  Thinking of this, Ronald couldn't help but frown.

  In such a desperate situation, the sinister intentions of the spell user have become obvious.

  So who would do such a sinister thing at a time like this?

  Logical inference does not need to be too complicated in relation to what happened before landing on the island.

  Almost a few breaths passed.

  A name naturally came to Ronald's mind - [Nine Rings Secret Society].

  (End of chapter)

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