Chapter 1072 The Unclimbable Stairs

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  Chapter 1072: Unclimbable Stairs

  After Ronald spoke, the two girls who were talking just now fell silent at the same time.

  The surrounding atmosphere also became weird.

  The stairs leading to the upper floors of the castle are far from the end, and it does take some time to walk through them normally.

  But the problem is -

  the three Ronalds have been moving forward here for some time.

  Afterwards, I looked back and observed again, only to find that they were not far from where they had just set foot!
  In any case, this is not the normal speed at which the three of them advance.

  The reason why Ronald was able to detect the problem one step ahead of the other two was because of his extremely keen perception ability, which allowed him to detect the fluctuation of magic power that had just passed by.

  But when he followed this discovery and observed it, he found that the fluctuation of magic power, which was extremely difficult to detect, had disappeared without a trace. After his eyes fell on the surrounding stairs, he realized the weird position of the three of them.

  "Boss, have we just been standing still?" After a few seconds of silence, El was the first to ask.

  "Perhaps we were controlled by some kind of space magic and were moved to a place close to the starting point without knowing it?" Fischer also put forward his own opinion.

  Regarding the two girls' respective thoughts, Ronald simply shook his head:

  "Unfortunately, I just discovered this problem and don't know the details."

  "As for what the situation here is like, let's actually test it. , you will know naturally."

  After finishing his words, Ronald took a step forward.

  He has a perfect self-protection spell like [End Page of Humanity]. When faced with such questions, he should naturally be the first to experiment.

  Then the first step fell, and nothing happened to Ronald.

  He looked back at El and Fischer, and the two girls also distanced themselves from him as he took steps.

  Nothing happened, everything looked extremely normal!

  So Ronald continued to move forward, taking the second and third steps on the stairs without deviation...

  Finally, after continuing to advance thirty-nine steps in this way.

  The moment Ronald took the fortieth step forward, the magic wave he had just perceived appeared again.

  He just didn't wait for him to observe the situation and experience the actual changes in detail.

  The next moment that connected in Ronald's coherent thoughts was the scene where he had returned to the position where he first climbed the stairs.


  This is a very special process.

  Although he was sent back to his original position very quickly and the surrounding scenery changed extremely quickly, Ronald didn't think there was anything weird about such an unexpected thing.

  In fact, if he hadn't discovered this special reentry mechanism in advance, his attention would have been focused on this aspect.

  Then after being sent back to his original position, I am afraid that he himself will not be able to notice the weirdness of this incident, and will only think that this is what should happen when he climbs the stairs.


  "Isn't this just a ghost beating a wall..."

  After complaining in a low voice, Ronald still focused on El and Fischer.

  Compared to themselves who were within the scope of the spell's influence, these two girls must have seen what happened just now more clearly.

  "El, what happened in your perspective just now?"

  Hearing Ronald ask, El immediately responded, but his tone and expression were a little confused:

  "Boss, I... I'm not sure."

  "From my perspective just now, you just walked there, took a step forward, and then returned to the lower position in the blink of an eye. During this period, I didn't find anything extra. It was as if you were moved out of thin air?

  " After giving an explanation, El thought of something again, so he gently pointed his finger at his chest:

  "And not only the visual observation of the two eyes is like this, but also in the special feeling between the two of us, you are also very abrupt. It was moved to this position."

  What El's specially made was naturally the connection between her and Ronald at the soul level. After all, it is a part separated from his own soul, so in this regard, El can make very accurate judgments.

  After Ir finished answering, Fischer on the side also expressed what he had just seen:
  "Although I don't know much about the special connection between you two, Ronald, the picture I just saw is completely consistent with Ir ."


  The statements of Il and Fischer explained what they had just experienced.

  But after just hearing these descriptions, Ronald felt that it was not safe enough, so he winked at El and immediately pointed to the stairs in front of him: "
  El, you can go up there and try."

  "Huh?" Obviously she didn't expect to face such an order, but after all, it was Ronald's order. Even though the expression on her face was as uncomfortable as stepping on dog shit, she still walked forward honestly, but she didn't forget what she said. Repeated many times, "Boss, please take good care of me."

  "If something goes wrong, you will never find an obedient pet like me again. That's not worth the loss!" As soon as the

  words fell, Il Then he walked up the stairs honestly.

  On the other hand, Fischer, who heard this, was shocked, and then turned back to look at Ronald:
  "El... pet..."

  Ronald pretended not to see Fischer's surprise. expression.

  He stared wholeheartedly at El who was walking up the stairs. When the distance was about the same, Ronald activated the [End Page of Humanity] to ensure that he was not affected by other inexplicable spells.

  Then, the same scene as before appeared.

  El still came to the same position on the stairs as Ronald.

  No other characters arrived subsequently, and there was no interference from some kind of facility. El disappeared from his original position in the next second, and then immediately appeared at the beginning of the entire flight of stairs.


  Faced with this situation, Ronald frowned slightly but did not speak immediately.

  However, Il, who was below, confirmed that there was no damage on his body, and immediately showed a flattering smile to Ronald:

  "Boss, it seems that we are both in the same situation."


  At this time, Fischer beside him felt a little confused. Can't stand anymore.

  Seeing Ronald's master and servant trying to take personal risks, she was unwilling to stay out of it at this time.

  "Ronald, El, I'll try other positions. You guys are optimistic about me."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Fischer jumped down from the stairs and recited a spell.


  The spell was successfully activated, and a powerful force immediately erupted from the red-haired girl's feet.

  Immediately afterwards, Fischer jumped up from the ground.

  She wasn't planning on setting foot on the stairs at all, but was preparing to use sheer strength to support herself and rush to the higher floors from other directions.

  However, soon, Fischer's figure flying upward suddenly disappeared in mid-air.

  Just like Ronald and El who were walking up the stairs just now.

  Her figure appeared in the castle again and returned to the ground where she started!

  (End of chapter)

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